New Mixtape: Lupe Fiasco Friend Of The People
November 24, 2011 @ 11:17 AM EST

Lupe gives back to the fans with his new mixtape, Friend Of The People. Tracklist is after the cut. Download it here. Happy Thanksgiving!
lets go!
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soooo sick
Are u fucking kiddin me?!?!? After a 2 year wait, he FINALLY drops this shit???? Thanx Lupe! 🙂
About damn time
Can’t wait to hear this !
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Only two original beats :/
more like friend of dupstep
if u think you’re gonna hear a bunch if tracks like SLR you’re in afor a rude awakening
Hey man! Lupe is talking about the world and shit….. You know! So what it’s over dubstep beats? You know what else is over dubstep beats?????? UK Artists….. United Kingdom….. United States…… United man! Friend of the People……. I can dig it…..
Jesus ? I thought he was muslim ?
@Luke Muslims still acknowledge Jesus as a prophet dude……. He’s in the Qu’Ran……
Apparently he just felt like biting the shit out of Blu for some reason.
i take it back. unless youre a dubstep hipster you wont like this shit.
its fucking good
Jesus Is The Only Way.
Religions Are Evil…sorta
Thank you lu
Oh come the FUCK on Lupe! This is some bullshit. Let’s just sample every major electronica track to drop in the last year and spit the same “I speak for all of you” bullshit you’ve been on. How did you get this bad?
-Officially giving up on Lupe Fiasco-
This mixtape hot. His rapping ability crazy
Peeped from beginning to end….. All in all, fair tape….. Dubstep was definitely the theme (one I don’t like too much but oh well, fuck me!) and he stuck to it….. Lupe is still sharp lyrically and clearly on his soapbox…. Nice Thanksgiving gift….. Hottest Track: Super Cold….. Should’ve Scrapped: Joaquin Phoenix…..
Every single song that he sampled here is much better without him. This is the true mark of a worthless tape.
danka! happy holidays!!
Remember when Lupe used to be like the potential savior of hip hop? Now he’s not even in the same genre.
Freddie Gibbs/Madlib- Thuggin’ EP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This is a horrible tape. Sometimes when you try to hard to be different people actually start to see that you really have nothing left in the tank. Not saying thats whats happening with Lupe Fiasco, but he hasnt put out a good project in a very long time. I dont care what his crazy fans say, Lupe knows he isnt being himself these days.
tape is sick! Love the different style!
THIS IS JUST LASERS 2.0. MAN WHAT HAPPNED TO THE COOLEST NIGGA WHAT? mr. And if the rain stops, and everything’s dry
She would cry, just so I could drink the tears from her eyes
smh i dont even know what to call this.
Only hot joints are double burger with cheese,SLR,and i guess lightwork was ight but im literally bouta delete everything else, Got damn lupe whyyyyyy.
im officially not rockin with LU till we see food and liqour 2.
yesssir some real music
… The message of the tape is dope , but the beats are whack . well .. 11 out of 13 of them are..
A lot of artists put out club friendly mixtapes for promotion though , so dont fall asleep
fuck this tape man, its a disgrace to his name. yall can have this played out bullshit, ill take everything from enemy of the state on back. just because you speak on a track doesnt mean its hip-hop… mixtape he’ll be rapping over country songs….
black people dont like dubstep… Lupe being the white guy)
Lupe you used to be ruthless smh.
Man…these comments…smh
@friend of dub, and lupe isnt black. atleast not on the inside.
@the void, lupe aint black on the inside? the fuck wrong wit you nigga? lupe is the young malcolm x! what a racist comment, because lupe is a clever dude, he cannot be black on the inside??? smh…
No, Lupe is not black because he’s an oversensitive, corny hipster pussy. And additionally, he’s not particularly clever. Used to be, but when’s the last time he had a new idea?
Lupe Fiasco – Friend Of The People 2011
Download >> <<Download
Lmao @ Genesis. Nigga, are you scitzo?
downloaded it
15 mins later
deleted it
Lupe fell the fuck off … all this dubstep shit is wack as fuck, and Lupe dont fit in wit it
I ain’t checkin for Lu no more…hes wack as shit
i appreciate the effort and lupe spits crazy, but he needs to learn how to pick beats. these shits are annoying the fuck out of me. the beat shouldn’t get in the way of me listening to the lyrics
These comments are just deplorable. “Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?”
I’m black and I like dupstep. Call me a hipster ok watever. I like the mixtape. FnF up!!
Yo I’m black, I like dubstep. I havent listened to this yet, but I’m seeing mixed reactions.
