Macklemore Sold Out NYC Performance
December 7, 2011 @ 10:35 AM EST

Despite the dreary weather, 550 fans occupied The Bowery Ballroom last night to catch rising star, Macklemore. Along with DJ, producer, and hypeman Ryan Lewis, the Seattle natives gave arguably one of the best live hip-hop performances I witnessed this year. Even without knowing their songs verbatim, the duo’s stage presence and stadium status anthems made for great night out. A tissue for your sorrows if you missed out, but here’s a recap courtesy of dark nyte‘s 60d.
best live hip hop performances this year? really?
Game holds the best live Hip-hop performance this year! Fuck that no-one…
man yall need to start listenin. macklemore been around and killin it for a minute. check RR everyday – very glad to see macklemore on here finally.
*Flushes Toilet*
lol @ this being better than the watch the throne tour that has to be a sick joke
[…] […]
white boys need to stop it.
this dude suck.
Hipster fags get no props
who is this nigga?
You D-E-V-I-L, the cave is where you dwell. Crackas are the creators of racism. They are the first race haters. Give credit where credit is due.
a guy that does such whack music can never have one of the best hip hop performances lmao
Any relevant rap artist sitting in a chair on stage and playing music playback >
Officer Ricky sitting in his wheelchair on stage >
You fucks on this website who knock Macklemore are straight haters. The dude makes good music. Sorry all you faggots like hearing about in rap is money, cars, bitches, and swag. Learn yourselves young ones.
I’m sorry, but this kid has mad talent. I recently got ahold of some of his records, he’s nice. Good Hip Hop w/ a message. Then again, it’s not for everyone. On another note, there are individuals who dislike certain artists because of their own personal taste, which is understandable and then there are “haters”. And some of the responses on this board, smh?
saw the show last night, the dude command the room. mad respect to him and his crew. im not really into his flow personally though.
Very well said. ^^
selling out small venues in NYC is news?
i will try to listen to his stuff tho
front row center for this show. it was filthy. total command of the room. stage presence was phenomenal. his music means something to every single person in attendance. it’s a shame that there were only 550 people there to enjoy this show. and i’ll agree that this could be up there with the top performances of the year…that may just be cuz i was there and i also prefer small venue shows….p.s. stop the hatin
550= capacity of the venue.
straight up. its hip hop …not rap thats the difference. basically dude gravy trained off a sports announcer dying and bam look at all this press. catch is there are other cats in seattle that have more connects with RAPPERS and the game in general.
not hipsters who can control a controlled environment to his core demographic. so fucking what dude has stage presence all fucking recording artists should do that if not they shouldnt be doing shows.
mack has been holding it down but that and we danced shit is fucking stupid but what the fuck do i know?
im just a comment on a blog
my oh my
macklemore i got love…
artist make music 1st for themselves…
if you as a fan like it then, thats a plus…if you don’t
your not the 1st…stop hating
To all of you Fucks who weren’t there. Me and 4 friends were on line for 4 hours+ and we got to talk with Macklemore and everything. Ya’ll weren’t there. Ya’ll don’t know what is was like but here’s one point. Macklemore doesn’t jump into the crowd and crowd surf, Macklemore fucking walks and the crowd. He was legit walking on the crowd, standing, waving a fucking Irish Flag. Name another rapper this year who’s done that? Please do. Exactly. Shut the Fuck Up.
More importantly, Name another rapper that can get a whole crowd to go nuts over a song about NOT doing drugs. Excatly.
And to the kid who said selling out small venues in NYC is news, This dude sold out 10,000 Seats in One hour in Seattle so he did another show the next day and that sold out in 1 hour and the next day as well with the same result. Dude sold out close to 30,000 seats in 3 hours. So step your game up. Oh and he’s a fucking Independant artist too and always has been.
oh by the way, check how SEATTLE do!
Yo his shit is so dope. Seriously. You only caught a video snippet. He has straight bangas. That’s real.
Best rapper. period.
bro needs to not wear white on stage.
Its sad to say but all the people hating and who dint hear this are the reason that hip-hop is in the state it is, malnutrioned, these are the people who support the garbage. For those who bring up racism read your comments back to yourself and ask who is being racist?!
Macklemore is one of my favorites. The way he raps makes you want to hear what he’s saying, not just listen. You can feel his words hit you like 99% of artists can’t do, and all of which would sell their soul to get. His music is a bit different, but that’s no reason not to appreciate him. You don’t have to like him to appreciate the fact that he’s part of a bigger movement in the rap game.
He played the whole West Coast from top to bottom (starting in Olympia, my hometown) and didn’t have one show that didn’t sell out.
Ya’ll don’t get it. It’s that Northwest Hip Hop. If you hate. Good, you aren’t the true fans #SharkFaceGang Runs with. I’m from Seattle myself and even when Macklemore is out killing NY he still got the SEA love.
Macklemore is the fucking man, he raps about things you can relate to. He has a great message and was amazing last night.
And i know cause he’s my favorite.
