Rick Ross Cancels Remaining Tour Dates
December 7, 2012 @ 5:08 PM EST

Rick Ross issued a statement to AHH and canceled the remaining dates of his MMG Tour. Rumor has it that Rozay received death threats for gigs in Charlotte and Greensboro, North Carolina. Refunds were given today.
“I want to apologize to all of my fans who I missed performing for due to the cancellations and want to let them know that I will get back to their cities. I enjoyed my experience with my little bros Wale and Meek Mill and I’m ready to get back in the studio to make good music.”
damn the GD’s got the “Biggest Boss” SHOOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened to “These niggas wont hold me back”?
“Who the fuck scared now?” *Game voice*
The “untouchable maybach boss” is SCARED TO GET TOUCHED LOL!
Remember what you said william “Real gangsters choose to die violent”
On a serious note gangs are one of the worst things to ever happen in the history of mankind and they are also fucking retarded.
LOOOL this shit aint true.
If getting shot makes me real,i would rather be fake instead and stay alive.Probably would have done the same
Gangster Disciples got him
Such a bawse lmfao
Biggie got death threats when he was going to Cali . . . look what happened . . .
Shit not worth it bruh . . . No matter what Ross does, people still gonna bring up the CO thing . . .
Only outcome for Ross is death or prison . . . He has everything to lose and the GD’s have nothing to lose . . . Take the small L and move on . . . I think this was smart . . .
MMG = Microphone Music Gangstas
Interesting that the first sign of danger, the “bawse” runs for it.
Hip Hop doesn’t need people dying, but don’t preach a dangerous message to kids about how “real” someone needs to be in the streets then cancel your tour at the first sign of trouble.
The decline begins
The curtain drops and the show is over.
Backstage the actors show their true colors as they are no longer playing a role
At least Rap Radar acknowledged the “death threats” , but really let’s remove the “concidence” and speak on THE TRUTH.
Rick Ross ran
Lester Bangs of hip hop
no 2 line opinions here
Godfather !!!! hh my asssss
fake ass nigga don’t act like boss
Wowwww this is far worse than the CO pic. I mean obviously many of us would do the same but if this dude eats all his words he’ll be double the size he is now.
lol what happened to his mafia connects and all that street shit mmg be talkn about
dese niggas cant hold me back 🙁
That ain’t a bawse move.
what do you know… a bunch of ignorant niggers ruining a good time for everyone… so surprising… just like on Jay-Z’s “Twenty Two 2’s”…. bunch of poor thug douchebags ruining a great time for everyone. maybe if these so called gangsters studied and went to school & tried to get real jobs instead of hustling and killing eachother the stereotype of the black male would perhaps fade over time. but instead they choose the alternative route. i went to a rozay concert right before teflon don dropped and i had such a great time, even got on stage with ross for 5 mins with my beer before security pulled me off. i dont blame him for canceling the tour dates. if i can get on stage right next to ross so cant a bunch of “i dont give a fuck” niggas. hes an entertainer with a lot to lose. “you shoot me your famous, i shoot you im brainless.” i dont blame you ricky or i dont lose any respect for you… a rap concert isnt worth losing your life, although it sucks for all the people that spent their hard earned money on the tickets and looked forward to having a great night out with friends & family.
P.S. i love all these keyboard gangstas who claim it was ungangsta of him to cancel the shows… youre all a bunch of retards… like any of you would risk your life over something as stupid as a concert… fucking losers.
Hey! If im a leader like Roberts and you tell you are going to do me harm and where… You mean to tell me that you expect me to show up? That’s called suicide. Too much money to have a death wish, my brother. I bet MLK wouldve done the same thing, given the warning. Boss move
Well William L. Roberts this is your LIFE ! Actually its somebody else life your masquerading around as and profiting off of it. William pay the GD’Z their money.
