Watch The Throne NYC Listening Session
August 2, 2011 @ 9:27 AM EDT

Good question. Just a few weeks after Jay held his own, The Throne held a listening session last night at the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan. Guests included Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, DJ Khaled, Pusha T, Busta Rhymes, Q-Tip and more. Watch The Throne drops digitally August 8 on iTunes and in stores August 12.
Damn this will flop hard
Private?? I think half of NY was at that bitch Ha!
Kanye has been hitting the gym
Normally I dont comment on these niggas appearances, but why is Jay wearing boots in the summer time? Ok ok ok, thats enough about that.
@YN Thanks for filling my Timeline on Twitter up with random niggas talking about classic this shit was. Fuck you nigga. I got the point after the 5th one. You Retweeted like 100 of ’em. Thats overboard and unnecersary. Get off these niggas dicks. Niggas had to mute your ass for the night.
Im sure it was dope. Just dont know why it hasnt leaked yet
That’s wassup! Gonna cop both a digital and physical copy! One for the iPod and one for the stereo speakers……. And that cool @$$ CD case! Ha!
But still can’t believe they’re putting an album out this early without a music video being shot or any type of promotion really. That’s kinda bold… Even if it is by… ‘The Throne’ lol
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Hey Elliot if you are reading this…I need a job and Big Homie is slacking…he didn’t put a coma after Pusha T….
lmao @ Mook
Jay z should have a threesome with bey and kelly rowland…lol
[…] ” The Throne held a private listening session last night at the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History. Guests included Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, DJ Khaled, Pusha T Busta Rhymes, Q-Tip and more. Watch The Throne drops digitally August 8 and in retail stores August 12.”-RR […]
I’m extremely surprised it hasnt leaked!! Does anyone know why it hasnt yet?? I guess Jay was telling Angie on Hot97 why it hasnt leaked but i didnt get to hear it.???? Anyone know why??
best album eveer
Being that Jay leaked the “personal” subject matter pertaining to the album, i am even more eager to hear it. Im not a huge fan of the Otis production but that wont stop me from DOWNLOADING from iTunes and copping from Best Buy.
@Negrito GOOD! some other People Who actually BUY music and Supports Music They Like!
I’m both Jay n Kanye fan but for some reason i m nt feelin otis…hope the album is dope
Jay-Z is the most powerful rapper alive. Watch the Throne is going to be a classic for sure.
The Throne > Bad Meets Evil >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lil Wayne and Drake.
Where are they now?
Jay-Z is the most powerful rapper alive. Watch the Throne is going to be a classic for sure.
The Throne > Bad Meets Evil >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lil Wayne and Drake
Where are they now?
Rap Radar and every other blogger are major cock suckers. Running around talking about how its inspirational and life changing. Nigga please. Just trying not to step on any toes so that you get an invite in the future. Bitch.
@The Cold Black,
The Throne > Bad Meets Evil >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lil Wayne and Drake <— cosign with that, but lets wait for the album to drop and then we will argue about if it is a classic or not
Fuck these rich fucks im dl this shit they dont care about their fans
@word yo I was wondering the same? But I think it havent leak bc they arent sending tracks across the net? Prolly traveling pro. back and forth(rich nigga shit) I give it a day or two tho
@beyounce pic
DAMN she is sexyy DAMN
[…] did a pretty good run down of the songs, but you can see some more photos snagged from RR after the jump. Watch The Throne digitally hits the internet streets August 8 and will be in stores […]
cant wait to hear this shit .. so much hype ..
stop with the jay vs eminem or bme vs wtt .. enjoy the fuckin music till you can .. when people like eminem and jay will retire you may wanna compare who´s better between waka and gucci ..difficult one
YN and his staff, really need to do some fact checking, instead of taking an artist word for trailblazing a new idea. As I recall in in 2009 after 50 cent album(BISD) was leaked. He had reached a deal with itunes to release it a week prior to the actual CD release, and this is what he did. But, the re-writers of history i.e. Jay Z dick riders will give him credit for once again following someone else lead. Do your research people these blogs are agenda driven based on favoritism.
BISD leaked like 2 months early dumbass. it was his attempt at damage control. get your facts straight
can´t wait to listen to this shit .. so much hype least here
stop with the jay vs eminem or bme vs wtt .. enjoy the fuckin music till you can .. when people like eminem and jay will retire you may wanna compare who´s better between waka and gucci ..difficult one
FloKaveLLi again the premise is the same no matter how much you’re hurt. Let me ease your pain. Many artist have resorted to releasing digitally prior to the brick and motor copy. Its nothing new, I gave you the first example of when it took place and yes it was damage control. But to say someone pioneered something that has been going on for 2 or more years. Is to say Columbus came to America and their were no Native Americans. It flies in the face of reality and conventional wisdom. You’re probably a JayZ fan so if this is too complex for you, I can dumb it down.
fucka BISD
is that shit even worthy of mentions in the same post as this project?
by the way…did curtis wash that fucking soul glow off his fucking cranium yet?
