Hit-Boy HITstory Cover
August 4, 2012 @ 12:31 PM EDT

If “Jay-Z Interview” and “Old School Caddy” were to your liking, Hit-Boy’s got more coming on his upcoming project and here’s the artwork. The HITstory class is free this Tuesday.
Wavy Gang
Ya this isn’t Kanye inspired
i mean…the nigga got nice beats…and he can technically rap…but idk about a whole project of hit-boy raps though…i might pass.
Looks like a old ass kitchen floor tile
H.A.M. single cover?
He’s jumping the gun on this one. He needs to give people more time to adjust to his rap style…or him as a rapper, in general. We “JUST” started to recognize him for his production on ‘Paris’ …he’s moving too fast with this rap stuff. Hopefully the material will convince ‘us’ as a collective. I wish him all the best though. Can’t fault a Black man for chasing his dreams.
Watch the clone
But seriously though, Kanye 2012? No thanks. Yeezy is more than enough.
dont talk to me about Spirograph, ill mufukkin embarrass you
Not interested
guess niggas in paris got to his head..
ZZZZZzzz im all set with producers trying to rap too!
Needs more originality to be honest…….
dude real overhyped, shoulda stuck with surf club and chase-n-cashe yall coulda been cranking out HITS forreal..
Jay and Ye what have y’all done? now everybody gonna keep putting out these shitty covers trying to emulate the watch the throne cover.
And LMAO @ whoever said it look like a kitchen floor tile.
I’ll definitely check this out though. I like his beats.
Watch the clone. You make dope beats and I can dig you wanting to rap but should you try so hard to be like Kanye? c’mon son.
Don’t hate : it’s free !
Mac Miller interview : “My mom and Wiz’ mom are like best friends, it’s funny. They hang out like all the time and get high together.”
^^DEAD ^^
Not on some gay shyt, BUT it seems like Kanyes got a dick made of gold! He stuck it in Amber Rose ad now shes a houshold name AND has anotha rapper paying her bills!!
He remixed Chief Keefs shyt, AND mentioned King Louie…merely MENTIoNeD these niggaz AND THEY ALL GET SIGNED!!
Hitboy, u better take advantage of that GOLDEN DICK boy!! Cuz ur dealin wit a guy who even BROUGHT JAY Z back from obscurity!!!!
That iz all…
You’re an idiot if you ever thought Jay was obscure………..
Important observation: Only Kanye has the eccentricity to pull off artwork with gold/statue designs. The-Dream/Terius Nash, Tyga, Hit-Boy, CyHi? Not nearly enough ego and insanity to rock it. They look like kids wearing their dad’s suit around the house.
I guess ya’ll ain’t feelin this dude raps…
Did that fool really say that Jay was in obscurity?…lol…jay has never fallen off..not even once..lmao..fall back with that nonsesnse….btw this cover is pretty wack becos of its lack of originality..plus hit boy can’t really rap like that…jayz interview beat was fire…but the raps were lukewarm if not fizzled out…