New Video: Scrilla “What Fame Do”
July 22, 2012 @ 3:32 PM EDT

From the whip to the balcony, CTE’s Scrilla glorifies his fame in his brand new music video. The track can be found on his latest mixtape,
I had the name first…fuck this guy
fucking niceeeee CTE ALL DAY
good video and song
fuck CTE nigga an datz my word…yeah str8 like dat fuck boizzz
I rock wit Scrilla!
you cant brag about fame when your unknown….rental car.only pair of j’s and jeezys bread,…….take the rental back n give jeezy his bread back…fuckin lame
to bad scrilla been having money……….^^
i really didnt know my self until i saw his big as mansion and cars and stuff … yea he good,