Game Discusses Spitting On Fan

Yesterday, footage surfaced of Game allegedly spitting on a female fan. The rapper spoke with XXL on the incident and the events leading up to it. Spit away, Chuck.
“This girl and her dude were at the concert, and we had a meet and greet. It was like 100 people, plus we have to get to an after-party, so we [focused on] doing everything on schedule. You shake my hand, I sign one thing from each person and take a picture with each person. So, they wanted to hold up the line, and there’s other people behind ’em, and we got time constraints. They acting crazy, [saying], ‘we paid all this money and we can’t even chill!’ I guess they wanted to chill, go back to the hotel and smoke with a nigga and be my kid’s godfather. So, security had to take them out because they got a little crazy.
We go to the after-party and here are these same two people. They by the VIP [area], kind of doing the heckling shit, and throwing shit, throwing Red Bull cans. But ain’t none of it hitting me. The dude starts spitting loogies and drinking shit and spitting it. The shit started getting closer and closer to where we was at. He keeps spittin’ and finally, the fuckin’ shit hit me. So I went over and I fuckin’ spit.
“My spit hit the fuckin’ ground. That girl didn’t have no spit on her. The dude didn’t have no spit on him. They just saying some shit, making a scene, and then they left. That video don’t show me spitting on nobody. I didn’t spit on nobody, but, I definitely tried to spit on the bitch. I just missed. But I’m not the best at aiming spit. Me, to get up and spit on somebody? I’m not doing that unless I’m provoked.”
Sidebar: Game Announces Next Album Title
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fuckin’ idiot. Never was grateful for his position
That’s real. Spitting or pissing on a person is considered assault with a deadly weapon in the law. If someone one spits or pisses on u, u don’t know WHAT the fuck they could have. They could AIDS or some other shit, so if he were to knock that bitch and her mans out, he wouldn’t be in the wrong.
I respect Game for spitting that bitch!
game needs to relax a bit.. when he was on european tour he/they kicked ppls asses every 3rd night.. jus dont give a fuck and smoke sumthn n chill
10yrs in the game smh
Regardless of the situation…YOU SPIT AT/ON A FAN. Those are the one persons you should never aggravate/assault at any cost…they pay the bills. Simply put.
spitting is not cool…I dont care what the situation is ….I will definitely be contemplating you existence on Earth if you spit on me…
the game is one disrespectful negro…. smh
..thats all i got to say.
Quick Question?? is this the video –> EVERYBODY been talking about ..TOO FUNNY
Game was totally in the right.if you spit on me you lucky if all i do is spit back.They lucky he ain’t beat their ass.They are really lucky.the only reason they didn’t get beat up is because they weren’t a real threat.And he didn’t even connect so it’s really about nothing..Fuck that bitch and her dude.
Redman and Loch on that loud pack.Collab coming soon: via @youtube
“I didn’t spit on nobody, but, I definitely tried to spit on the bitch.” – LMAO SMH
“I respect Game for spitting that bitch!”….You respect GAME for disrespecting a women? You sir are the biggest fool of the highest order. Game is just like William L. Roberts a laughing-stock, droll n, clown, buffoon, comedian.
Disrespect my bitch that type of shit will get you spit on!
Stop it.If this was 50cent u’d be all praises for him.”oh what a real nigga”.get a life.
I love how the game is real!!! Another rapper would have said “I didn’t spit at anybody” While the game said It ain’t hit no boday but I tied to hit the bitch!!!! hahahahaha real muthafucker!!! Respect
I swear SOME of theses dudes act like chicks sometimes smh.
Cool story Game!
i agree with game
game should of been the bigger person and acted like a man not a twelve year old. really game you a bitch.
Typical bitch Game move, this dick always does some ignorant ass shit, like his famous pussy disses, then retracts later. He obviously spit on the girl like a coward, then plays it off, “Nah, it hit the ground” more reasons why I’d never support this dude. Hang it up already. Thumbs down. Fake Blood no love.