CNN Interviews Jay-Z
May 15, 2012 @ 12:03 AM EDT

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Hov pulled up a seat with CNN after his press conference yesterday and says he supports Obama’s gay marriage proposal and compares the opposition to discrimination against us colored people.
Sidebar: MTV l Rolling Stone
Yeah Big Homie you better work on covering up the fact you reposted that Rick Ross single on the page.
this shoebox riight here. shoebox.
Makes sense now, YN Jay = love 🙂
Jay should really stick to rapping
jayz your time is up homie
Huge Jay fan, but he was wrong. I keep telling people: the plight of Minorities is not the same as that as homosexuals IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT!!!
bad look for hip hop and everybody wants to dick ride off anything obamba says smh
its all about perspectives, and since he’s seen more shit than all of you know combined…i think he knows what he’s talking about….so sit down shut your mouth and learn something.
If you’re against gay marriage, don’t have a gay marriage.
@Niyemortal Gays and lesbians are minorities, the plight is similar. We (African Americans) didn’t have full rights until 1964, gays and lesbians still don’t…this won’t even be an issue in five or so years.
how could u say its not the same in the slightest bit. i hope u not a bible pusher saying stuff like that. it has some similarities like the fact that ppl used the bible as a way to justify not giving equal rights. they used the bible all day to justify slavery, segregation, inter-racial marriage.
besides the religious angle i dont see any other argument against same sex marriage, its really funny to me how niggas feel so strong about homos gettin married.
this nigga Jay need to stick to being a celebrity and not a “political” peon.
And as far as all these homosexual and lesbians, we should throw them all into Idaho and let them live how they want to live there lol.
straight gay
You can’t bunch everyone up into the same category and say that they bare the same crosses. I didnt say I was a “bible pusher”. I already had this debate with others last week, so I’m not rehashing that shit.
I’m not against homosexuals. I am an African-American, God-fearing Christian male and I love everyone as I love myself, but the plights are not the same.
Ha, Jay will be our next black president.
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Anyone who spends time preventing or campaigning against marriage equality needs to get a life.
Experiences of oppression can differ amongst people in the same group, let alone accross different groups.
i think the similarities between the civil rights movement and the gay movement have more to do with a shared oppressor-institutionalized discrimination- than a shared experience of that oppression… It all boils down to, “if they can do it to you, sooner or later they can and will do it to me.”
The irony of black people using the bible, the same book that was used to justify slavery to justify discrimination against Gays & Lesbians, in the words of Seth Rogen “saying homosexuality goes against your beliefs or the bible, is like being mad at someone eating pizza because you’re on a diet”
This punk (Jay-Z) has strength to comment on gay issues and no heart to comment on the number one social concern / disease in the world – racism ….” racism is murder ” not a sexual fix.
gggrrrr’ let me at him! let me at him – enough is enough!!!!
I do agree with him on one thing – what you choose to do within your home is your business, within reason …but to blatantly disregard the law of god enforced by man when dealing with marriage is beyond TESTING!
Live and let live for Gods sake, but don’t parade it in front of our faces, our children’s faces.
One of the biggest and most offensive comments to come from the gob of that man, (we hesitate to call him anything but I suppose Jay-Z will do) was to compare the black struggle to so-called gay issues.
Jay-Z, we were clearly born black, to be gay is a life-choice. PUNK!!!!!!
jay z got them white folks kissing his butt… they love him!
Rick Ross Admits to Having a Hard Time NOT Focusing on Food While Making “Cake” Remix – <– LMAO
Niyemortal (NEW SONG – “PATIENCE [GOT IT]” – CLICK NAME says:
the plight of Minorities is not the same as that as homosexuals IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT!!!
S.Carter is clearly a 45 year old politician.
I personally don’t agree with homosexuality but who am I to tell people what to do with their lives.
Not everyone was meant to procreate, fuck it.
Hell no it’s not the same as racism, that’s just some orwellian doublespeak but hey, whatever gets you through the day.
As for the politicization of the issue, the shit is all about health insurance.
