Mac Miller Blue Slide Park Tracklist
September 27, 2011 @ 12:43 AM EDT

Mac slid through Ustream last night and revealed the 16 titles for his debut, Blue Slide Park. The album drops November 8th, but you can now pre-order it here.
01. English Lane
02. Blue Slide Park
03. Party On Fifth Ave
04. PA Nights
05. Frick Park Market
06. Smile Back
07. Under The Weather
08. Of The Soul
09. My Team
10. Up All Night
11. Loitering Album Only
12. Hole In My Pocket
13. Diamonds & Gold
14. Missed Calls
15. Man In The Hat
16. One Last Thing
fuck this cracker, this album is spam
No features? Bold.
WTF is this ish a Pink Floyd 80’s cover ? What a hideous fake art cover that perfectly matches this punk.
This may or may not be good…
so quick to hate on such a chill artist. Why even take the time to post negativity
Wack!!! this nigga is really weak. Charlemagne was keepin it 100 when he was on the Breakfast Club
A chill artist ? For Donald Trump maybe. Dog you have no taste in hip hop no hate SMH
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I’m confused this Guy get props because of….? he isn’t good
the next eminem. fucking not fuck this shit……
You can’t ask Shady to go back to when he was the angry blonde at 26 years young. You can’t ask Hova to have the swag and hunger he had back when he was surviving in the Marcy projects. You can’t ask Nas to make another Illmatic at this stage of his career. You can’t ask Biggie and Pac, or Big L and Proof to come back from the dead. You can’t ask Snoop Dogg to erase the past 5 years of his career and make another Doggiestyle. You can’t ask Dr. Dre, at around 50, to make another classic album with Detox. You can’t ask YMCMB (even Drake) to be better than they actually can (making music for teenagers or immature adults)
Esco said it best: Hip Hop is dead …
Wow @ madworld… Agreed. I with Jay was in Marcy cause WTT was the worst ive ever heard.
illmatics cover wasn’t anything crazy.. don’t be to quick to judge. this could be a good album and hiphop isn’t dead quite yet since coles album is goood
Mac Miller is OVERRATED but sadly he is going to sell 900,000 copies like Carter 4 cause every HYPEBEAST and WHITE KID is going to buy the album,Smh take care.
This ain’t real shit..I want that real hiphop shit…
That gutta shit..shit niggas could relate while we but these guns..real niggas do real things…niggas soft now days…niggas gotta learn how to act aroun real niggas..I’m tired if corny niggas getting in these real niggas lanes..where French Montana at? Where papoose?
I still wish PAC was here shit would be alot different..real niggas would be in the forefront of this rap shit…
Real niggas do real things..I can’t stress that enough!!! I’m just tired of trying with these niggas…but i’m out..shout out to the real corny gay nigaas….REAL niggas!!!
@JoeyCrack…..Not every one of us can relate to selling crack, being in the hood. To be honest, the average person in America cant relate to that at all. Some of our parents have good jobs, some of us didnt get a bitch pregnant at an early age. Some of us did the right things. Why cant rap have balance. JCole, Drake, Immortal Technique, Mac Miller, JayZ, Mos Def, etc. There is balance. Whatever it is u like, its out here for u. So why complain about HipHop being dead when theres good music for wat ever ur preference is. I dnt wanna hear that guns and poverty shit all day. Cus not all of us grew up like that
Dude’s on his hustle no doubt… Not sure it’s my bag but good luck with the album Mac.
I agree with Donn. Rap is for everyone. Someone on here once said that hip hop is evolving similar to how rock and pop music have. It’s becoming weird and versatile. That always stuck with me. As a noob MC myself, I am proud to see the changes happen. Hip Hop is not about revloution anymore. It’s about evolution.
one word:
J.Cole #1 on iTunes for you fuck niggas.
This kid does it all independent. U gotta show respect for what hes done for himself
@Word….dude wat does Cole have to do wit this post. Dnt u get on ppl for bringin up Drake in a Cole post. We get it. U like the nigga. Good for you. Stop feenin
All evolution is not good. Because we are conscious we can judge. Because we are different we will come to different conclusions. I wouldn’t buy or want to listen to this, though if any Premier beat comes on I’m going to bop to it. Roc Marciano is more my lane to be honest. I always respect a man on the grind but that’s different from appreciating the product, and as for those who enjoy this. Good for you. I hope this is not the only type of hip hop that you can get with.
