Future On Drake Absence In “Tony Montana” Video
November 2, 2011 @ 9:26 PM EDT

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Better pass the A1 sauce, Drizzy. Earlier today, Future sat down with The Source and said he was disappointed that Drake didn’t appear in his “Tony Montana” video. Although the clip was executed well, he says Drake flaked when it was call time.
why would drake be in the video he was rapping off topic anyway this song about dope lol
This nigga Drake think he BIG now. FUCK YOU DAWG.
LOL @ drake not being in the video
LOL @ drake taking shots on twitter
drake doesnt even care about any of this …. take care bitches
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I understood this situation but realtalk Drake made this song relevant regardless if his verse was wack or not.
Dreezy…Um he IS big you idiot.
thats the same thing that happened with andre 3000 not wanting to do beyonces video, so thats why she’s replaced him with j. cole..
@dreezy His Debut Album sold Half a million. Tell me that the nigga is nothing, dude obviously has a fanbase.
Big??? Haha, his debut album did LOW numbers. He hit like 1.xxx something. Think even game sold 5 milli his first time around. Drake had jay-z alicia keys lil wayne swizz etccccccccccccc. Fuck drake and fuck canada.
Drake was probably embarrassed he even did the song.
I agree with drake. Future is so under drake its not even funny. Drakes new album is going to be album of the year. Future is like a southern version of t-pain ten years later i.e. dog shit. who gives a fuck about future, this dumb ass song, or the dumb ass video. Im tired of people saying this video was good. Have you ever left the country before? you think people central america wear what future was wearing. oh and he has respect there too? ha. he speaks horrible spanish. this is just dumb ass shit.
Drake should be embarrassed about doing songs like Find your love.
As average or whatever Future is, Drake should have supported him considering he did the song and he’s a lesser artist who needs the exposure.
Again, this proves Drake’s character. It’s disappointing.
Drake doesn’t owe this guy anything…he did him a favor by just jumping on the track
Drake has nothing to gain from being in the video…Future is ass anyway
Future Sounds Like a Bitch On This. Slap In The Face? Nigga C’mon Like You Said You Knew This Was Going To Happen. Don’t Be Mad Cuz Drizzy’s Not Interested. Your A Grown Ass Man Who Fucking Cares? Drake’s Loss. That Nigga Album Comes Out In Two Weeks. He Aint Trying To Go To The Dominican Republic Right Now Its Crunch Time.
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typical drake. smfh at this pvssy fxggot.
im tired of reading niggas comments that end with either “oxoxoxo” or “take care bitches”, typing like some keyboard drag queens.
back on topic tho, I hope this wack nigga future makes a diss song @ aubrey..at least make this shit interesting enough to see if faggoty ass rain drizzle responds.
Someone remind Drake he was in Degrassi. Softest nigga in the game
nigga Drake is a busy mutha fucka. he aint got time to fly halfway around the world for a horrible song and video no one gives a shit about.
get over yourself
oh and OVOXO
Take care future ha!
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“throw em a bone” ? nigga please, this should be the new “You Played Yourself”
LOL thats too funny. Guess Drake aint got time for some wack unknown artist. and you can obviously see he caught feelings. oh well… In other news Take Care dropping in 13 days and still no leak…..
This song is so overrated, the only thing good about it is the song’s title!
Wow I find it really funny that Future got all butthurt about Drizzy not being in the video. Drake was being a huge help to Future just by being on the song in general, I know I most likely wouldn’t have heard of, or at least listened to the shit before Drake got on it. Drake’s a busy man, he doesn’t have time to do videos for Future’s mixtape singles, the only Non-Young Money videos he’s done within recent memories was What’s My Name with Rihanna, whose a big time celebrity, but that’s about it, Future will never cross over to any kind of level where he’s played natinonally on white radio stations
u kno Drake only did this for self promotion…he prolly thought that shit was a mixtape track lol
i got a feelin he gon be in Waka Flocka video for ‘Round of Applause rmx’ tho
I always felt like someone at Cash Money owed Future/Rocko a favor or something, thats why Drake gave him that wack ass verse. U could tell he didn’t want to be on the song, that was a “throw-away” verse.