@bry from boston. Why you so angry?
im not zoomzoom i just think its ignorant… why you always constantly hating the last year in just about every post you put up… fag
how is that me being angry, im pretty sure its a statement… am i hating or saying angry things dumbass…
they applied that pressure
@Bry. Time of the month huh?
they was shooting at waka tour bus last year in NC
Yes it is my time of the month to put it your moms gross ass.. gotta quadruple bag that shit
I love haters that talk shit to someome theyll never meet over a computer… Its so cool.. ZoomZoom did you win most coolest person ever in your high schools yearbook? I wanna be you
@Bry….Cool Story Bro. Tell it again.
Nah Cmon son.. You can go pick it up at your local Barnes & Noble boy
@bry and why would you defend someone on the internet you don’t know and will never care for you opinion? Rick Ross don’t give a shit about you!
@bry Chillout cracker the fool rap about the life and is exploiting it. So dont get all hostile and ranting because the fat fuck isnt about that life
Wow Ross letting deez niggas hold him back smh
The GD’s are not playing with ROSS go to Youtube there are GD’s in 5+ states threating him
What happened to “These niggas wont hold me back”?
Theyre not holding him back from getting back in the studio and creating new material. Laugh all you want but those gd fellas have nothing to live for and no ambitions…….groupthink is a mofo huh? To think that that organization was srarted by a group of fags that want to be close as they can to sweaty dicks. Im afraid of the future. Ross is a patriot, not a martyr
rozay was talking slimey for a minute doe.. DOSE niggas finna peel his muffin cap back blue
We so quick to tlk shit but we would have done the same thing if em dudes were trying to get us i dnt even like ross all that much but this was a smart move
telling me scarface would’ve went home if he knew those ninjas were there to murk him? malcolm would’ve have that speech if he knew malik and yuse were strapped? hammer.wouldve dropped them racks if he knew his money as funny? boy stop! common sense>gangsterdom
Damn, J. Cole got more leeway in NC than Rick Ross the “Bawse”, lol. This is a prime example of what happens when you fake the funk and get checked on it. J. Cole is from NC but has never claimed to be anything outside of his character. Rick Ross glorify’s a violent side of Rap that he obviously does not lead (maybe has never lead) and now that he has been publicly checked on it, I expect there to be a lot more incidents in the near future. He has just put fuel in the tank of a group of GD’s who just the other day weren’t relevant to the internet world, but now have seen what they can do: Make a world figure in Hip-Hop lose money. And that in itself is a powerful statement to make in the streets.
Nigga! Whats a disciple to a Gangster such as Rozay. He got mind control of them. When they say don’t come to nc, he don’t perform. But when they leave, he’ll be performing again!
In all seriousness, these guys make the bloods.look weak. No one has power over where Wayne performs, except his poppa
Rick puzayyyyyyyy i mean rozay?
rick ross you stupid fat , burger eating fake. CB4 oscar winning actor..
People on here kill me. Unless you are an idiot, NO GANGSTER FROM ANY GANG, MOB FAMILY, OR OTHERWISE WILL KNOWINGLY WALK INTO AN AMBUSH. Y’ALL HAVE WATCHED SCARFACE TOO MANY TIMES. Ross is an entertainer, nothing more. Pleasing you idiots by walking into a gang affiliated ambush for the sake of street cred and the approval of certain “can’t be pleased, no matter what fake ass fans is most certainly not worth it. Go home to your fam Ross, Make new music, entertain us and sell another Gold record and live your life.
Man, this is an L of all time high for a dude who act so hard, but everyone knows is soft and fraud.
Street dudes applied pressure and he folds. Ouch.
Duke said, “I’ll be back in NC ASAP, the cancels whole tour a day later. Does this fraud ever stop?
50 pulled this dude skirt up so high now he’s never being respected.
I don’t care what no one says. This is the effect of what 50 did to him. it didn’t happen to his career, but his pride, credibility and name. If 50 didn’t mess with his rep and past all this would’ve passed.
He Rodney Dangerfield, in Hip Hop; No respect!