Give nurture to your seeds, and load up ya guns….dunn (c)
let gay people be gay… Why u mad if ur not.
Lev 20:13 – If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Hes right, what you do in private is your business, but its not about that and that a bad argument point. .Its about the fact that the United STATES would legally recognizing marriage as a contract between a two people regardless of sex. I mean whats next, legally recognizing multiple wives?
Leviticus says a whole lot of laws “christians” don’t follow.
Can’t pick and choose.
People criticize Islam for being so strict and uncompromising when they’re just following the laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.Orthodox Islam and Orthodox Judaism is what happens when the bible is taken literally. i.e. Lev 19:27- Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. 19:28 – Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves”.
The most Famous: Leviticus 11:7 – And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you.
We could go on all day….but I think you get the point.
First off, there’s a thing called ‘separation of church and state’ which means your bible fantasies can’t interfere with the rights of any people in the United States. Gay marriage is a human rights issue. Look at the kids who have been kicked out of the house or beaten to death because they were gay, and then try to tell me that being gay is a choice…
If you don’t like gay people, then cool. But don’t try to act like you only dislike gay people because God wouldn’t approve.
The Bible seemed pretty keen on slavery too – I thought we told you not to believe everything you read…
“tell slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect” (Titus 2:9).
What is wrong with you people?
Dog… says:
Tuesday, May 15 2012 at 10:21 AM EST
First off, there’s a thing called ‘separation of church and state’ which means your bible fantasies can’t interfere with the rights of any people in the United States. Gay marriage is a human rights issue. Look at the kids who have been kicked out of the house or beaten to death because they were gay, and then try to tell me that being gay is a choice…
If you don’t like gay people, then cool. But don’t try to act like you only dislike gay people because God wouldn’t approve.
The Bible seemed pretty keen on slavery too – I thought we told you not to believe everything you read…
“tell slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect” (Titus 2:9).
gays burn in hell
fuck united state of gaymerica
birdgay and lil gayne mariage soooooooooooooooooooon
You can’t kill me… Does it scare you that you might have to start forming opinions of your own; instead than relying on a book full of fiction?
Romans 1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Huge Jay fan… but he’s wrong. It’s not like racial issues. Gays have the right to marry already. If a gay man wants to get married just find the right woman and pop the question. This is not about rights it’s about redifining what marraige is at it’s core. You can a dolphin or a puppy or your brother for God sakes… dosen’t you should be able to get married. Marraige is a bond between a man and a woman. Gays have the right to live unnatural lifestyles. They can’t, however make the unnatural natural. This is a lifestyle choice. It’s not like racial issues homie. Don’t believe the hype. And it does affect everyone not just Gays
Dog… says:
Tuesday, May 15 2012 at 11:35 AM EST
You can’t kill me… Does it scare you that you might have to start forming opinions of your own; instead than relying on a book full of fiction?
Leviticus is the wrong scripture to use. It’s old testament it was written only to the Jewish nation. It’s wasn’t for Christians. The applicable biblical passage is Romans ch 1 : 25-27. Just fyi
ask Ron Brown if it affects everybody…
Ask your children that are being taught about imaginary gay penguins in 1st grade these days if it effects everybody. Disagree with gay marraige or homosexuality in general publicly at work and see if it affects your employment.
It’s PC and even celebrated for someone to say no sex before marraige but the media will crucify if you say no homosexuality. It’s funny how many of you passive people cant see the hypocritical this call for “freedom” really is
I’m done
What you’re doing there is a slippery slope ‘argument’. It’s fallacious and makes you look stupid.
