New Video: Wale x Miguel “Lotus Flower Bomb”
November 15, 2011 @ 12:21 PM EST

What it smell like? Well for Wale, he puts his fantasies with America’s Next Top Model’s Bre Scullark on the small screen. Ah, ay, eee, ah, oh, ooo. Ambition in stores now.
Great video. Dope song. I like seeing dark-skinned models in videos too.
Dope song. Cool Vid!
No wonder he sold what he did with soft pop songs like this
Didnt like the song at first but its pretty cool.
Video was hot not to much extra over the top shit. Poetic Justice refrence! Tatts on my arm Vid drops tomorrow! DMV Up!
I hate these unrealistic videos like. Your gonna come in a store and touch a girl’s face you never met before and she’s gonna smile lol. If dudes tried to do this shit in real life, they would get chewed out lol. Great song though
@Donn you sound like an idiot.. this was a scene from poetic justice you dumbass
Baby girl had no buns though.
Wale is the biggest sell out ever. This fucking sucks. Everyone who thinks this is cool is fucking retarded. I want more W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E. and Warwick Avenue, not this shit.
first of all, da mailman dont look like dat, second of all, mailman neva get play like dat
poetic justice type shit, cool
no no no. this song could have gone without a video. Bre’s hair looks like I did it with some jam and a wet brush while sittin on the stoop. n gwurl no. she was just as awkward as my lil cuz that time we caught HIM with my aunt’s nighty on. n she has the same exact shape as him too smh #sad
I like Wale’s album.Dude doing his thing.I love this song and beat is hard
New Loch LiL Wayne and Drake She Will freestyle
I like the Poetic Justice theme. Dope song too. Miguel did his thang on the hook and bridge. Glad that they went with a beautiful DARK skinned woman intead of the high yella chic.
her body some shit
@Donn it was in his head
lol donn is an idiot
SMH… watch the video again…. when the effects and music come in it should let you know the dream has started hahaha… then at the end she’s giving him the attitude like at the beginning before effects and music
i’d drop a load in her
or some shit like that
or when she says would he like to smell her pussy
Ion like this nigga Wale, but this song is dope
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