New Video: Drake x Rihanna “Take Care”
April 6, 2012 @ 9:14 PM EDT

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At the same damn time as “HYFR“, Drake released his second video of the night. With all the slow motion-artsy imagery, this would probably be a better fit for National Geographic than MTV.
This video was decent too. Yeah, its low budget and they only in one space with random ass animals, but it all LOOKS decent. Its better than his older vids.
LMAO @ National Geographic
This is a great song as much as I hate to admit it.Too pop for me, but a smash hit
New Loch “Afro American Psycho”
this vid was really good. drake and rihanna have goooood chemistry and acting skillz.
Bitin Hov? “On To The Next One” Feel to it….
thought the same thing
least fav song on the album. dont get the purpose of the animals but Rihanna looking good.
rihanna looks like a 12 year old anime character
i bet lesbians scissor to this song
lol….. on to the next…. same shit i was thinking
cool song doe
niggas must have been watching frozen planet on discovery hahahha
If you check out the directors other work you’ll understand, after you vehemently cosigned that 360 dude i take your opinions with a grain of salt , the video is dope i mean rap videos have literally become a parody of themselves i applaud anything that’s different from the norm
I’m also the same guy that broke Frank Ocean. ask Def Jam. u obviously didnt check out the EP, so ur comment isnt worth a damn. Secondly, i dont give a fuck who directed the video, shit is weak.
Drake can’t make videos for shit
Vigilant Citizen will have a field day with this video.
So essentially a low budget version of Woodkid’s “Iron”. He saw the original said holy shit I want that 2 hired the director and voila copy paste the generic version
@B.Dot yea i only checked 2 tracks but that was enough his music sounds forced & dated to me but it’s whatever, different strokes. But foreal this video goes perfect with the song hip hop needs to get more pseudo intellectual if only to get rid of the ass shaking, bigrims, fancy car, chains, in the club etc stereotype
And also heard the XX Gil Scott Heron I’ll take care of you hired them for his version 2. Must be great to have money you just buy other people’s creativity and put out your generic version making it seem “original” *sigh*
@Your mother’s “friend”
This video does NOT go perfect with the song it had nothing to do with the song and don’t try to throw “existentialism” at me cause none of the imagery in that vid goes with the lyrics period ok he jacked the same type of vibe and visuals (very poorly the director ripped him off maybe on purpose lol) from the original cause he knows his average fans will never make the connection and he’ll appear to be “avantgarde” BDot is right the video is wack and even worst a wack knockoff version.
Ppl who already dont like Drake always run to his post to repeat the same shit. If u dont like the guy nothing he does is going to make u like him at this point
???? why you mad tho ? i understand if you don’t like Drake for whatever reason but you goin overboard with the hate, stop acting like there aren’t a million rap videos with niggas in clubs, standing beside a car, half naked light skin chicks shakin their asses,throwin fake money around so what if the director ripped himself off, directors stay doin that shit ask Michael Bay
agree with your mothers friend.. with his ignorant comments..
the video isnt bad at all really.
and a special note is that just because its in a studio and they props and such, doesnt mean its an “On to the Next One”style video. Many bands have done that: Phantogram “When I’m Small” and Snoop x Pharell “Drop Like It’s Hot” immediately come to mind.
Yeah as usual because I state the truth of him basically taking ideas and not being original in this instance i’m “hatin” yeah woe is me i’m such a hater oh no i’ve been marked because pointing out the obvious is such hateration *rolls eyes*. And I thought the focus was on this video who mentioned (except for you of course) all these other videos blah blah blah no one is talking about that so please try to stay on subject and don’t contradict yourself when trying to say :
“i applaud anything that’s different from the norm”
“so what if the director ripped himself off”
You basically proved my point that once it becomes a rip-off it’s no longer different from the norm as you were trying to stress so hard in your “rappers with they money hoe’s and whips videos” tirade
B.Dot you aint break Frank ocean. stop lyin nigga
This is just my observation but the animals could represent Chris Brown (a Taurus “The Bull”) and Rihanna (Pisces “fish”). I mean this is a “save a hoe” type of record…no offense to Rihanna… Drake is singing about a girl who’s been in a bad relationship/has a past ect… I could be wrong doe
Wow. Wasn’t expecting this. I’m not even a Drake fan, but I thought this was dope as fuck. The cinematography was clean. And this is a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE improvement off all his other videos. Every TML video was trash, and Headlines and I’m On One were almost as generic as a rap video could get.
Dope shit. And Rihanna is looking good to. I don’t really see how you could hate on this.
@???? you’re really mad huh ? i can just picture you typing with fists, stop trying to be smart, dumb nigga, what are you gonna say next Drake ripped off Juvenile on “Practice” how are you exposing shit that everyone already knows ?? when i said the norm i was referring to the millions of rap videos that are basically identical, learn to comprehend idiot
i don’t get what “breaking” Frank Ocean does for ya…i mean bruh only had 1 hot single, meanwhile Breezy killing shit…ain’t shit wrong with this video…it is “On to the Next One-ish”…but who the fuck cares.
Wow how ignorant has rap really become??? You guys really don’t get the video at all if your saying it’s wack!! The video was a work of art from the Toronto Blue Jay being in it to the Siamese fighting fish ( note to ignorant ones these fish can not live together in the same domain so hopefully you can understand it a little more with that piece of knowledge) The bull was brilliant hopefully you all know how many different meanings the bull has… Stupid Mofo’s and that includes YN!
Blue Jays Going in this year!!! watch fi dem memba a mi say it!!!!!!
Blue Jays ain’t doing shit as usual.
Fuck Canada and this simp ass nigga.
“oh, you listen to drake? You must be really emotional”
*insert Willy Wonka meme*
Suckss.. I like his other vid better..
Jays nigga
Exactly @????
This Visual Is Tight As Fuck! but I Definitely didn’t expect this when I bump this song haha.
hot..indeed! the illuminati in the building…jus kidding, but on the real the vid was hot & damn riri is a fool with the sexual tension in this piece… the stares into the camera & her biting her lips… damn. damn…. so bad