Mac was big long before the Dave Niehaus song, and it’s not like he did that to get bigger. He did it cause of his love for the team and city, and the passion that Dave brought to his broadcasts, just like Mac does to his music. People tryin to say he can’t rap cause he’s white are just ignorant and racist. If you don’t like his style then fine, but stop hatin. The guy is a true artist and embodies what a true are should be about. If you think rappin about life and the hood and fuck you ima rise up and shine and get mine, and if you stop me ima kill you or fuck your bitch music means somethin and that Mac’s music doesn’t then your just a damn fool. He speaks the truth. His songs support a real message with problems in society, not just a bunch of meaningless, selfish, provocative, etc. nonsense. Do yourself a favor and open your ears and your minds.
lol to all the haters out there. I’ve seen this dude do his thing over the past 2+ years and I can tell you he’s one of the best out there. I’ve seen him live 5 times in that 2 year span and watched him rise from an obscure, little-known local artist to a nation-wide phenomenon with the most dedicated fan base an artist could ask for. This guy does it for real and won’t stop any time soon.
he isn’t just a nation wide phenomenon anymore. he did a world tour and was selling out venues all over the UK. the Dave Niehaus song was a tribute song giving back to the city. he grew up watching the mariners, listening to the best baseball sports broadcaster EVER. he’s just giving respect where respect is due and appreciates everything Dave did for the city. all you people hating on this shit are probably bumping cash money, drake, wiz khalifa bullshit “RAP” music.
Imma see Mack in ten days in the hardest cit in the U.S.! can’t wait I have 41 friends coming out support the lyrical genius!
WEST IS BEST For all you muffs who don’t know!
Man this dude is wack! I am born and raised in the 206 and wish this dude wasnt reppin y city. he makes us look bad. makes us look like all we got is the bottom of the white rapper barrel. Dude is crap! there are better artist fro Seattle like Nacho Picasso, and BAYB.
i feel like hes a bit a rhymesayers wannabe. just me. im kind of one too haha
yo shit was ill i was there last night in a spiderman suit and my boy was in a superman suit and we both got on stage and danced with him shit was ill he put his arm around my friend and jumped wit him mad respect good shit want to see you again
is there any pictures of the concert besides the video
Yall need to pay attention. Game and the throne tour might be the best fake hip hop tour, but real hip-hop is the stuff yall don’t see on MTV. Get with it.
Hes not a rhymesayers wannabe. Rhymesayers is a macklemore wannabe.
Macklemore generating 45+ comments on RapRadar.. this is great. big ups to the haters. can’t wait to see him in boston tonight
Im proud of this guy. I don’t like his voice but I dig his message, Ryan Lewis kills it constantly, and he’s from a city that isn’t exactly regarded as a hip hop breeding ground. And he goes to sell out shows like mad. Props.
Google this guy and listen to some of his tracks. Especially “Wings”, “Make That Money”, and “Otherside”. *Haters vanished*
gee people cut that white boy bullshit!!! macklemore is top, and if he was blue like a smurf, who the heck cares??!! watch and enjoy
Look at all the commenters from the NW. HAHA. Hipsters unite. Beotch if u knew anything about mac youd have a bitch asking for blow in the club. Face it he is soft pussy feel good music and all his rapper friends in seattle are all fags. Wont ever catch him in a cypher. Or a battle. There are retards all over the globe so keep them fans happy with your real hip hop or whatevr the fuck this is but it aint here without rhymesayers paying for the post so gs up hoes down. Bitch u look gay in a wig stop pretending this is news. Jus the white lil b on tour. Fuck outta here
Street view cant recognize this artist or his fans because both dont know anything about the streets.
@He grew up in a gay neighborhood
“Face it he is soft pussy feel good music”? You must be talkin’ about Drake and Lil’ Wayne and all of that other bullshit you listen to with your husband..Mack is some real shit.
Get with it.
another overrated cracker. his fans are fucking white rich middle class hipsters which don’t know shit about hip hop. fucking devils smh
It is really sad that forums like this have become a place where people come to trash artists, instead of speaking intelligently about music. Had any of the, dare I use the juvenile terminology, “haters”, attended a stop along this tour, he/she would have recognized the beauty in music. Instead, a bunch of people who wish that they had the courage to pursue their dreams complain about others who are doing so.
Protektah X… seems like you are the one with some issues pertaining to race… you outta do some introspection and figure out where that comes from.
“He grew up in a gay neighborhood” – really… “you’d have a b**** asking for blow…” ridiculous… caveman.
I would be willing to bet that any of the “haters” have absolutely no music to post to a forum like this… if you do have music, send it on over and I will throw it up on my blog and let the readership from SD and LA comment…
Peace and Love fam.
It’s funny how I can never come across anyone who could decipher any decent constructive criticism about Macklemore without being racist, sexist, and excessively obscene. 1. Why are you SO angry? 2. The song & video with Mack in a wig is not meant to be taken seriously. Of course he looks silly. This man commands real energy from an immense audience from coast to coast. If you’re not into it, get over it!
[…] a close this past weekend, but here’s footage from his East Coast pit stop. Five out of seven sold out shows? Not bad. Not bad at all. Share […]
[…] ago, we caught up with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. The Seattle natives spoke on life after the Bowery Ballroom, their excellent stage show, hip-hop scene in The Emerald City, and remaining independent as fuck. […]