LeBron James & Dr. Dre Cover ESPN
February 5, 2013 @ 11:27 AM EST

King James and the Doc graces the cover of ESPN’s upcoming music issue. After the jump, check out the brief behind the scenes look of their shoot. Issue hits stands this Friday.
how come Jimmy Iovinne didnt make the cut for the photo shoot???
Dre lookin old
lebron? why him ? smh cmon kobe all day
[…] Source: Rap Radar […]
Dr.Dre aging like white people lol
What Up Doc Dre!!
@jesus fuck outta here wit that kobe shit. lebron is there cuz lebron is that nigga. period. come in here wit some kobe comparisons. dont be madd my nigga
kobe= overrated!!! yea i said it
Reblogged this on JAB step PUMP fake.
cok: Exaclty.
Dre stay with them white shoes, ” the suede white shoes “, scratch Detox
Dre may look old but…
Dre’s hairline>Lebron’s Hairline.
Niiiicce ! Hip Hop Legend and Soon to be NBA Legend. Im a Lakers Fan by the way.
dr dre ODing on steroids