Jadakiss Petitions For Irv Gotti Presidency
November 3, 2011 @ 11:35 AM EDT

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Irv Gotti’s got some backing. After pitching for the presidency at Def Jam last month, Jadakiss, who is signed to the label, told MTV that he thinks the Murder Inc. CEO would be a good fit. Hail to the chief?
“He said a lot of stuff that doesn’t get said. He was able to [vent] without hating on the record labels or channeling any hate. … Everything he said — me being on the inside looking out and him being on the inside looking out but now on the outside looking in — I think he nailed every point. I think everything he said was excellent, and almost everything was true.”
[…] Read the rest of this great post here […]
good drop B Dot
Jada’s heart is in a good place but my opinion Kevin Liles would be a better candidate. He’s was President of the Def Jam Music Group back in the day. To me this would give DEF JAM a breath of fresh air. Thats my take.
fuck irv gotti…
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It’s funny the only people complaining about def jam are the people who cant sell records anymore, i mean you dont hear Rihanna or Kanye complaining, not to mention in this day in age record labels are practically useless .I’m a fan of Kiss but he needs to look in the mirror dude has been pointing the finger at labels his whole career
^ pow
^Well, to be fair, when he’s not with Def Jam, dude has been dealing with Diddy on-and-off his entire career.
Rihanna and Kanye are both pop crossover acts that def jam know will sell but with their smaller artists they don’t seem to care about them and put in as much work
def jam needs to get back to that real hip hop, the ’95-’01 era.
rap is outta control
Smh. Its not the label fault these artist cant craft hits. This is the music BUSINESS. You wanna profit from music then you make music for the people. If you had 400,000 dollars to invest in an artist would you invest it in Method Man or Wiz Khalifa? If you wanna see a return on your investment. Tell these old heads to stop crying and make hits
Fuck you, and everything you love. Music has NEVER been about hits, or even success- it’s ART, you idiot, and the BUSINESS model you describe is exactly why mainstream music blows so much right now.
All good music starts in the underground. This is a fact. Whether it’s hip hop, rock and roll, jazz, blues, funk, soul… they’ve all started in the streets. Then these companies come in, flood the marketplace with imitation sounds, take the creativity away and ratchet the marketability up, and you’re left with shit pop.
The definition of “tasteless” looks an awful lot like a pop fan.
ayoo it seems like the media is making the def jam presidency into a popularity contest.
ha, donn diva just got ethered into oblivion.
well said my friend.
sha money should get that post tho imo.
Keep Sha Money and bring back Kevin Liles and clean house with that def jam roster. DEF JAM wasted a lot of $$$ William L. Roberts im not picking on him but thats fact. You spend $$$ on “DTR” and you return on that is nothing NO gold album. “TEFLON DON” you spend $$$ money that it only goes GOLD. High profile guest artist on that album. You signed Shyne. Shyne is STILL signed to DEF JAM. Wasteful spending smh. Im not a record exc but i did stay at a holiday inn express last night.
Keep No I.D as VP. Bring back Kevin Liles and Russell Simmons as President. Irv will drive Def Jam to the ground with trying to blow up some weak ass underground street nigga from New York. To be honest the perfect fit for president of Def Jam would be Chris Lighty.
all that $$ talk Donn just did is exactly what’s wrong with Rap. I don’t know what they spent on Wale and a J.Cole album but I bought that shit. Jebroni
Irv is finished. Good bye. When you do ppl dirty, it comes back 10x harder.
IRV or DAME DASH # real talk
*hire a jew* like lyor cohen…