MMG = CB4…The rapper Rick Ross = MC GUSTO
hahahaahahahahahahahahhaahahahah @bigboy say “i got mind control over deebo” “they be lik pay the fuck up, i say yea but wen they leave i say THESE NIGGAZ CANT HOLD ME BACK”
Time for a intervention (remember Farakhaan helped squash the Common Sense/Westside Connect beef?) before a body drops and from this maybe, just maybe this becomes a wake-up call for the rappers to stop with the glorification of the self-destructive lifestyle
this is what happens when you claim a lifestyle,you dont really live,,,,shits real,,all them flashing lights
souped duke up,,he believed his hype,,,know the fake shit is showing its head,,,,and he is bowing out
damn,,it was all good just a week ago,,,,,should of signed some new york niggas aint no gd’s up there
now its time to put ross under you played yourself
ya’ll stupid..Ross didn’t cancel shit, LiveNation cancelled it cuz they don’t want bodies at one of their shows and have to pay out money cuz some fools shoot it up
Get your facts straight
The BDs really popin more tho…..
the issue here is as a normal person using common sense then you feel threatened is wisdom but for someone who has always claim to be very tough..he has tp prove it…when you run and come back another day you are a witch nigga…real rick Ross will not run from GD…so what is your point Ross fans.
This little buster name Rick Ross wanna rhyme like Po
Cuz I rhyme like gold
I rhyme like, I be climbin’ out that Rolls!!!!!
Lol. CB4 ass nigga. Gusto sent little Albert Home. You could argue for safety of the people which would make sense if it was Drake, or Childish Gambino or the broke Kanye of 10 years ago in this situation. But this supposed to be the “biggest boss”. A certified g. Brick king Gun bussa. All I know is Jay wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place, 50 Cent for all his faults ain’t the type of nigga to run from beef let alone let some dusty niggaz threaten to stop him from getting money, he backed Suge and them Mexican G’s down with the quickness back in ’02. Cash Money ain’t never had no problems (maybe lil wayne that one time in California but ain’t nobody do nothing) and all he do is rep blood gang. Baby got the type of money to shoot you in the face and beat the case that night. They are just not just threatening your life. They are throwing dirt on your name. Fucking up your brand “Gangster Rapper”. Calling you pussy in front of the world. Who gonna wanna hear any gangster shit from this pussy nigga after this?! Def Jam ain’t got security? You don’t need to “feed your niggaz Boss”?! The Actual gangster Freeway Ricky Ross didn’t look for trouble but streets know he ain’t never ran. Hell streets know even Soulja boy don’t take no shit. Jim Jones ran. Tupac busted off at a couple cops. I lost respect for rick ross (the rapper) not when I heard he was a CO (which is bullshit by the way) but I lost respect for the nigga when he lied about it to niggaz face several occasions on camera. Like this ain’t the 21 century or some shit.(more bull shit fake fuck shit, lost a fan). He rhymes great the nigga fake to me. Smart move to think of others I guess. Bad move to fake the funk
Bo$$es will be bo$$es. That’s what leaders do all press is good press got u fuck boyz typing away!!
Ross can’t win against that many niggas. If the GDs really had a problem with Ross, I’d respect it a lot more if they sent one of their higher ups to step to him. But every GD in every state gunning for him is some bullshit. He’ll cancel his shows and will cancel Christmas too, and I don’t blame him.
SMART MOVE, i mean ya’ll get on here and say RIP B.I.G & Pac, next it would’ve been R.I.P rozay. so i don’t blame him for dodging a potential bullet, he’s got to much to lose. why risk your life? another note: Ross do talk greazy sometimes with the gangsta shit. i bet Jeezy can go to Charlotte, and Greensboro, AND he could also go to Miami ( Ross hometown)……just saying
@cava nigga please if ross dies nobody would care but you stans………god I hope they really cap his ass….only cause I suffered growing up, cause my parents died from that life he glorifies. fuck rick ross.
GDs said check in Bawse!!! They just shut down some tour money.. Stay tuned for more..
