Birdman On Lil Wayne’s Billboard Record
September 27, 2012 @ 5:46 PM EDT

Not only is Lil Wayne celebrating his 30th birthday today, but he also broke Elvis Presley‘s Billboard record. In a statement, Cash Money boss Birdman lauded his marquee artist.
“This is a true milestone in Lil Wayne’s career and the legacy of YMCMB. Surpassing Elvis Presley is a testament to Wayne’s creativity and innovation in music over the years. We look forward to 109 more.”
nice post idiots
which elvis record did he break?
so basically he’s saying “Buhleedat”.
creativity and inovation? joke of the year goes to this clown. although i respect the record being broken by an African American man, i despise wayne’s existence. might be a contradiction but its my opinion *kanye shrug*
“Surpassing Elvis Presley is a testament to Wayne
This is just pure bullshit!!!!!
50% of theese ones is just wack collabos…
Most overrated rapper of all time.
YMCMB = Hiphop’s biggest clowns of all time.
Dont hate on my oppinion!
Sad man there. No respect from the real pirus like myself.while I won’t insult his manhood, he needs to get trill n real. Lights out. Last good album, bum. Thug life! 2ps n a b. Vietnams
Lmao yall mad and dude is constantly winning. I doubt he sees any of these comments we post up on here… He ain’t got no worries!
Dear Mr. Toilet, I’m the shit!
Doesn’t sound like Birdman at all.
@Real Talk
Stunna doesnt even own a computer
yeah in 50 years nobody will remember lil wayne’s name
I respect Wayne for this. I applaud him.
But “creativity and innovation”?! JAJAJA. The fuck is he talking about? Big ups to Wayne for breaking the record, but leave it that. There hasn’t been a more unoriginal big time rapper then Wayne. He’s as generic as they come. If Birdman actually believes those words…. Smh.
Good for Wayne, but what does that say about innovation in music? That its sorely lacking. Hip Hop is Dead.
I will say, at least Wayne wrote his parts on those songs. Elvis never wrote a song in his life, so you gotta give Wayne some respect for his accomplishment, even if two thirds of those songs are all about the same damn shit.
At least Elvis had some actual music and sold actual records. These clowns buy their own shit. Twenty years from I want my kids to know of Elvis rather than Lil Whoayne.
People are gonna look back on history one day and say wow…There was period of time where every artist that sold units for a 4-5 year span was putting out nothing but garbage and still going platinum. Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Kanye, Drake have all been doing that the last few years. Now Jay & Ye are in a diff league than Wayne & Drake, but still Jay & Ye have been putting out lame duck music for a minute now.
But on another note… drama leaked
Before being edited by a PR
“My son Weezy is flyest, ya heard? YMCMB taking over. Weezy the best to ever do it. YMCMB, Weezy already sold more records than MJ, so this was our last thing 2 do. Beelee dat.”
hahaha@ creativity and innovation. Thats a good one.
What a joke, lil wayne more of a legend and more creative than Elvis Presley? Please. He hasn’t been shit since Carter 2.
“We look forward to 109 more.”… DEAR GOD PLEASE NO
ONLY THING ELVIS CAN DO FOR ME IS SHINE MY SHOES!! now look at this video i edited for my Airbrush homies.
#Bermuda Movement (Bermuda Triangle)
Propa feat. Mz. Malz, BLAC, KD Da Beast, J-Silva & Wonder Woman
“Black Rum & Coke (Remix)”
[Southern Hip-Hop]
…is a testament to Wayne
i thought he actually broke an elvis record…womp womp
fuck ymcmb