I’m just waitin 4 this shit to leak then make bootleg copies…fuck these niggaz.
are you stricken with ADD or you’re an idiot? this is not about an artist its about a method distribution and the so-called pioneering of it. Stay focused you may learn something. Stop being a “regurgitator” and stating something as fact and research and learn something on your own.
says the self proclaimed “dumb dumb”
shall I continue?
Challenge the veracity of my knowledge and you will find, that the name is a pseudonym.
fam..lmao..its quite alright need to over abuse the dictionary and pocket thesaurus in your possession..i swear on everything i could care less..LMAO
[…] Rap Radar […]
WTT!!!!! Ill be in the house in PHILLY!!! And I’ll be checking out the rips until my pre-order arrives…I don’t think it’ll hit the net util the 8th , when Itunes gets it…Jay-Z>Than your favorite rapper…
damn…Jay-Z only got 2 nuts pause……how da fuck he gonna feed all of yall??? smh
I sat back and listened to grown men make fools of themselves last night. I am pretty sure that #WTT will be a good album, but honestly the way that most of you are praising this album went waaaaay past D**k sucking. Most of the writers and tastemakers were being a bunch of Yes men with hopes of gaining more industry friends. I will tell you this, as a man you should never submit your manhood the way most of you are doing. you sound like a bunch of screaming 13 year olds with Beiber fever. I am a fan Jay and Ye’s music, but you super duper yes men are doing more harm than good by setting the expectations of this album so high. Otis is a regular track….. they both said some hot lines, but nothing different than what they normally spit. The beat is ok, but let some of you tell it, it is the greatest beat you ever heard. Jay z and Kanye are friends to none of you, so just stop it. Get up off of your knees and be a man. One day you D*ck suckers and yes men will realize that you are “only a customer”. Real will always recognize real. remember that! Jay and Ye laughed amongst themselves about all of the pole jockin you did last night.
Owwww! Bey is so HOT! btw I would give everything I have to be at that session 🙂
it hasn’t leak because he didn’t give it to the retailers yet, he is releasing digital then physical to avoid leaks at the warehouse and hackers. he did say retailers where mad but he believed he should be able to do what he want if he spent 8 months working on piece of art.
Black shady lets be real your name say it all ?kettle calling the pot black?ass nigga
Did you know Russell Simmon invented hiphop? haha
not the same logic but I agree with what youre saying? but then again that YN nigga? would leave his wife for Joe Camel? no pause
@dumbdumb, its BRICK & MORTAR…know the term before you call yourself trying to use it!!!
Any man who calls himself dumbdumb is indeed that.
You’re bring up 50Cent?? Haha…dude has NO pop culture relevance at this point in time, nor moving forward. Cue the “he got money talk now….” I’ll put it to you like this 50’s Curtis album was the beginining of the end. When he challenged someone with real artistic integrity, he actually exposed himself for a lack thereof. Its cool when he’s just coming at spitters (ie Jada (dope), Game (good), etc). But when he went at Kanye…had slick sht to say about Jay (who ignored him lol)…tried the beef campaign ONCE again…even the laymen fan like yourself OR MOST of them, saw him for what he is..smoke & mirrors. I applaude him to be able to get that much $ in a short time. But at this point he’s better off being a VC and just running his businesses bc as an artist, he’s a one trick pony.
And just to answer all the questions about the leaking…its didn’t leak because Jay & Ye didn’t allow it to. Things like that only happen when there is a lot of digital/emailing back and forth. Its usually done by someone in the camp. Its harder to leak when you KNOW that only say…7-10 people were a part of this creation. That way you can pinpoint the culprit, which in turn will fk up the culprits future money.
My penis hurt from YN riding it so hard owww!
Aye converse, lol, let that over analytical “GENIUS” live..we know too little..where his IQ is MENSA..especially when it comes to hip hop
and damn, why do genuine fans have to be dick riders?
i mean theres no doubt that these 2 will die amongst the top niggas are retarded
its gonna be pretty fly, these are established artists. accustomed to success, you really think they are gonna drop something thats not hot to an unbiased ear? shieeee, y’all are tripping.. this aint dick riding.. every album platinum is a fact, 27 grammies between them is a fact.. haha. i dont even know why this is an issue.. some ignant as nigga is gonna call me a dick rider for this but you just salty.. it might be something in your personal life, you just dont want to see a nigga succeed.. get your bread up, get your respect up, dont be mad cause someone else getting his..
these dudes run the game..
hov and his affiliates are the top names in the industry.. its just a fact..
luckyp speaks the truth..
Rap Radar has to be the home of Eminem and Jay-Z/Kanye stans. I’m not saying those artists aren’t good, but you people dickride TOO MUCH.
I’m not messin’ w/Rap Radar no more. Ya’ll jock ridin’. Ya’ll need to be ashamed of ya’ll selves.
Way to call it. These “tastemakers” are dick riders str8 up. The industry is gettin’ smaller everyday and these clowns are as bad as The Source post Made Men 4.5 mics for whatever that album was. Where is the credibility in hip hop? I think Jay-Z and Kanye West are two of the dopest rappers in history, but that Otis record ain’t better than 1/2 of their singles…
“jimster how is it dickriding if i truly like a song though.. its all opinion dude..