John Hampton, you do know that polygamy (having multiple spouses) is legal in Utah right? (& the rest of this is for everybody else against gay marriage on here) You guys are slow to say the least. & know that every one of you that are quoting bible scriptures haven’t read the whole bible, meaning that you have no idea how ridiculous it is as a whole. & I know someone said this above, but how are you gonna stand by a book that justifies your ancestors being slaves?!?!? Hell, that’s the ONLY reason you believe in that nonsense. because your ancestors got the bible shoved down their throats so they would be good slaves. & the struggles are similar (racism & homophobia), but not the same. The only difference I see is that blacks started waaaayyy behind (we had to fight for our right to vote, to stop segregation, etc…). Hell, black people had to fight to be able to marry white people. That struggle right there is shockingly similar. those same idiots (right wing bigots) said the same thing about interracial marriage back then that their saying about same sex marriage now. ‘it’s a sin’ ‘ it’s an abomination’ ‘it’s just nasty’. My question to you homophobes is If they aren’t tryna mess with you (trying to get with you), then why are you worrying what another man does with his dick/ a women does with their vag? Hell, even in that ridiculous book the bible it says thou shalt not judge… yall are pathetic
aah, ok!
so i’m a human being, i wanna get married with my sister and have sex with mom and then (literaly) eat both of them when they’re dead.. and i’ll only do that at home, isn’t that my freedom? isn’t it my business?
my point is, if our main moral value is freedom.. then we can do as much as we want. theorically there would be no problem in doing what i just said, but if freedom.
jay-z as much as obama should think about their moral values and about their practical consequences before defending homos or, maybe in some near future, incest!
aah, ok!
so i’m a human being, i wanna get married with my sister and have sex with mom and then (literaly) eat both of them when they’re dead.. and i’ll only do that at home, isn’t that my freedom? isn’t it my business?
my point is, if our main moral value is freedom.. then we can do as much as we want. theorically there would be no problem in doing what i just said.
jay-z as much as obama should think about their moral values and about their practical consequences before defending homos or, maybe in some near future, incest!
1. There are some similarities between the black civil rights struggle & gay rights issues today but they are NO way equal.
2. Im against gay marriage not for religious reasons at all, but because I think the definition of marriage is a legal union between a Man & a woman and shouldnrt be changed to conform to abnormal sexual preferences.
Hov my nigga all day, but I can’t rock with him on this, or anybody else trying to draw comparisons. The problem with Gays are their need for attention, your sexual preference isn’t something the world needs to know.
Being Black on the other hand, is something you can’t hide. Niggas was getting hosed down, strung from trees and dragged from trucks for being Black. Unless somebody asks you who you like to fuck, how the fuck should they know? I don’t walk around showing everybody how much I love a women’s phat ass, Gays don’t need to walk around trying to flaunt their sexuality like niggas need to know about it, period.
For the people quoting Bible scriptures don’t act like you’re the holiest of the holy. There’s no such thing as a person being that holy. You trying to tell people God hates gays? As far as gay marriage goes let them have it, but to be honest there’s too much attention on this. Shouldn’t our country be more focused on bigger issues? I dunno I just think all this gay marriage talk is keeping our minds at bay from the REAL issues going on in America.
Can we really be mad?
This is moving in a room full of vultures. This is what that brand of success inevitably looks like: hustles, compromises, lies, greasy palms and politics. Jay isn’t deviating from the game plan laid in RD and IML Vol. 1, he’s keeping that shit all the way 100.
They built me, to be filthy, on some I do or die shit . . . for real (c)
Only God can judge. And none of you are God.
ppl ppl ppl seriously all my black ppl u need to stop the gay bashing and ignorane seriously.
@sway-z…..u just typed that “Being Black on the other hand, is something you can’t hide. Niggas was getting hosed down, strung from trees and dragged from trucks for being Black”
u dont think gay niggas get beat up, tormented, hung, tortured, killed for being gay???
u think they should live in fear or hide cuz u think that shit is nasty. i dont wanna see gay sex, other than that i’m good. 2 men could be on a park bench holding hands and get killed for that. in the 50s a black man and white women would die for sittin on the same bench holding hands.
and SOME PPL ARE BORN GAY. not all but some. seriously u gonna act like we didnt all know that one boy growing up that we all knew was gay from the 2yrs old, but he didnt come out the closet till he was an adult. that boy was clearly born gay u in denial.
the bible was used and quoted as a reason to keep up down, kill us, mistreat us.
i can listen to any other arguement about same sex shit except for “the bible says” everybody dont live by YOUR BIBLE. straight niggas aint trying to get married anyway let the gays have that shit.
ah, hip-hop. one of the last remaining bastions of manliness, machismo, mysogyny, and homophobia.
congratulations on being an embarassment to the culture. at least since the culture copies whatever Jay-Z says and does, I know that hip-hop will suddenly be more accepting of gays now. thanks, Jay-Z for doing the right thing.
ignorance is bliss
power to the people!