Bitch look at the post you JUS made. You mentioned Cole amongst other artist irrelevant to this post. Get off my dick.
Wat are u tlkin about. I was responding to dude’s comment about hardcore hiphop in its relation to everyday life. Ur dickriding ass come out of nowhere JCOLE IS #1 ON ITUNES. Like a fucking happy cheerleader. Lol ur such a little bitch lol
This dude is like Asher Roth. Like, why do I wanna listen to what you gotta say? At least when Em came out he had somethin to rap about.
@Donn, The thing is, hip-hop is about the struggle. That is the underlying theme of all hip-hop and these upperclass white dudes rhyme words together thinking its hip-hop. It’s not. And then you say the average American can’t relate to it. Rap isn’t meant for the average person to relate to. Well now that its been commercialized to shit, I guess it is.
On another note, dudes corny, has no flow, is lyrically garbage, and raps over trash beats. Of course the young kids will like him.
Lmmao im a bitch? What the fuck kinda name is Donn?
And the point is, this a Mac Miller post so you didn’t post shit relelvant to the post either
Now like i said, let go of my dick.
Fuk mac miler he look like one of them lil white boys that get his ass beat for sayin nigger fuk him he laughin in our face like yeah niggers I’m a rapper I took y’all shit and made it mines y’all some niggers he prolly joke with his white friends and be like look I’m a nigger now y’all stupid if yal buy this fake as wigger sit I can’t relate to a white boy tlkin bout yeah I smoke weed I’m the illes wigger alive fuk mac miller as an artist a recorld label and a mutherfukkin crew then wiz talk all that pimp shit and he married a stripper whore that was kanye old girl don’t he know that she only did it to make kanyeezy mad but kanye isn’t he got 15 milly in da bank
@duaneslim Can you say that again in English please?
Its pretty fuckin hilarious how all you haters take time out of your day to post something that to you doesnt even matter. If you dont dig Mac then just leave it at that, go listen to something else, but the fact that you come here and post this hate hate hate proves how big of a joke you guys are. I listen to what you guys claim is good Hip Hop, have since i can remember, but when i listen to Mac i dont see this whole fake bullshit. He is fuckin tight, serious flow, crisp rhymes. I just dont see why people hate so hard. Are you fucking jealous that this lil white Jew can rap better than anyone here? its fuckin true.
In the end, it dont matter what anyone say, this kid still has a following and will get appreciated no matter what.
Donn said it best with is first post, plus hiphop is a way of life its not only for black people, also dont tell me that hiphop is about the hood/struggle.
I don’t understand where all of this hate is coming from, Mac never raps about guns or being gangster, but to most of you, that’s what being ‘real’ is. He just does what he does and he’s not trying to be something he isn’t. Grow up.
Damn there’s some scary niggas in here! You see a white boy making a name for himself, doing it independent, and not claiming to be shit he aint, (this kid never claimed to be Em, or rep a background that aint his) and all you niggas freak the fuck out and start gettin defensive and shit, calm down, if this cat wasn’t white you wouldn’t be shittin in his backyard. If you don’t like the man, good for you, move along. Only shows you’re insecure with the movement when you start spittin out this “cracka, white boy” shit.
Why dont you stop hating on Mac Miller he is a lyrical genius so stfu..!!!!!
Being “Real” doesn’t mean you come from the streets. It means you are true to yourself and others, Learn that.
Have any of you fools talkin shit even heard this album yet? I got an official leaked kopy a kpl weeks ago and this shit it hot. Yeah, its different, but so what?? This is what I dont get bout some (alot) of y’all. When an artist does some ish that sounds like everybody else, you hate on em, but when some kat like this goes out and does his own thing, (and really well, IMHO) you hate on him too. You cant win for tryin in this game sometimes man. As an artist, its mad frustrating. But if you konsider yourself a true fan of Hip-Hop, you gotta give this shit a listen before you ish all over it…
nccas just haten yo. mac miller is better den those bitch ass rappers out der.
From a 40 yr old blk man that grew up on and still listens to hip hop …. Mac miller is fire …. The Beastie Boys never had this type of hate… Good music is good music PERIOD
when i first heard of him i never heard his music….but when i heard smile back it was like a whole new view the only song i dont like of his is frick prick market…its stupid :(… but all in all every artist has that one song your gonna hate and i love this dudes unique style so LONG LIVE MAC MILLER