@Smh and @lucyp Jayz two dick rider! Faggots!
aye @SMH these niggas are lost..theyve drowned themselves so far in trying to appear as a supreme macho being..that they cant even admit when they enjoy certain what was considered love in the 80s-90s now equates to dick riding..
shits crazy, LMAO
I believe for the most part the dick riding statements are being directed at the journalist for not being objective in the process of reporting in a disinfected way. And those stating as much are put off by the process of journalist or bloggers who are privy to access bow down to an artist for access. Cheapens them and they lose credibility in anything they say about the artist is tainted. I can’t trust a review from a fan about an album because they lose objectivity they are narrowly focused.
From my perspective “Fanalist”( Fan and Journalist ) my made up word, are the worst, they push their favorite artist instead of the Genre.
I believe for the most part the dick riding statements are being directed at the journalist for not being objective in the process of reporting in a disinfected way. And those stating as much are put off by the process of journalist or bloggers who are privy to access bow down to an artist for access. Cheapens them and they lose credibility in anything they say about the artist is tainted. I can’t trust a review from a fan about an album because they lose objectivity they are narrowly focused.
From my perspective “Fanalist”( Fan and Journalist ) my made up word, are the worst, they push their favorite artist instead of the Genre. If you’re going to be agnostic about your blog be that, I can go to the artist website for dick riding.
@ dumb dumb
Well put…
womp womp womp @dumb dumb
Well. Some people really are excited for this album. It might be dicksucking from what you’ve heard other people say. I agree not all Jay-Z and Kanye tracks are the best. But theres a line between dicksucking and being formally hyped up for the album. If we generally say ‘we like the artist a lot and want to hear it badly’, is it dicksucking? nah man.
Liking a song is one thing, but to continuously display Exaggerated Excitement about something that you know is mediocre at best is a travesty. I doubt that you can honestly say that “Otis” changed the game and artist need to go revamp their whole project because of it. Otis is a good song and i am pretty sure the album is good. so this is no disrespect to their art, but it is a PSA to those Tastemakers, Writers, and radio personalities. “You will get no where being a YEs MAn”
bey looks so cute
otis is trash
Man hip hop stay losing. The reason people come to the blog is because they like music and the artists in the game. If someone thinks an artist is dope, great. Only a real fuckin loser feels the need to come on here and post shit about dickriding and talking shit about people who stay winning year after year. Seriously, GO OUT AND GET YOURS, YOU’RE DOING THE SAME SHIT AS THE “DICKRIDERS” BY WASTING YOUR TIME POSTING HATE SHIT…
Jay grew in fuckin Marcy. Had nothin. In fifteen years the guy went from that to dropping 11 number one records, is now worth over 500 million, and has managed to stay relevant in hip hop longer than anyone. Dude makes real, good music. If you don’t respect that than you’re retarded. Plain and simple.
this will be album of the year by far……sorry Drizzy
It hasnt leaked becuase they did not record in any studio. they recorded in hotel rooms and regular engineers that they normally work with didnt work on the album. the producers havent even heard the final versions of the songs that they submitted beats for. This info was courtesy of dj Envy from 105.1..he said it this morning.
lmao “dumb dumb” is trying so hard to look smart but he messes up so many common phrases its hilarious
I will give the album a chance.
What is everyone’s deal? these are two great artists that continue to influence hip hop culture and force other artists to elevate the music they make. Is it that hard to be congratulatory towards two men who have earned their way to success?
I can’t wait until Miss Independent Woman Movie comes out I heard
this will be a major great film to see , people are talking about this film worldwide
[…] by: Big HomieNew Music: 50 Cent “I’m On It”Posted by: B.DotWatch The Throne NYC Listening SessionPosted by: Big HomieYN Blackout What more can I say to you? You've heard it all. And we've been […]
[…] big square. Ha! Oprah’s BFF was one of the attendees at The Throne’s listening session Monday night and gives her viewers her experience from the event. Watch The Throne in 5 […]
i wish artists didn’t leak their own shit and deny it…theres a reason this cd hasn’t leaked..because neither of them leaked it…and like a lot of other cd’s that should have done better had it not been leaked this one i bet will be have retarded huge first week sales since the first listeners will be forced to go buy it on the first day that potentially would have downloaded it and then all the people who normally buy cds will go buy it anyways
[…] big square. Ha! Oprah’s BFF was one of the attendees at The Throne’s listening session Monday night and gives her viewers her experience from the event. Watch The Throne in 5 […]
[…] big square. Ha! Oprah’s BFF was one of the attendees at The Throne’s listening session Monday night and gives her viewers her experience from the event. Watch The Throne in 5 […]
i don’t think that ANYONE has ever said that the single “Otis” is the best song ever made by them… NO ONE! so why is that even an argument? it’s a good song, and it’s the song of the moment… you can tell because 100 artists already did their own version of the song before they even had an official instrumental….
stop the senseless hating please