New Video: Beyonc
August 25, 2011 @ 8:18 PM EDT

[vodpod id=Video.15323810&w=540&h=350&fv=videoId%3D1129030298001%26playerID%3D45855209001%26playerKey%3DAQ%7E%7E%2CAAAACoDEbrE%7E%2CSpENPjUFEzKHq4lKMxFSIdJl6xe-ehj1%26domain%3Dembed%26dynamicStreaming%3Dtrue].
That equals 2. And for Bey’s latest seductive visual, Hov’s ol’ lady keeps it hot, wet and steamy. That is so ice cold. 4 in stores now.
damn she bad!!!!
she got my dic* harder than concrete. id fuck jayz to get to beyonce hahhha
(sweaty palms.)
Big Homie, turn the autoplay off the embed!
“She got a puurty mouth….” (slingblade voice)
jack off material
this aint hip hop
hov aint worried about wayne…not when you laying next to this every night ha!
This dumb bitch still learning simple addition. Ice T got the best wife in the game.
“Real Nigga” you bumped ya head, Coco all plastic
best song on the album
Easily the BADDEST CHICK in the game.
Jay won!
@ dickinyamom, so if you was horny ass hell and Coco and Beyonce came in yo room butt naked, you would pick Beyonce over Coco ?
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@RealNigga that is an awesome question two totally different women; I think I would choose Coco
just for the fantasy reasons but Beyonce is a different type of woman more classy even though Coco
is also marraige material, but I think Coco would be more fun. But I know 1 thing NO ONE
and I mean NO ONE can touch Beyonce in the singing department, she can sing everything even
@ Craig, hell yeah. So I got another question. Same situation but Alicia Keys or Jennifer Lopez, and Rihanna or Kelly Rowland ?
this nigga beyonce is a cornball, lmao. she bad though.
I had to mute after the ” I don’t know much about algebra but I know 1+1=2″ line. Really?
She’s a bad bitch and everything but damn.
Millions of dollars and she doesn’t fuck with basic mathematics?
1 + 1 = 2 knowing is half the battle.
if you have testicles and a penis, there’s no reason for you to listen to this song and be inspired and/or like it. she ain’t make it for. i don’t care if the production aesthetic is dope or her vocals or strong, this is not music for males to be listening to by themselves. shoutout to music videos and mute buttons.
smh at guys saying there honry i bet in bey’s head she only made this video and thought about shawn corey carter the whole time.
@ cece, Shawn corey carter ? Really ? Ok, first Im mad that you know jay z middle name. 2nd, Im really mad that you felt the need to put his whole real name. Smh
@realnigga Jennifer Lopez over Alicia Keys because for some reason I don’t really like Alicia like I was starting to at one point(neither blow my mind though)Jennifers legs are top of the line..
And Rhianna over Kelly Rowland because she is just sooooooo fuckable I say she would be the perfect fun girlfriend; I like Kelly as well but Rhianna wins this by alot.
@ Craig, yeah I would pick Jennifer Lopez because they both fine as hell but Jennifer is a probably a little sexier and I remember a time when Alicia Keys didnt really look like nothing. Back like 7 plus years ago when she used to wear those hats. She wasnt that thick then. And I would pick rihanna over kelly cause she sexier and way freakier.
Damn she is glistening like jemaine jacksons face
@real nigga
i’d pick coco over Bey if it’s one night, cuz I don’t see Bey being a freak, even though she makes all these videos. i can’t see her swallowin and not bein grossed out…… but Bey got that LOOT, so i’d pick her to marry.
JLO over Alicia, cuz JLO got that ASS……. Alicia is fine, tho.
Im not attracted to Kelly Rowland. Riahanna can get it. Ill bet Rihanna is a wildride in the sack, and wont turn away when u buss on her face….
hov aint worried about wayne
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haha jay stays winning , #babymoney
I just came all over! I wanna fuck Alicia Keys in that all natural ASS! For some reason I just want a blow job from Rihanna. Jay-Z and Beyonce prolly live in diffrent section of their mansion and sleep in diffrent beds.
beyonce is the best in the game and got my dick on natural hard