New Video: Drake x Lil Wayne “HYFR”
April 6, 2012 @ 8:36 PM EDT

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Ah man, The gif makers are going to have a field day with this one. Check out those dance moves! With Little X in the hot seat, Drake takes time out to reconnect with his Hebrew heritage. The Jew-Unit sure know how to throw one helluva party and X knows how to make an even better video. Take Care in stores.
Drake is a bisexual faggot. He loves to lick Rihanna’s fishy cunt and Lil Wayne’s shitty anus. I hope he dies from AIDs.
man wayne needs to dress his age
I agree
The fuck is Wayne doing with a Panda head on? The dude is a fool.
dj khaled khaled should be ashamed of himself
as a palestinian, he should be raising awareness about the genocide of his people in occupied palestine aka israel
instead of just being happy to be surrounded by various zionists at a bar mitzvah
Tight video. The Jews may complain about the cussin and liquor in front of the bldg. tho. Eh…
Post the Take Care video or is it too pop?
this was a wack ass video ! Drake is a cornball who cant even kiss a girl right . Dj khaled omg this dude is a fat nutjob . u ass kissing douche bag . Drake sounded exactly like Wayne in this video . I cant stand none of these mofos
Like the vid. Love the song. Good shit.
This video is actually fucking dope
Wack Wayne and Waffle colored Drake are both highly overrated.
Yeah, this is actually Drake’s 1st dope video. Looks like they had a blast too.
Why is Wayne stealing SWAG from that young cat Joey BadA$$ and wearing a panda mask!? Dude is such a Swagger Jacker! C’Mon Son!
BORING VIDEO AS USUAL . Wayne needs to grow up ! Drake needs to stop dick riding wayne . KHaled needs to stop dick riding every one . That hunchback of notre dame . F YMCA crew . A bunch of faggots straight up . Kanye needs to come out with a cd ASAP
i hate Drake and his personality so much i cant even express in words the feelings i get when i see his fucking smug pussy ass face
This nigga trying to be Frank Ocean?
song’s weird and not very good
The energy in the video vs. the song is crazy. haha
This was alright.Drake’s dancing as a kid killed me.It was cool
New Loch “Afro American Psycho”
Whaaat? I actually enjoyed this video. I think it was pretty cool. Not what I expected in terms of the scenery, but it fit the song because it was about having a good time and what not. Pretty good video. Drake is shooting better videos as of late IMO. Best I Ever Had was wack, Over was wack, he tried to hard with Find Your Love, but the Headlines vid was cool, Take Care was interesting, and this video wasnt bad either. I think its time to stop the Drake hate. Dude doesnt looke like hes going anywhere. I like the direction hes going. Some call it soft but HEY, at least it aint Soulja Boy or New Boyz, and at least it doesnt sound like Wayne or Nickis GARBAGE. And at least hes actually lyrical
Between Drake, Cole, Wale, and a few vets like Jay, Ye, Nas, and Em, you cant really hate on the state of hip hop. Everybody has their lane. The guys I named are heavy hitters. But you need club artist like Future and 2Chainz too. I aint mad at nobody in the game except Nicki and Wayne.
[…] by: AmayaNew Video: Future “Same Damn Time”Posted by: B.DotNew Video: Drake x Lil Wayne “HYFR”Posted by: B.DotYN Blackout Mary, Mary, why ya buggin'? Fried chicken jingles?! It's not that you […]
thought the video was pretty good .. one of drakes better ones … the energy and everything was great, it looks like they had a hellava time.
good shit ..
lol This was hilarious. Drake killed this and Wayne actually had a decent verse for once.
Ive Been To One Of These, Shits Are Stupid Fun. Drake’s Gets Points Just For Not Doing A “Rapper” Video.
Thus nigga would cop Frank Oceans swag
that thumbnail
A Palestinian in a Jewish synagogue, peacefully.
This dude sold out his people for the sake of being “hood”.
A sense a honor killing coming on that muslim, pig.
oh, and don’t think he’s actually representing Jewish/Judaism in this video either.
Expect a Jew backlash, openly or close door behind this.
I feel sorry for Khaled though. lol
Ain’t Wayne got like 10 kids ?? whats wrong with dude smh also cosign Word video was great, why are niggas so threatened by Drake ?? dude stays in his lane i don’t understand the hate
videos cool, but it’s sad wayne went from potentially being the next jay-z to obviously being the next flava flav. this man is almost 30…
That might be one of the worst songs I have ever listen too.
