Ice Cube Speaks On Al Davis Passing
October 10, 2011 @ 10:20 AM EDT

Over the weekend, Al Davis, owner of the NFL’s Los Angeles Oakland Raiders owner passed away. He was 82. Ice Cube, a long time fan and director of ESPN’s Raiders documentary called up the network to speak on Davis’ influence.
ain’t heard from Ice a minute..
Best buy giving away 1,000 giftcards becuz they laid off 1,300 people, but 4 next 24 hrs ONLY..shit i got 3..lmao
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stopped givin juice to the raiders
cause al davis neva paid us.
RIP Al Davis
Raiders will become a better team. No disrespect.
call that nigga O’shea……Mr. Cube O_o GTFOH wit that black man
lol mr cube .. he is my idol we both love the oakland raiders & los angeles lakers n fuck the police …. black&silver forever R.I.P AL DAVIS….. just win baby
R.I.P God Bless My Deepest Condolences Go Out To Him, His Family, Freinds
and Everybody That Knew Him