Chief Keef Sentenced To Two Months
January 17, 2013 @ 7:50 PM EST

Chief Keef was tearful today as he was sentenced to two months in a juvenile detention facility. The 17-year-old was found guilty of violating his probation thanks to the good folks at Pitchfork. Before being taken away, he told
Now he’s talking about being a good person and “give me a chance”?
Not making fun of dude, but smh……
Good for his credibility, maybe it’ll help him think straight and it gives him plenty of time to come up with some refurbished bars.
this is the worst picture of this nigga. gonna give me nightmares 4 real
Guess it really is Brian’s day
The reasoning is bullshit. It was an interview/photo shoot. The kid is working and providing for his fam with clean money. These “people’ man you can’t win with them when from the gutta…
A jail cell! Thats that shit I dont like!! Clang Clang!
lol @ pitchfork getting him caught up…. GD FOLK!!!
he BD. this is hilarious.
Hopefully this wakes him and something positive comes out of this..
Let’s not forget this is the same kid who went out of his way to publicly taunt the death of a rival rapper. Good-hearted person? I know he is young, but give me a break.
B.Dot chill it ain’t Pitchforks fault. Maybe the gun range wasnt a good idea but its a simple interview lol Sosa could have said no anythime he wanted but didn’t… it’s on the kid man.
Tough break nigga
Happy birthday, B. Dot!
knuckle up younging
EA$Y BREAD “These ‘people
@DEspite, like i said Keef’s no angel. But they weren’t gonna do that shit with no other 17 year old rapper? why him? Oh cause he has a violent past? FOH. Pitchfork is responsible.
this nigga got sued too… we need a sidebar
#Freesosa anybody happy that someone else in jail and they didn’t hurt nobody #fuckinlame
@B. Dot
I get what you’re saying, but blaming Pitchfork when Keef agreed to do an interview at a gun range when he knew that the terms of his parole forbade him to be around firearms is all kinds of bullshit. Nobody twisted Keef’s arm to be there; he went on his own free will. That’s like an alcoholic blaming his “disease” on his father because he, too, drank heavily – NOBODY puts the bottle to your mouth but YOU.
Keef agreed to do the interview because he thought the money and fame made him above the law; and it turns out that’s not always the case, especially when the Chicago PD is looking to make an example out of someone in hopes of curtailing the city’s gang activity. Was Pitchfork irresponsible for going along with it? Sure, but in the end, Keef fucked up and that’s the bottom line.
He’s lucky from the beginning though.
Didn’t he only get probation for pointing a gun at a cop?
” Clang Clang!”
^ wrong but hilarious.
@ bdot. u obviously have something against pitchfork. they were involved in an incident that got a rapper that you hate into some trouble. why are you so hurt?
tell us why youre mad??
FEED ME !!!!!!!!!!!
Now I agree with you that it was poor choice that they proposed it be at a gun range, but no chance in blue hell did one of the most powerful labels in the history of music give some schmo off the street that much money unless he had good connections and representation. Keef has overseers and more than likely the overseers were the ones that got the interview. Keef and/or the overseers could have said no at ANY TIME, but they didnt. Plus, Keef posting all that stuff online and in his music, plus the JoJo thing failed help matters at all. Pitchfork was devils advocate, but they didnt cause this.
Lets add about 50 years to those 2 months and Im satisfied.
2 months, I’ll have Chief in mind while in the gym, his album is all bangers. Time to get ripped, Chief, when you get out, come to Northwest Chicago, much less violent. Lucky that I live in Chicago but see none of the violence. Blue Line and Northwest Chicago aint too bad, move North!
Them people got him. Stab a blogger with a pitchfork, fuck them.
When niggas start crying going to a detention center lmao
This is a skid bid.. Probably the best thing for him since Chicago has turned into Chiraq. Bang Bang…
A fuck nigga that’s…..nevermind
Redman and Loch smoking out!videos/c9qb
Dude look stupid with those glasses on. You guy sure this dude is a hardcore gang banger. Look more like a freaking geek. Dude this will not get u any street credit at all. Smh…
funny KRS-one addressed this s&*t wayyy back in the 90s on a tony touch freestyle. sorry but i’m going to link the freestyle. KRS-One starts talking about it at the 1.50 mark
@nathaniel In regards to the previous Keef post and my comment on it, dunno why you came off like that, with calling me a fuck boi and what not. Personally I dont care about all that uplifting youth and what not, all of that is a fairy tale to me. A fable. You cant reach everybody. For every 5 kids you “save”, 500 still doing the same shit elsewhere. Its not my job to give a fuck about this guy, and I gave my opinion on his situation. he’s a dumb ass. Point blank. Whether you agree or not, I could care less. But anybody that violates the law, regardless of if you a doctor or a rapper or a hooker or a nurse, you’re a dumb ass.
Keef is a dumb ass to me and thats the only point I wanted to make .You can keep fighting that good fight. Hey, we need “some” believers I guess. I’m focused on the ppl near me, my family and friends and the kids that need my help in my city that WANT my help. I dont care about a 17 yr old that chooses to abuse his privelieges as a citizen of this country by violating his probation, and for even committing a crime in the first place to get put on probation, especially not a dude with as much money as this dude and still a utter lack of common sense. You can stay up at night worrying about that stuff, i’ll go about living mine.
chief keef being good hearted? sounds kinda fake to me when all the judge has to do is bring up his bang bang music video. however think this is kinda bad nonetheless for keef and his music, but hey atelast its only 2 months
B. Dot…are you seriously blaming Pitchfork for this??? Doesn’t Keef have a lawyer, a manager AND a multi-billion dollar record label overseeing every aspect on his career?? You mean, NO ONE around him stopped the idea of shooting guns when he knew he was on probation and knew being around convicted felons and/or being AROUND guns (let alone shooting them in a gun range) would violate his probation?? Come on, man…
lol @B.Dot still blaming pitchfork. His managers should have been fully aware of his situation, and should have not consented to do the interview at a gun range. They could have done it over a cup of tea or something.
them convicts love sosa
his thug days are ova
best not drop the sopa
cause youll get bent ova
LMAO @The Majestic Niglet
Yes, We Got Another One
1. Lil Wayne (check)
2. Plaxico Burress (check)
3. O.J Simpson (check, check)
4. T.I (check)
5. Kat Stacks (check)
6. Beanie Sigel (check)
7. Michael Vick (check)
8. Mike Tyson (check)
9. Cassidy (check)
10. Cheif Keef (check)
11. Meek Mill ( )
12. Your Favorite Rapper ( )
That’s It, 2 little ass months smh that ain’t nearly long enuff get this nigga off the streets & my radio/TV. I’m starting a campaign or something fuck is the world coming to
Also please get Reese & Durk too
I feel for him…and will go buy his album…He sounds ig’nant but he is human and got a life to live.
So instead of judging and being cold…let just be compassionate and give a nicca a chance…that’s what he wants.
Keep your head up…hope they don’t shave your head like they did Durk.
The system is not made to love minorities (black, brown, latins, arabs, poors, white trashers…)
I don’t care if he’s a BD or VL or Crip, he’s like me…trying to make it happen his own way.
Chief Keef is in jail because he leads a lifestyle perpendicular to the law (however backwards the law may be). To blame the most reputable online music publication for the setting of an interview is weak shit. I expect better from Rap Radar. Well, I did.
Just showing how fake most of these new rappers are…You gone talk about shooting and gangs but cry when you get 60 days in juve?????? Man the FUCK UP
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