How is this a bad look for Hip Hop? If anything this is a good look. Hip Hop is known for ignorance, misogyny, and homophobia (at least in the mainstream).
And the gay-hate might not be exactly the same as race discrimination, but it’s similar. A dude getting murdered, or called “faggot” and shit JUST because of his lifestyle, isn’t discrimination?
Props to Hov.
Commend Jay-Z for this one…
My sister is gay and I know for a fact that it wasn’t some “life-choice” like certain people assume it is.
One doesn’t just choose a sexual orientation, or else we heterosexuals would all remember about the time we made the decision to be attracted to the opposite sex.
I have just always known inside, (no conscious decision), that I am attracted to females. And my sis is the same way lol. It was hard for her to accept the fact at first because it goes against so many norms and standards that we grew up indoctrinating.
There have been many hard times for her and she has told me if she would have been given the chance to choose, it would have been a hell of a lot easier being straight.
jay z pushin the culture forward even if u dumb fucks can’t handle it.
All yall backward ass niggas gon eventually die off and the world will be a better place for it!
Jay-Z I’m so dissapointed in you…but not suprised. Gay is sin period.
@ County Of Kings
Nigga yes I just typed that, because the point is your sexuality isn’t something for the world to know. Why is it necessary to display your sexual preference? Some dudes walking down the street just holding hands is cool, but I guarantee you one of them is probably super flamboyant, like they want acceptance from the world for something that shouldn’t be anyone’s business but theirs.
On top of that a good portion of this country was built off the backs of Blacks, that’s an undeniable fact. Some people might be born gay but there’s also a good amount who had a dramatic or negative experience somewhere in their life that precedes “coming out the closet.” I’m just not wit the whole comparison thing, there is no comparison because like I said, you can be gay and be fine, if you want to. But your always persecuted if your Black, and unless you got Michael Jackson money, ain’t shit you can do about it…
Do you all realize that black people never knew shit about Christianity until white people brought it along with their chains and their slave ships?
The white man taught it to your ancestors to give them some hope beyond the life slavery presented them with. They used it to keep them enslaved and keep them from marrying any white person.
Now black people are hanging on to that shit harder than the people who invented it and used it against them.
I didn’t know why people harp on “traditional marriage”. There is no such thing. Marriage used to be families marrying off their daughter in exchange for cattle, and if women couldn’t get pregnant or give the dad a son then the dad would go off and get her sister or somebody else pregnant until he got a son. Hell people marrying their sisters, cousins, and other immediate family members used to be “traditional”. People used to say that Interracial marriage was wrong and that it was an abomination not too long ago. the fact is that the definition of marriage continues to evolve and change and it is also a fact that more and more people are accepting gay marriage. That’s why this GOP pollster told the republicans to accept gay marriage or get left in the dust.
how sex is a national legislative agenda, I don’t get. It’s sex. If I like redhead or doing is doggystyle, that is a sexual preference also. While that’s a private or need to know decision of my own. Let it be their decision, but it shouldn’t be part of our national agenda. I rather children be more aware of different personality styles. We jump to an assumption that someone was born gay, based off of their mannerisms and attractions. Where those assumptions that, because they are a sensitive male or aggressive female, that they will wind up being gay and everything that goes with that; we as a culture, more than we realize it sentence our young. We need to have more training about different personality styles, so people could have a better sense of self and others. Teach children more relative issues, than who they are destined to have sex with, just cause they are not the norm.
Sex is nasty, when I have sex, i’m nasty and so is everyone else. My laws shouldn’t be defined by my or anyone elses nastiness!
Sway-Z I agree with everything you are saying. Salute!