But for the sake of this comment board, and for people just looking for legit feedback don’t turn this into a big racial/religion battle. Speak bout the music people. 😀
@Word Used to be, but we are okay now……. Lol
@ZePequeno wtf is deplorable about people expressing their opinions. The only thing deplorable about this situation is the mixtape itself, and the fact that people will eat up any garbage thrown at them. i’ve entertained many different types of hip hop and rap, but this dude is almost inseperable from a Pitbull or kevin rudolf, minus the auto tune or singing.
@senseless haters
I like how John Coltrane is considered “dub-step” now. I also enjoy how rapper after rapper puts out mixtapes rapping over old beats and that is considered “new”. I get it, some don’t like dub-step, how does that constitute an artist fallen off, cause you don’t like the style of music? Pretty sure he was spittin hot lyrics the whole tape regardless. Love how folks will feel the need to express their emotions on the internet just cause you don’t have to post your name. Most of you would’ve of been laughed out hip-hop discussions back in the day for sure. In other words, if you don’t have something that hasn’t been said already on here to say, in a different way at least besides “this shit sucks” or “tape is garbage”. Read a book.
Plus the mixtape has alt rock beats, not all the songs are dupstep
lol you guys remind me of some guy i saw on twitter
“not feeling this lupe tape, back to 2Chainz”
shows your music opinions validity.
No one else can even rap this well on dubsteps. Shit’s not easy. And his mixtapes have ALWAYS been taking dope peoples beats and crushing them. Did you guys not get Enemy of the State?
you can have an opinion without letting emotions get in the way, so get off your high horse. Second, even if i posted my real name, what would that mean to you? its just another meaningless name, like a username, so shut the fuck up with that stupid argument. You dont know who you talk to on the internet, get used to it. Third, if someone was to come in here and love this new lupe sound, it sure as hell wouldnt be an old fan. I understand changing as an artist, but hes changing genres. Good lyrical content is found in any genre of music, and just because lupe has been a hip hop artist in the past doesnt make everything he does in the future the same. Fourth, The reason people fuck with new lyrics on old BEATS is because it can be done better than the original…i.e. Drought 3, stupid argument.
While there may be some good stuff on this tape, i dont like the direction lupe is heading. At one point we all saw him as someone who could bring hip hop back. He had a chance to put out a great tape after the whole atlantic problem, and instead dropped the ball. When are you gonna draw the line as to what is rap and what isnt? Im not all for that dance club music he raps on, because thats exactly what it is. You cut his voice from the track, play it in a eurotrash club, and you have everyone on the dance floor raving and having a good time….now tell me the same shit would happen with “Who shot ya”? People would leave the clubs or shoot the dj. So dont act like a hip hop snob that is just able to change with the times and recognize good music. Everything I hear on the radio is bullshit, most things I hear on tapes are lies and lame. So is it wrong that I look to Lupe to bring some heat? to not be one of the lames? I understand not many people rap on dubstep, and that it is new and Lupe likes doing things that are out of the ordinary….but as someone already said…just because its different doesnt make it good.
this is dope. something different.
Lupe been wack for a few years now.
lupe is a square. get over it
@What’s The Deal
Where’s your name at if it’s not a problem then? You think your own name is stupid? All names are stupid??? That’s deep right there, you came with that philosophy for me. Right there.
So now that I am on the ground again(man that was a high-horse!), let me attempt to respond to some more of your thoughts concerning my last comment. What’s considered a old fan? I have purchased and listened to everything since Food and Liquor. But I am sure that there were mixtapes and singles before this, so I must be an old fan? Also Is there a date that you had to sign on by to be a “old fan” as well?
By the way do you actually read anything you write?
“I understand changing as an artist, but hes changing genres. Good lyrical content is found in any genre of music, and just because lupe has been a hip hop artist in the past doesnt make everything he does in the future the same. Fourth, The reason people fuck wit h new lyrics on old BEATS is because it can be done better than the original
Aren’t we supposed to be rap fans? And really listen to the music and give it a chance rather then just shut it out Bc of the beats. This is something fresh and proggressive
Im a big ass lupe fiasco fan i bought the F and L,i also bought the cool, i even bought that shitty ass lasers to suppourt him because his label was doing him dirty.
I will agree the lyrics lupe spit on FOTP were dope, the beats were just terrible, and with that being said yes i know the lyrics count for much more than instrumental but think about it if the beat werent important then why dont rappers just give us 15 tracks of acapella and call that an album? since were alledgedly only looking for is lyrics anyway.
Im just saying imagaine if pac had spit Keep ya Head up on one of these candied shits? are you telling me that song would still be great?
