New Music: Nas “Bye Baby”
July 9, 2012 @ 6:12 PM EDT

The consistency continues as Nasir airs out his past marriage’s highs and lows for the album’s closing track. Produced by Salaam Remi and Noah “40” Shebib. Life’s so much better now, but Life Is Good on July 17.
Nasty. The Don. Daughters. Accident Murderers. Loco-motive. Reach Out w/ MJB. Cherry Wine w/ Amy Winehouse. Now, Bye Baby. More than enlighten good music. I’m buying this album.
I meant enough*, not enlighten
Dope, everything I’ve heard off the album sounds amazing. Nas finally seems focused.
I would’ve thought the album cover would be enough but hey do you Nas
CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!! Been hearing nuthin but Good Music from this album……..DEFINITELY WORTH MY MONEY….IM BUYING NEXT WEEK….havent purchased an album in years either
This is ok not better then his previous songs.
Nas = Real music. Can’t wait for the 17th.
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Ceva nou de la Nas!!!
I know he is NAS but i don’t think DEF JAM is doing promo for his new album any justice. The song is nice by the way.
nice track, nas is one of the few artists that brings real expression from his music, life is good is gonna be a good album
Cool song,I just wished the hook was better.
This song is dope. This album is a classic already. I say that because Nas hasn’t put out one dud yet from this project, and the tracks released so far make it a great album hands down.
Wow, already put out 9 songs and they’ve all been good. Def gonna cop his new album
I love the fact that he isn’t approaching this bitterly. You simply can find this type of transparency from a rapper these days…dud jus opened up…damn. Bravo.
PS. Song wasn’t his best…content was king
***Brand New Cromer Beat “Forbidden”***
Good track and an appropriate way to end his album. havent heard a song from the album so far I didnt like.
Damn this shit is dope, yall better cop that life is good
it aite. Preferred Locomotive to this, but closing tracks shouldn’t be released in forms like this anyway. thats something I’d like to hear in the context of the whole album.
Most def copping the album. This dude is in a zone!!!
Music used to be A ll about true Life Experiences Things the artist is going threw or went threw or telling A story to make people think.. nas steady puts out true art straight from the heart hats off to that Shit keeping Real hiphop alive…
so chill….
cant wait tomorrow ordering the collecters editon. album gont be so dope.
G.O.A.T. do the history…..deepest most versatile rapper. only comparisons would be Pac. If he had better production on half of the albums in his catalog I really believe calling him the greatest wouldn’t even be a debate…support good music and consistency
Man, that Guy sample is too smooth.
I really have a lot of respect for how highly he always speaks of Kelis. You can tell the break-up hurt him, but he never ever disrespects her. He always paints the best picture of her and speaks so highly of his marriage event though it ended in divorce. In hip-hop respect for women is so rare, so as a woman i really respect him for that.
Drake Flow
Grown man hip hop right here,we need more heat like this. Hip hop since 73
This beat sucks
@Loaded, your just saying that because ’40’ shebib produced it. good song though
Nas ghostwritten by Drake with Aaron Hall on the hook?
got this on repeat. Only MMG and YMCMB lovers would think this is corny. Oh I forgot the niggas still waiting on Jay Electronicas album to drop. Gimme a break. Nas is the realest doing it. Point blank period.
the homie nas… killed this one! a very honest joint: every story got 2 dimensions
this is gonna be another personal album like streets disciple! def coppin this album!
Nasty Nas…………Life is good since i started finding peace.
good stuff, real heartfelt
Nas = Real music. Can’t wait for the 17th.
damn son
Another great song i think after this album nas is defo the G.O.A.T of rap
@ loaded & @ akuma- KILL YOURSELF
Real Rap
Nas can be my baby daddy
Absolute Perfection 100% – PRODUCTION – LYRICS –
2 BLACK THUMPS UP !!!!! WAY OMG UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dope ass track and not too soft….put this in this ya whip and shine on them hoes
this was real as fuck. no doubt. i haven’t heard some honest lyrics put together this well in a minute. it tells a story, even tho it was a great one. man it was a dope track. and it will be repeatedly listened to, not like this one time shit right now.
cosign @ genie. i agree with that…
Bye baby, dopest track in a min. I see alot of idiots here talking abt drake flow n ghost writing on a Nas flow all cos 40 got co production credit on a Nas song. #Simpletons
beat needed to be effective but simple so it didnt detract from the message…. nas raps like hes having a conversation with you, effortless. this is why so many can relate…
those who think he is boring are into rap not hip-hop. that manufactured garbage created dumb down the masses.
this is real music for real people.
Half? Damn Kelis got this nigga
Now that’s music. Soulful, truthful and real.
Nas may have another classic album on his hands.
The track has gone missing, i’m guessing it was uploaded to soundcloud as most of the posts with them are missing the audio. Please fix