1. JustMyOpinion says:

    Trash music, EP or LP. Whose going to buy this album? SMH these dudes get away with nursery rhyme singles. Can’t wait for the ‘one hit wonders of the 2000’s/2010 (decade). A lot of these cats will be on the list.

  2. NoSoup4Yu says:

    Mr.T ?! dead lmao

  3. Y.G.R.N. says:

    damn, yo. how do you single handedly destroy your career without entering a beef or scandal?

    he went from the go-to hook guy for a total of three months to complete oblivion. gives me hope that good mainstream music might actually see a resurgence after all.

  4. […] Roscoe’s J.U.I.C.E. originally planned to drop this as his debut album via Gefffen Records, but as you look on the artwork above it will be released as an EP. According to HHNM, this is the first “official” project by the Atlanta rapper who is currently riding on the success of his single ‘Good, Good Night‘. Ok guys, you will have the J.U.I.C.E. EP on December 20. RR […]

  5. Hatin 101 says:

    How you gonna have that many hit songs and still have no album? Fail.

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