New Video: Denaun “sUm oF ALl TEaRs”
April 10, 2012 @ 2:55 PM EDT

After announcing his solo debut, the artist also known as Mr. Porter comes to life with his new visual. Damn those eyes are spooky as shit. tHe mEmO is coming soon.
dis dude writes like a schoolgirl on myspace back in 2005
tYpInG LiKe a fUcKlNg 12 yEaR oLd BltCH!
stick with one name wtf
D12 was clearly standing in this guy´s way …he finally left stupid behind
Denaun was always cool with the bars and got dope beats.This was dope
New Loch “Afro American Psycho”
I support Denaun.
Not impressed by the raps, and below average song.
Calamitycal, read the description of the video, its not a song. You fail.
WTF: you said he writes like a school girl. He has gone on record and said the font is like that because it symbolizes the ups and downs of his life. Dumb ass. You fail.
No fail on my part. You fail by adressing somebody greater then you when you werent asked. Keep your inferior views to yourself or somebody else because your opinion doesnt make the song any better. Go find a trend to follow. Regardless what he was talking about his rhymes sucked.
You keep calling it a song, which is making you look more and more like a dumb ass. Read the description.
You’re entitled to your own opinion whether or not you like the rhyme, but don’t call it a song when it’s just an intro.
Greater then you? It doesn’t take much… all we need to know how to do is read to pass that bar buddy.
The bottom line is he was rhyming and his raps are not interesting and suck.
If you’re not interested in what his rhyme was about, that you’re not interested in the artist. It was a declaration. A heads up. What he’s doing, what he’s leaving behind, what he’s been through. And decided to make a rhyme out of it.
His raps? You must of already heard the cd?