Future On 106 & Park
January 31, 2012 @ 10:00 PM EST

[vodpod id=Video.16030271&w=540&h=350&fv=affiliateSiteId%3D176704%26widgetId%3D502288%26width%3D628%26height%3D386%26mediaURL%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bet.com%252Fvideo%252F106andpark%252F106guestrewind%252Ffuture-magic-106-and-park-868%252F_jcr_content%252Fleftcol%252Fvideoplayer.mrss%253Ftype%253Dembed%26playOnLoad%3D0%26revision%3D387%26js%3D1%26noScale%3D1%26autoPlay%3D0%26allowFullScreen%3Dtrue%26]
Mr. Tony Montana swung by 106 today
^ ^ ^ ^
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This guy is worse than french montana.
^^ Add 2 Chainz to that list. What is this a surge of wack rappers? Who knows Interscope might try to recruit him.
I was thinking the same thing.
He on Epic already album dropping, haha you can hate but the man got hits
Future 2chainz frenchmontana… Looks like gucci , soulja and lil b got some competition
wow…how corny n knock-off is that jacket?!?!?!
really broken pieces of mirror on the jacket?? Ahahah
Rocsi dodged that kiss
true talk, hit the swerve on that nigga.
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Did he call him ASAP right at the end of the video?!?!?!
he is not interesting,,,,,,,
@Wilkes He said, “Make sure you vote Future’s video on the countdown ASAP.”
i first really hated this nigga… and then jeezy put him on the album and he had one off the wackest verses i ever heard…. but then this nigga dropped banger after banger and dope mxitape now he got my THUMB UP!…… keep it up…..
OH and btw his shit will def get pushed back…….. and he need to really deliver on this pluto album or he will be a ignorant person every one will hate on loool
future is the next biggest thing in music…watch
She dodged that kiss like a bullet.