Just Blaze Visits YN On EVR
January 15, 2012 @ 12:19 PM EST

Common and Khaled checked in by phone but Just Blaze actually stopped by the East Village Radio studios to close out YN’s second episode of his Keep It Thoro program. Mr. Smith talked about being paid to party, his Master of The Mix reality show, Saigon’s upcoming mixtape and he even freestyled over some of his beats. Fun times!
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Your laugh made this almost impossible to listen to.
one of the best beat makers in hip hop.
shit was iller than alot of garbage now.
Stay on the blogs and off the radio my man that laugh and you’re competing with the artist let them speak. My man matt has the right idea.
YN goes all Funk Flex on his guests. let ’em talk son lololol
Just is one of the best period!
“Fuck a Concord. They’re just a pair of fuckin sneaks. Ruh! Hey here’s a J. Cole reminder. Death over designer? I’m just sayin you kids should know better.”
Why do you type these things like a retard?
1. It’s the internet, and you’re a journalist. Grow the fuck up.
2. You ain’t built like that!
Man, YN only because its your birthday weekend I’ma let your ‘Funk Flex shit’ slide. But dawg, you have to let the interviewee speak.
Just is working with OnCue? Trill shit
Just Bliggity Blaze
LMAO @ Matt
“brother” ain’t the only thing u copied from Bunk Flex…………..it’s an interview, not a monologue!
“will u put on headphones” exclaims my gf
“why?” i asked
“cuz the guy laughing makes me want to picaso myself twice!”
at least we know ur wife really loves u!!! cuz she sho as hell ain’t wit u for that laugh! stop it 5 lol