New Video: Cee-Lo “Marry Did You Know?”
December 13, 2012 @ 12:31 PM EST

For the latest visual off Cee-Lo’s Magic Moment, we get a sneak peek of the upcoming television series, The Bible. Hallelujah, holla back.
This is hard core white supremacy… Non White People ( especially Black People) should not watch this!
man…. that was just disgusting. and to think Cee Lo, the same Cee Lo from Soul Food and Still Standing, is soundtracking this madness. damn man…
@Iran The Race ….they really fighting to stay in position as their world crumbles. crazy.
I totally agree!
@Iran The Race, I shouldve just taken your word for it and NOT have watched that bullshit!
I had to stop it a minute and a half into it….disgusted.
How in the fuck is this coming from the same brother that did “Who’s that knocking at my window”,now gone to promoting some completely historically inaccurate fuckshit like this?
This really hurts me to see this….because this isn’t come from someone who is ignorant of history or doesn’t know any better or is ignorant of what the collateral damage that perpetuating such historically inaccurate shit does to our youth… this coming from a man who has/had knowledge of self…and knowing how much money he already has there’s no excuse for him co-signing and allowing this to fly. He literally knows better.
I’m saddened to see this coming from him, as he is too wise and knows much better and is well off enough that this wasn’t necessary. Sometimes once your financially secure…you have to know when to hold em and when to fold em, this is one instance where he should have simply said no. fuck the money, I will not stamp and perpetuate some blatant falsehood like this for a check. smmfh!!
A TV show about Jesus?I wonder what channel is playing this.Song sounds good.Cee Lo don’t give a damn what color Jesus is as long as that money is green.This must be a mini series because I think we all know how it ends.Oh it’s on the history channel
Loch 50 Cent ft. Eminem and Adam Levine My Life freestyle:
Isn’t the name MARY spelled with one R!? SMH at the people who post videos on this site. You guys need English 101 badly. This is not an isolated case.
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I bet it sposed to be Mary and I didnt even see the video
excellent analysis.. i concur!