Best post of the day by far! Why haven’t you guys uploaded that new Drake and Weeknd? You guys are behind http://hulkshare.com/q6udminatt0s
Was the “Fuck Canada” comment really needed?
I normally don’t comment but on some real sh*t I kinda get where Future’s coming from while I feel he shouldn’t have used “Slap in the face” however I see where Future is coming from cause let’s be real regardless if Drake was on the record it was gonna be big plus at the same time Drake wasn’t gonna make the record it was overall just the feel of the song that propelled it to its success. At the end of the day Future just has to understand the business. Drake pulled a Jay-Z move, he knew Future was hot so what better way to make himself hotter & appeal to the south, specially ATL cause from what Future said it was Drake that wanted to get on the song. This should be a lesson learned.
beef would be good for drake he should rap instead of singing maybe that would put him in a mood to rap because he seems to do music without inspiration its just depressing
This guy just wants mainstream exposure. You have no future, Future.
i spoke about this on my site
Drake is not a rapper! R n B bitch!plus he is cocky fuck that!
Greetings from egypt
shady owns yaaa
Drake is the DMX of our generation. Take Care pussies!
As much of a Drake stan I am, it is kinda shady of him to not appear in his video. As if to say him being in the video would’ve given him bad exposure/rep or something.
At the end of the day, I’ve not even listened to the song or anything from “Future”, but it is what it is.
If there’s a song and you’re in it, and if there’s a video in the process, why not be in it?
Lmao @ Megaman. I dont think thats a good comparison to make given DMXs current “situation”.
Cosign @Anon though. Keyboard drag queens, lmao well said.
I’m a Drake fan but even I gotta say he been on some bitch shit since TML. Fine let’s say he was just to busy for this that’s understandable with his album bout to drop. But his cockiness makes his talent seem medicore. He say dumb shit like “oh I heard 2 other guys droppin an album together , wonder where they got that idea?” NIGGA there been collab albums since b4 Jimmy was in a wheel chair. Talkin bout Luda using the superduper flow big Sean innovated but YOU run that flow to da ground, nd u ain’t even reach Luda legendary status. What happen to that humble spitter we had hope for. All that shit he said about spitting and doing less singing and I still feel like that’s all I hear. WE NEED BARS. And I’m a HUGE DRIZZY fan. I ain’t hatin but it is was it is. It don’t feel like homiie is giving his all in his lyrics his sh1t been iight but he can do so much better. Even my female drake fans are tired of everyother song being so damn soft. You listen to Cole and you guaranteed some shit that’s gone make u think oh shit. Drake you ice cream flowing it right now. Where’s the MC. I love Drake but he gettin on my nerves cuz he settling for less when he cud be so much better. Nd stop talkin bout shit u know nuthin bout, or have nuthin to do wit. Rikers island Flow? YOU WAS VISITING!!! Catch a body like that? CMON SON. Uncle Luke? Who was even talkin to you dude. Again this is a fan but I gotta keep it 100 you lookin corny out there as far a ya swag and all that cocky shit, nd ya lyrics is gettin to be bubble gum but hey I’ll see when the album drops. I knew buying Coles I wouldn’t be disappointed cuz he takes being an mc serious. You nigga…. I don’t know that album cover and ya attitude is losing me thou. Ima have faith thou. My opinion I don’t need yours cuz as u can see I have my own….
Take Care
corny mothaf*cka … you could easily explain why you couldnt be there, but no, you had to do it the corny way …
f*ckboy !
Why get on the song an not be in the video?
@This guy, r u stupid? A favor is Nicki Minaj jumping on Big Sean’s Ass song and doing the video for free. Drake asked to be on the song and got $100 thou and told Future he was gonna be in the video. But fake Drake the snake flaked. Future told him, if u gonna be on the remix, i need u in the video n Drake agreed.
@ANDY you’re FCUK boy who hates on Canada! As for Drake, it seems every artist these days is cocky for no reason so let the boy live…
*drake the new mase* blew got big headed think he on top…