Rakim On Rock-N-Roll HOF Nomination

Last week, Complex chopped it up with Rakim Allah. During their interview The 18th Letter touched on his recent Rock-N-Roll Hall Of Fame Nomination. Inductees will be announced soon, but it’s not too late to cast your vote here.
Recently, you were nominated for a spot in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. What was your reaction when you heard the news?
I was speechless. You can almost say, “Yeah, I made it,” getting nominated to that right there. It’s a big accolade. If I get in, it’ll definitely put the icing on the cake. To be noticed on that plateau, for me, is enough. It definitely lets you know that you’re noticed, appreciated, and somewhat made it in music.But I’ve got other things to prove. I don’t know why, but now it’s like [I’m] proving you can be over 40, still be relevant, still be nice on the mic, and you can still be a beast. All of these things. It don’t stop with me. I guess with the titles that I’ve been handed through the years, it inspires me to keep that up. If not, push it further.
That’s what’s up!
congrats to Rakim, this is big for him & hip hop.
on a side note, I would like to hear Ra over a soul sampled Kanye beat.
Bow down to a LEGEND
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Only if more rappers past and present could be like this guy. Congrats.
lol why the fuck would this bum nigga be in the rock n roll hall of fame? no chance of him actually winning
Congrats to Rakim hip hop legend.
Hip Hop fans are loyal but white trash bullshit bands are always mad overrated
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I voted, and sighed @ the vote count.
fuck the Rock & Roll HOF lol
I wud like to see Rakim in the HOF too. But if u dont listen to different genres you cant appreciate the other canidates. Hip Hop never gets the glory as much as it should because the fans are so hostile against other genres. Look at the above comments? Bashing a legendary band like Guns & Roses are u serious. Reminds me when BDot got mad cus Lady Antebullum won at the Grammys over Eminem when he didnt even hear the album. Spread ur horizons cus honestly HipHop aint even that old
he better get it, he practically invented flow
a yo ronnie coleman….SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!
rakim will never be relevant again
damn , i can’t vote for only one of them . they all good . guns n roses will win tho
um ra, i think jay z already proved you can still be relevant and nice past 40
that’s what happens when you let white people (uninterested and uninvested in our culture) decide your accolade level. the rock n roll hof is “for us, by us” for white america.
we should make a hip hop hof and have our own inductees. but we don’t wanna do that, cuz “it’s not as prestigious”… well who the fuck told you that?
ra doesn’t stand a chance. and who cares. THAT hall of fame ain’t for OUR legends anyway. and a “good job, guy!” from whites shouldn’t mean “you made it” to niggas. especially a 5%er ass nigga like rakim.