Jay-Z On Occupy Wall Street
December 9, 2011 @ 11:21 AM EST

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CNN also caught up with Gloria’s Warrior following yesterday’s conference. He spoke on paying higher taxes and The Occupy Wall Street movement. Support small business and purchase an Occupy All Streets tee here.
jay-z knows what he is saying. RESPECT
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[…] Original source: Click to read full story. Rap Radar […]
“CNN caught up Gloria Warrior’s following yesterday conference.” O_o
I mean, I’m no grammar nazi or anything, but damn…
B.Dot knows ALL of Hov’s bars about ERRRRYTHANG by heart. Lol. Great line tho.
[…] here: Rap Radar :: Jay-Z On Occupy Wall Street This entry was posted in News and tagged #occupy, cnn, following-yesterday, gloria, […]
Look mayne, Jayz we gave u a street in Nigeria to ya name cus we love ya swag, so stop fucking up and get ya esteem right all them head scratching when asked about important question don’t cut it .
Get some english lesson or something instead of scratching ya head looking for vocab to use in your sentence damn we monitoring ya ass from Nigeria and we look up to you . so, exercise some confidence and be eloquent i tire for this guy man whats wrong with this guy always choke in all his interviews looking for dandruff thats to me , thats just a sign of weakness mane…..
Health care, education, poverty. If you put higher taxes on the rich that money is not going to go to any of these things. What Jay should have said was that his foundation is helping to fund some of those things that he’s so concerned about. ….Plus that would have been a great plug for his organization. Hmmm..where do I sign up to be the person to tell Jay-Z what to say in interviews? Oh, that’s not a job role anymore after he fired Dame Dash? Oh well…
It’s SEAN Carter not Shawn.
Also Jay is King so fuck what anyone else has to say. PERIOD!
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[…] Rap Radar :: Jay-Z On Occupy Wall Street […]
@Chan your a fucking tool. It is Shawn Carter, and its Sean Combs you fucking idiot. Like how u gonna call Jay-Z king, act all confident like you know about rap music and you don’t even know the “King’s” real name. lmaol go kill yourself fool.
jay-z is one of the greatest rappers who ever lived but i dont respect his political opinions