I couldnt get past the first 45 seconds. That was all I needed to see. Died laughing and hit the comment button.
I respect DRAKE for being himself. U guys dont like him and i find that great. Cus u dont like him for HIM not who he’s trying to be. Ross gets hate for being fake. But Drake gets hate for being himself. A woman addicted rapper who can hold a note over ambient beats who raps about fame, hoe adventures and fast life. Cant be madd at him for being him
not gonna lie.. i aint even feelin that take care album but hey at least drakes stayin in his lane. lets be real, you really think all these hood rappers were sellin dope and were huge king pins in their hood? no sir.
@Boom & @ODC
Cmon man they ain’t gonna be no Jewish backlash ya’ll just hatin…………….Is what i’d say if I was a ignorant retard who was oblivious to how serious the Jewish community takes their culture. They gonna hire an assassin to take care of Drake lol strait from Israel shiiiiit you basically pulled the biggest no no trifecta in the video : liquor, niggaz and a palestinian in the synagogue lmao wow and if you think North American Jews are gonna be annoyed wait till you hear from the Israelis and the Orthodox ones shiiiiiiit them cats don’t even like USA jews cause they say they’re 2 lax lol man they probably gonna rethink the whole “u’r automatically jewish if your mom is jewish” clause lol this is gonna be funny…
And Wayne just needs to stop…like immediately…a goddayum panda ski mask *smgdh*
Video was actually good
song is meh tho.
Video was good but didnt fit the song at all IMO. This was one of the few songs I actually liked on that album too, so I guess I expected more. Ahh well. Can’t front on the Jewish theme as he was actually born into it.
Sidebar: One of them should throw some holy water on Birdman and see what happens lol.
“I flow tight like I was born Jewish. Well, actually I was born Jewish”
I’m surprised this video is actually fucking awesome
dj khaled dont care about palestine and shit. he not a muslim. he wants to be black.
damn this shit is first time hearing it.
Lil’ Wayne Is Riding That OFWGKTA Wave HARD. Dude Has No Sense Of Style Just Dick Riding Whatever Is Popular To Stay Relevant With The Youth Cause He Knows All The Old School/Purists Heads Wouldn’t Buy Into His Crap. Drake At Least Stays In His Own Lane And At Least Does It Well… Shit Is Just Not For Me.
all you people are fucking retarded.
Looks like Drake and Little X made up…. Nice video and good looking out for ya city!
the jew unit lmfao hahahahahah
I’m am so sick and tired of the whole “look at me I’m a jew bullshit” drake aint stupid he knows the big wigs are all jewish zionist pigs . Drake is fake as fuck . u all say he stays in his own lane my fuckin ass he doesnt . look at him when he 1st started now look how he act ..talkin like he a thug and shit . dont let me get started on that fat fuck khaled . he’s a sell out . wayne is a faggot . drake prob wanted to fuck trey songz
this video is dope! u can tell they must have had so much fun when they were filming this shit!
how the f… khaled be in a synagoge… they be killin his palestinian brothers every day…. what money will do with people
fuck this video
I like the video a lot and I appreciate the fact that someone like DJ Khaled is able to go beyond the stigma and the misunderstandings to be able to be in such a video as a Palestinian. So much bigotry in our world.
Drake dancing had me rotfl.. My mom used to let me rock that big fro too back in the days. shit was not a good look..
Wayne should go sit somewhere, wtf is that? Panter shoes, nice.. Panda mask? Fail. How old os this guy?? Come on man, instead of showing some growth in style and raps, Wayne seems like he’s going the opposite way. Not feeling his raps lately.
Good point @Donn. they hate Ross for embellishing hate Wayne for being an individual hate Drake for being in his lane. Rap fans are impossible to please
Yo is that Warren Buffet at the beginning?
…the kid dancing behind Aubrey in the beginning of the vid…
whens the next jew party
Fuck jews zionist assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss fuck illuminati
fuck drake disney rapper
I dont care what nobody says im a real hip hop head and drake may have his bitchy ways but this song is cool and the creativity for the video is insane nobody would think of some shit like that also those ovo jackets they wearing are tough af
looks like fun. glad wayne took that foolish mask off
where is shyne ?
ha..indeed, what a way 2 go on this one! i like it for what it is…. indeed a hype type of fit for drake
its tight
I fuck with some Drake songs, but I wouldn’t call myself a fan. So, whoever is taking this video seriously should get FUCK slapped outta them jajajajajaja.
