Michele Bachmann On The Roots Diss
November 23, 2011 @ 4:43 PM EST

Two nights ago, The Roots dissed Michele Bachmann on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy later apologized and tweeted that ?uestlove was grounded. Whatever the hell that means. Earlier today, Bachmann had this to say about her not-so-kind introduction.
“This is an outrage. The point is, if that had been Michelle Obama who had come out on the stage and that song had been played to Michelle Obama, I have no doubt that NBC would have apologized to her. This is clearly a form of bias on the side of the entertainment elite.”
Or maybe they think you’re a bitch, so they played a song about you being a bitch.
Stupid bitch.
Fuck this racist ass bitch. Actually having the audacity to talk about “bias”. Fuck outta here.
Fuck this bitch!!! shit was hilarious
Watch the Clone. HA!
The ignorance on here is mind-boggling or maybe not. If you’re under 25, you’re forgiven. Look I don’t like this lady at all, but Questlove and his cronies are hired musicians. This is NOT the ROOTS LATE NITE show. It’s not an outlet for them to make statements. This lady did not come on there to be disrespected and the word “bitch” is not cute at all. Doing it to Mrs. Obama would be just as wrong as it is to Michele Bachmann. @ me if you have an opinion that doesn’t include curing/ignorance. peace
Then she says sexism… But they woulda apologized to Michelle but not u? That’s not sexism…prejudice, maybe, but not sexism….
lmao @ questlove and the roots being “entertainment elite”. i love them niggas, but come the fuck on bachman!
that was genius
Yea just like how those people booed Michelle Obama & Mrs. Biden at that Nascar shit last week? Man fuck this bitch. She wouldn’t have even known if there weren’t any tweets about it. Once again, fuck that lyin’ ass bitch.
This is par for the course for her. Whenever she is criticized on any level she says it’s because she’s a woman….we don’t hate you for your vagina we hate you for your brain.
STFU, u just got killed without knowing it, dont put The First Lady in it.
I feel like she’s trying to play the race card
when it’s really just about her being a stupid bitch
It goes without saying that she was the butter of a rough but smart joke. She has reason to be mad and t if NBC had officially reacted to condemn the prank it wouldn’t seem unfair to me.
However I don’t feel that she has to bring that to a race card in this.
And that’s what she seems to do with the michelle Obama comparaison.
Maybe she should considerate that the people behind that just think she’s a stupid bitch
fuck this crazy white bitch. all these dumb republicans are getting obama re-elected cause they are so stupid. of course they wouldnt play the same music for michel obama, shes not a crazy white bitch!
ed lover need to CMon son that bitch
was gonna say what @the void said but he said it already.
She may have a point with that Michelle Obama comment, reverse racism is still racism. Look at the above comments, white bitch?? Why not just bitch? White bitch tho?
Sounds like race is sitll a factor not just for blacks but whites too
@Donn “white bitch” comments come from blog commentators not the Roots nor NBC..
Ignorance don’t discriminate.
I see it everyday in blogs comment section
She shoulda took her ass to FOX instead of NBC…that was awesome!!!
@ Donn. i been telling you to stop being a pussy. its not a good look son.
Donn must be a republican or know nothing about whats going on in this country. this lady is running for president but she has no clue as to what she is doing.
lmao…thats too funny
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Hahahaa Co-sign!!
Finally we all agree on something!!!
OH Please……..Bitch you aint Michelle Obama. You just some dumb ass female who thinks you can run for president cause Sarah Palin/Hillary clinton opened up some lane.
This is all way too funny. I think The Roots deserve a round of applause. This bird Bachmann needs to toughen up & take it on the chin. Pipe down darling and be glad you got some free publicity beyond a simple TV episode airing.
I think The Roots deserve a round of applause and this Bachmann bird needs to toughen up.
how is calling someone white racist? is she not white? should i have use the term “caucasian”? stop being sensitive. rich white folks arent being sensitive when they get all those bullshit tax breaks that they dont need in the first place!
I fucking told y’all this shit would happen in the other post. Again, I don’t like her politics, but what a dumb ass move that was on the Roots/Quest’s part.
Bachmann speaks the truth in that statement. And when she says “entertainment elite”, she’s referring to NBC, not the Roots.
Go back to the tea party where you are welcome.
Radical bitch.
sounds like a whole lot of black and white haters. when I catch wind of any of my employees thinking like what your reading I FIRE THEM and I recommend all employers large or small GET-RID OF YOUR HATERS white or black put them back in the closet where they belong.
Racist??? You guys know she has black kids right?
Yeah adopted black kids , no nigger would put is pinga in her nasty azz. Real talk ! ^^^^^^^
Fishbone lampooned her at Chicago show while performing Lyin Azz B*tch. well deserved diss
my bad for the double post…the video to the Fishbone Chicago show is here