Honestly, most rappers wind up broke behind shit like this, whether it’s niggas from their own hood or out of town. A lot of them niggas is getting extorted, but flip it around to look like that’s their “crew.” Niggas already gon say what they say about Ross anyway, ain’t no sense of him trying to prove something and get caught slippin’
niggaz man, the tour not happening means alot of people not eating, thats a big shame, niggaz let me down
Shit what you know about death threats cause I get a lot of Em, Shady Records was 80 seconds away from the towers/them cowards fucked with the wrong building they meant to hit ours…..
Footage of 50 going to Dre video shoot for Kush shows up online with 50 pullin up on some crips, driving past at first, then doubling back to ask if they knew where the video shoot was at
– priceless
We know who is real and who fake.
74, ain’t no joke, I seem a lot of niggas talking shit when them videos first when up, but Ross know GDs ain’t to be fucked with!!
Dont worry for Rick Ross guys… hes gona ask Noriega for one of those favous to take care of the GD.
And then he’ll sell coke to his Mexican connects to make up the lost money.
He is the biggest boss thus far make no mistakes about it.
That’s right. We don’t play down here in dat 704. WHAT????!!!!!
To all the people saying the commenters are dumb for calling him out on this. Do you not listen to his music, he purports an image that says he’s such a boss and such a G that nothing like this could touch him, he at times went by the “Teflon Don” moniker and some real “gangsta shit” arises and all of a sudden I’m canceling the tour, don’t get me wrong his life is his life and I won’t knock him for doing what needs to be done to protect it but don’t put out a song like these niggas can’t hold me back, talk about getting people killed and then you get confronted with real shit and you misdirect and mislead people by saying “i’m ready to get back in the studio and make good music”…rap is funny man
Anybody who gets on the “well if real is killing people and causing violence then id rather not be real” blah blah blah..
no thats not real. being real is saying what you are and not creating an entirely overblown version of someone else’s life. its not about a certain set of actions defining real. its about what you are and what you say you are matching up that makes you real. when you stretch those two things too far apart, your not real, your frontin, your fakin the funk, and thats ross. it always HAS BEEN and he just got a pass for a few years for some reason.
@Bigboy .” I bet MLK wouldve done the same thing, given the warning. Boss move”
stop putting the fat fake Rozay in a category with greats, MLK had death threats EVERYDAY and still marched,still protested,and MLK said he would be killed, and didnt bitch up.
Malcolm got everyday threats too,and he didnt run from anyone.
Stop comparing the fake to the real son.
MLK – I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.
So much for a “Maybach Empire”
@JAGUAR, first, im not a Ross stan at all, i like some of his songs sometimes, but i dont get excited for his mixtapes or anything, i used to listen to lil wayne heavy back when he was killing the mixtape game, but not so much Rick Ross, like ever, but anyway back to my point: if someone like Ross were to die he’s big enough in his career were random people ( not only his stans) would be quick to say “RIP Ross” dont act like a dumbass. i know you have a brain.
The Real Rick Ross would have reacted differently to the situation. The Fake Rick Ross is not the real Rick Ross.
@cava- na son I got a brain, but no heart. the day that fat bastard dies. fuck every body else. Im throwing a party on his fake behalf….fuck out of here with your lame sympathy boy..
Those so called GDs are a bunch of losers and bums. Instead of getting an education and a starting a career they’d rather RICK ROSS give them money. SMH at these mofos.And if some of you condone that stupid behavior, then you too are a legimate fool.
Regardless, keep up the good work Rozay and the whole MMG team.
MMMMMMaybach Music, bitch!
these dudes as soulless as al qaeda… they’re gonna murk his ass for saying the name of their “leader” (larry hoover) in a song? or am i missing more to the story?
Ha. Rozay – “Shit is getting too real”
Biggest L of the year. Haaaaaaaa. He can never tour comfortably again.
“What’s yo bodycount nigga? I’m double digits” – Rick Ross
Biggest L of the year. Haaaaaaaa. He can never tour comfortably again.
“What’s yo bodycount nigga? I’m double digits” – Rick Ross
Please, Rozay don’t hurt’em!
[…] appeared on Miami’s 99 Jamz this evening to address the cancellation of his MMG Tour. The Bawse says the cancellation wasn’t due to death threats but stemming from […]