This is dope af. I never thought Drake had a sense of humor. This whole thing is joke. C’mon… A buncha old Jewish people dancing to a rap song at a bar mitzvah? And you’re gonna take it seriously? This is definitely Drakes best video and one of the better rap videos in recent memory jajajajaja this shit had me rolling.
Wayne had a panda bear mask on woooooooooooooooow, big fucking deal, lol why are you worrying about what a grown man is wearing, if the nigga is comfortable in that shit, so be it smh, youaint gotta wear it & by the way the video is tough. Everyone is so fucking judgemental in these days and times, that’s why people cant be themselves.
^^^^I never give a fuck what Wayne wears. Even when he wore those boots in The Motto video. I could care less what a person wears.
BUT it’s to obvious that Wayne stole that Panda mask idea from Frank Ocean. A mask like that isn’t common, and it would be to coincidental that Wayne starts wearing a mask almost a few months after Frank Oceans Swim Good video.
drake is okay… no really my style but he got talent.
Weres Hitler when u really need him.
@TheCool it could be coincedental, you never know & i’ve that mask long before frank ocean in the video
I kind of think at some point this video was kind of disrespectful. I think at some point they use Drake as being a Jew as an excuse to do this but honestly, I feel as though it was disrespectful in the sense of what Jews believe in and all that. Cool video though. A lot of energy but mmmmm i don’t know
Its crazy how christians think jews/judaism is cool when jews don’t even rock with jesus, peace be upon him
thank you for this video! its amazing!
damn weezy fell off
Why is Lil Wayne
Trying to be Tyler The Creator..?
dopeness at its best
this video is legit. i don’t think he disrespected his faith or Judaism with it. it’s cool to see an artist acknowledging his or her heritage, especially since the trend for the past few years has been that Illuminati symbolism b/s. the cameos were cool, they weren’t all about flexing in this one.
smh @ all the racist comments
this video is dope
shout out to drake 4 his amazing performance in bercy PARIS last tuesday in front of 17000 fans.
YALL NEED TO STOP SUCKING MY MAN ! yall talk all this shit but he can buy all of yall if he wanted to ! YEAH HE SWITCHES UP BUT THATS WHY SO MANY PEOPLE LOVE AND RELATE TO HIM, LIKE ONE MINUTE HE CAN BE SOFT AND UNDERSTAND HOW A WOMEN FEELS BUT AT THE SAME TIME HE UNDERSTANDS THE STREETS AND CAN TALK THAT GANGSTA SHIT ! he’s been like that ever since he came out, hints “replacement girl” and “November 18th” SO NEVER IS MY MAN FAKE ! SO DONT COME FOR HIM , BECAUSE YALL KNOW ANY TIME HIS SONGS COME ON THE RADIO YALL TURN IT UP AND KNOW EVERY WORD .! so who’s really fake ? yall came on here to talk shit about him ? for why ? only one reason, YOUR A HATERRRRR! get a life . i dont agree with him doing the whole cursing, drinking liquor and acting rachette in a jewish church and what not , but other than that My man is a BEASTTTT! AND he looked Soo sexy in the wholeeee video , like always ! but him kissing that random bitch ? were going to have a talk about that tonight . peace peace . xoxo
That was different… HYFR (I’m a mulatto Jewish Canadian) ft lil Strange. Little X always gets good shots but I remember when rappers optimized cool. Great songs from a cornball, the proof is in the first 10 sec of the video
why they use copperplate gothic though?
i m sad for american youth,and your typical “oh wayne is hot,to Drake is hot sexy,wit a great video where?
WHERE,Is this guy who is BLACK CANADIAN wit white /jew white mother,showing anything positive in his music,as common say a REAL positive ,REAL rapper MC say drake make strip club,same corny strip music,HOE ASS nigga,makin’ HOE ASS MUSIK
yet,yall here are sweatin his dick,omg why wayne near THIRTIES in one year but still want to act as a fool at 18,sad for him too.he look SICK too. in a bad way sick.
i m sad for drake,the guy had so much DAMN POTENTIAL
the meaning of it,and all hair tied,no make up that is when your the prettiest,
that LINE is classic ,REAL DRAKE
then the video come on,and wow HORRIBLE
from there on in,
i m no longer a big drake fan
and limited ma self to likin a few
and NEVER really watchin his
because i know wasted talent
and this is,sadly………..drake
peace adios