If Pac couldn’t spit on something like this cause it didn’t exist. I respect the right of opinions when it comes to art interpretation, but if the foundation of “opinions” consist of “this is trash” and “the beat is wack” and there is no definition or explanation of this then we just get 50 comments saying nothing.
Look, I used to sit outside sometimes in HS for up to 2 hours just discussing albums with people who had different taste than I had at the time(predominantly west coast Stan then)and because of so I was able to appreciate other expressions of the music because of this.
That being said, I admittedly have been living in Europe the last 8 months and have been exposed to a lot of dub-step and such and while I am not a huge fan can appreciate it. I also have been a fan of Justice before Wale spit over D.A.N.C.E, so I am able to appreciate the music behind a little bit more so, and that’s why I don’t think the beats are terrible. If anything I’d say most are intimidated by new sounds and if not immediately not familiar to your ear, then we are quick to hit the “skip”.
damn yall are some inappreciative motherfuckers!
you forget youre just a fan. stop trying to play a&r and either listen to or dont listen to what artists are putting out. want a different subject to be covered? different beat selection? THEN RAP YOUR DAMN SELVES!!!
this shit is dope
All black everything?
Listen, what I meant about the beats, and specifically why I put BEATS in all caps is beacuse I was refering to hip hop beats..(i think thats what you were refering too, but since you made never stated your argument, I had to guess). Not dubstep. I love dubstep as a genre, i play pretty lights(kind of dubstep), bassnectar, rusko, flux pavillion, skrillex and all that shit. I dont want to hear people rap on it, I listen to hip hop for the old sampled shit it was founded on….you know….like percussion and looped beats…i know dubstep has this as well, but its a totally different sound. I wanted to give you a chance to respond so I didnt try to guess your argument, but i knew you were gonna say something about “Who Shot ya”. That was an example of a classic beat that really sets the tone for the music, and really puts you in raps. Also, the last paragraph I was responding to things as a whole, not to you specifcally. I said PEOPLE would get angry, and not to purposely say people would shoot, just that they wouldnt be happy with the beat for the club scene….any classic rap beat would work as an example. This dubstep sound just isnt memorable. It doesnt evoke any moods or really intrigue the listener, its just a drowned out club beat. @MAHGYoGWe3 said it well, Why dont we just rap acapella and sell that if its all lyrics? Something is to be said about a Shook Ones pt 2, or a Phone Tap. Those beats were just as sinister as the raps that were being spoken, they combined to make the track.
It’s obvious we have very different views on what hip hop(lyrics vs overall sound), also with you citing Bambatta and the old old shit. I look to the late 80’s early 90’s to define what hip hop is, not the earlier stuff, even though I see the influence. I will say the Europe comment lets me see where you are coming from on your argument. Not trashing you for it, just saying dubstep is a much more popular sound.
As far as an “old fan” goes, you know exactly what I meant. Before lasers. You said you have purchased everything he has put out since food and liquor, but have you gotten all the Fahreheit 1/15’s or enemy of the state? He raps on old beats and shit and kills em, but that apparently is not going to happen anymore.
Finally @Lucky P, people are entitled to their opinions. Most smart artist would probably appreciate some commentary on their shit, not saying lupe is going through the blogs and reading this with us, just that feedback is not a bad thing.
Green ass haters
Ok lemme sum it up like this, if this tape was realeased by B.O.B then yea i would prolly tell you hes improved like hell but lupes already exposed us to the hard white you cant expect us to be happy with this baking soda mix shit
you guys need to broaden your tastes. Lu on that next level ish once again. maybe the game’ll catch up in a few years. i remember when this dude first came out, with his streetwear, skating, nerdiness, everyone was like wat. few years later you got the new school and it’s all streetwear, nerds are in, even Wayne skating, ppl forgot where that came from.
but back to the tape. it’s dope IMO. i guess if ppl arent used to listening to this sound it might sound foreign and irritating to their ears, but this shit is good music. and dude’s spitting.
[…] While all you were stuffing your faces with turkey, Lupe Fiasco dropped Friend of The People, his new mixtape [RapRadar] […]
How do you skim through a mixtape & form THEE BIGGEST opinion?
That shit don’t go.
MARINATE is the word.
People keep comparing Lupe to Lupe.. When in reality it is ALL Lupe, just different aspects.
@ Track King Cole: How can you say ” he isnt being himself these days” ..?
Who are YOU to say what someone else’s truth is?
why don’t yall hip hop off his nuts. LUPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Why don’t yall hip hop off his dick.
this is soo great it blew my fuckin mind lupe is the best keep changin the world