FUSE Interviews Memphis Bleek
September 19, 2011 @ 3:18 PM EDT

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Memphis Bleek recently caught up with the folks over at FUSE. He speaks on going independent and his approach to the tracks on his long-delayed project, The Process.
Since no one is gonna making a comment I will because I fill bad for Memphis Bleek. J. Cole will be were M. Bleek is in 2 years. SAD
“i wanna do it all myself , i wanna put all my own money that jay-z gave me into it” Wait how old is this dude any way?
“J.Cole will be were M. Bleek is in 2 years. SAD” – Diggy Simmons on RR
^ haters cant help but hate. its too late….Cole bout to takeover the industry. 8 days left haters. ITS TOO LATE…
Fuse must be doing real bad, they interview this dude.
Memph Bleeka!
@Diggy Simmons
get your proofread on.
haha@”Fuse must be doing real bad, they interview this dude”…Back in the day Bleek was my favorite ROC artist. Now dude is just a bum. Him and GEDA K back in the day was SICK.
Good to see Bleek still on his music hustle. Just coz you ain’t on a major no more doesn’t mean you cant make music and get paid good money. Bleek got a lot of history and fanbase from the ROC days so I think dude is good money independent.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B84WF91U2bE&w=420&h=315%5D
“understand me still,i never enjoyed success but my family will”
bleek is the man …indie is the right move
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has there ever been a more under achieving rapper than bleek?