Donnis Signs With Fool’s Gold
June 19, 2012 @ 2:40 PM EDT

One label’s trash is another label’s treasure. And after parting ways with Atlantic Records, Donnis is now signed to Fool’s Gold. Here’s his new single “Hello Kitty” which will be featured on his EP,
I thought he was already with them?
One label
[…] he knows well, Fools Gold. Press play and watch the first single from his new label deal. Shouts to Rap Radar. Signiture718More Posts Related posts:News: @KanyeWest and Katy Perry Banned in ChinaNews: Dame […]
loooooooooooooooooool donnis was on xxl 2010 and ain’t done shit since.
who the fuck is donnis???
and what the fuck is Fools Gold?
what is this? smmfh
What is this the re-introduction to fools gold? He’s no Danny Brown Atrak, save your money.
I guess I’ll be the lone guy who say how dope I think Donnis is… Dude can rhyme his ass off… Should’ve stayed with FG in the first place, the major label lane ain’t for him.
When do these one hit wonder realize their career is over?
No Church in the wild….
Never been sold on this dude. His shit was eh…sometimes coo….but never nothing crazy. Always came across as the guy that the hipsters loved…or liked until they found someone new to latch on to…and that happened a few years ago. He def not no Danny Brown thats for sure. I wouldn’t even want to see him opening up for Danny Brown in all honesty.
Was to me a great example of how the internets and blogs hype will gained the majors attention and they’ll follow suit and sign but if nothing materializes quickly from said signing they drop the artist as quick as their last posts on the blogs reaches page 3. In short, proof that internet hype doesn’t translate into real fans and a movement.
Hope being at Fools will be better for him…will stay tuned to see how it transpires.
Hip hop heads, check this out if you get a chance. Any feedback is welcomed, thanks for listening
that asian bitch is bad tho..
I won’t go as far and say Donnis is wack but he nothing special either. He tried to take the mainstream lane before he he got any type of buzz and never tried to get a solid fan base. He’s nothing more but a nigga with potentiel but I’ll check for Donnis b4 I check for Wale overrated weak ass.
This isn’t news. He’s been on Fool’s Gold way longer than Danny Brown.
Is Cudi still on fools gold?
all i know is a-trak is doing it large! all from starting by being kanyes DJ/ winning dj championship
Dude ain’t great but he ain’t totally garbage either…just couldn’t really get into his stuff.
This was awful. Only reason I let it run for more than the first minute was to see if the asian girl’s ass was gonna at least come close to matching the titties…it didn’t.
donnis is the gay rapper.
Donnis is trash. Kinda suspect too. He went to Atlantic to sell out like Wiz did
Lol weak ass nicca FOH…with that shyt dont fly ..clown ass nicca
No one gonna say how he switched labels and STOLE Theophilus London swag in this video???
That’s LAME as hell!
this is actually the first joint of his I’ve ever liked…seemed like he was trying to hard in his other shit…good job.solid song but it’s more spring board material…gotta parlay it into a bigger single.good start tho.
[…] Donnis officially moved on from Atlantic Records. After splitting with the major, he goes back to the indie home that he knows well,
Heard this nigga was actually gay.