T.I. Gardens On CNN
February 2, 2013 @ 3:04 PM EST

T.I. brought his family hustle over to the Cable News Network’s Sanjay Gupta MD. With the aid of Urban Farming’s Taja Sevelle, T.I. and the kids plant a winter garden. That’ll get ’em to eat them veggies.
Standup dude.
[…] Source: Rap Radar […]
t.i. is a smart dude.hes broadcasting all these positive things of him and his family.i bet most people dont even think of t.i. tough rap image anymore.
Part of his community service?
T.I is now a pussy… softening hip hop brand.
T.i. And Jay-Z break hiphop stereotypes salute standup niggas
@TO ME is probably white. every time a black man tries to do something for his community you white folks try to psychologically break him down. but then again @TO ME is probably a house nigger like Samuel jackson’s character in Django
fuck this master splinter ”RAT” ass.
How yall gonna clown the man for doin somethin positive? smh Hatin ass niggas.
YES! we do need more of this.
Globalization has taken away from small scale producers because it favors the expansion of transnational corporations.
That is why corps are able to bring you and I cheap affordable food, while the small-timers don’t get any method of earning a living.
Urban farming is the best way we can become self sufficient and provide for ourselves! That is true hustle!
T.I. gets so much respect for this! from me…
@zeee pardon I had to laugh lol. I’m black… anyway I don’t know how your smart and progressive ass turned his into a race issue. Smarten up boy lol
Clifford is a rat using the community deal he had with FADS to exploit and weaken the essence of hip hop..
He’s got weed growin in the other garden.
Oh…and hip hop seems like the only area in somebodys life where you’re actually criticized for growing up. I guess you gotta be dumb and immature to be a successful, respected rapper these days. TI’s “soft” please. SHUT up
That’s exactly why Worldstar thrives. If there was a site exploiting other demographics and types, that shit would get shut down so fast.
Cooking with snoop and gardening with T.I damn what else is next
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Fuck showing props, there’s 1000 other things a man can do positive than plant a garden
^^^So? This is just 1001. Quit the hate!