New Video: Los “Wit My Hoodie On”
April 6, 2012 @ 3:36 PM EDT

After giving us his new track this past week, Bad Boy’s very own continues the hoodie movement and now adds a visual to his latest recording dedicated to Trayvon Martin.
[…] Spotted on: RapRadar […]
Way to capitalize off of a dead person, Los. Anything to make a dollar
u dont get money from these u lose dumb fuck
Hey fuckos, 17 year old black and hispanic kids have been getting shot and killed everyday. Where’s the music for them?
@Chupachoch….When you make it yourself asshole. I hate ppl who say shit like that…Someone does one good-impact full thing then ppl are fuckin like…”Well the other 1,000,000 problems havent been addressed”. ANY PROGRESS IS GOOD PROGRESS…Try to build a house with all the tools in your hands…lets see how far you get you dumb fuck. Get off your fuckin ass and change some shit for your self. THats our fuckin problem…we wait for others for shit…thats why we will never move…MENTAL SLAVERY 101.