The Breakfast Club Interviews Mac Miller
August 26, 2011 @ 10:21 AM EDT

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Mac Miller made his first guest appearance with The Breakfast Club on NY’s Power 105.1. Forgive Charlamagne’s insolence, but Mac explains why he’s holding out from the major labels, losing his virginity, and Donald Trump’s co-sign. Blue Slide Park coming this Fall.
Charlamagne is such a dick. What type of name is that anyway? Sounds like a tranny name from the 70’s. #fucktard
“isnt it the guy that signed with Diddy right?” – Charlemagne
why dont I believe Mac first time story? lmao nigga u still a virgin hahahaha
and dont get me started on that Em comparaison…
Charlamagne was mad disrespectful, but Mac took it in stride. On another note, not feelin’ his music at all.
lol charlamagne is a fool..hahaha
Target celebrating their 30th anniversary by giving out giftcards ..up to $1000..crazy!
dammm mac was stoned as hell
Mac Miller is going to take down angela yee. I think she might be feelin him.
its funny this dude keep getting things wrong namin off things other white rappers been up to on purpose yet he knew Donald trump cosigned him. Its cool for this guy to do his thing and be a smart ass but this nigga wanna PLAY dumb is whack. he would def be a problem with me and my craft. get pulled out the station.
Rude interview. You’re a radio dj and this kid is blowing up.
”you don’t wan’t those Eminem comparisons cause in the long run they can hurt you, they’re gonna hear you thinking you’re as lyrical as Eminem and when they hear you they’re gonna know you’re not as lyrical as Eminem and be like ehhhh”
he says like a billion times
Charlamagne is an asshole. He only tries that crap with people who won’t punch him
Haha everything he said is true?!
Charlamagne is sureee sweating this Machine Gun Kelly dudes DICK. Mac Miller looks annoyed whenever Charlamagne or Angela interuptted him. lol