New Music: Tyga Ft. Jadakiss x 2Pac “Hit ‘Em Up”
April 1, 2013 @ 8:08 AM EDT

2Pac back—well at least his unreleased vocals. Produced by DJ Mustard, Jada and the spirit of the late ‘Pac checks in with Tyga on the latest cut off Hotel California. Album in stores April 9.
April fools joke rite!?!?…I’ve been lost respect 4 tyga but kiss just loss some points
wanna be kanye with this cover art..
this is so fuggin hot holy shit except for Jada and Tyga. props
Tyga just leakin’ doodoo out the mouth with this one sayin’ a bunch of retarded shit as is his way, and the beat ain’t bad, just too bad it didn’t go to someone who deserved it. Kiss killin’ shit as usual tho, woulda been fine if it was just the Kiss and Pac verses, but the Pac verse just necessary so Tyga get some buzz, like oh shit he doin’ a track with Tyga that shit dope, but goin’ on that in and out flow with Tupac just a foolish look, mad disrespectful, I mean it didn’t sound bad, but it did sound pretty stupid, overall this track half-assed, but what you expect from Tyga anymore, or ever?
2 pac killed this shit
Whoever agreed to give tyga Pac vocals needs a serious check about wasted verse.
aw mane
who the fuck gave this lil nigga some pac vocals????
what he did with it is nice i guess…but i always feel some type of way when random niggas use my favorite rapper’s vocals.
“I’ve been lost respect 4 tyga”….That must be a joke Hahaha I’ve never respected that lil nigga.
We need a new rapper. This one’s broken
LOL! Pac’s adjusted vocals still murdered the skinny ass nigga and jadakiss-my-ass on the track. This is BASURA!!!
“Bitch ass niggas counterfeit the funk…” ODB
Jada corny for this …
Nigga used C-Murder hook with Pac vocals!
This niggas a mark !.!.!
Mustard is wack too fuck all these new niggas I’m bumpin all old shit today!
^^^^110% agree^^^^
didn’t tyga just get his lil rapper chick clapped???
Check the rapper who went in on tyga -
Rofl nigga but the whole C-Murda hook, I kinda liked it though. PAC killed it
lol at “unreleased”…These are just a couple pac vocals mashed together.
Wait….this wasn’t an April Fools Joke?!?!
Niggas on here talking like they’re related to PAC or new him personally. Gtfoh
Rest In Peace means leave the man alone. Using a ghostwriter is bad enough but an actual Ghost? Hip-hop is in a state of 9-1-1.
Tygas a spoiled little kid
“I did real songs with Pac / no made up shits “- B Legit in a future diss to Jadakiss
Yo C murder hook and pac vocals that didnt really fit well. SMH
And to think once Tyga got exposed on that MTV valley show I thought it would be a wrap for his thug persona.
This corny ass fake thug tyga should not be allowed a PAC verse, stick to doing tracks with other fake thugs like officer ricky
Eehh I was feeling the whole club vibe of the track..until I heard Pac’s verse the mixdown was horrible could have been better
C’mon son!!, don’t start that “If Pac was alive he wouldn’t do songs with these fake rappers”
First off Pac’s Thug Life persona was based off his popular character on the movie Juice…
LOL @ all the comments.
wack engineer coulda at least make Tyga’s voice like Pac, add some distortion on there.
TYga voice all clean and Pac distorted, due to all them transfers and 2 inch tape getting old.
Oh, very wack song.
Fuck you Devante you corny and lame just like tyga
Tyga needs to get a bitch slap. Let the late great veteran live
Tyga and jada should of picked up there energy cuz the song sounds all off with pac rapping
2Pac back???? gtfoh!!! HE NEVER LEFT!!! and his unreleased vocals??? you must B stupid!!!!
fucking horrible..
Pac kills it but damn, how you gon buy a part of a mans spirit for this garbage.
then Jadakiss on this?
Tyga need to make cheesy club bangers and stay there..
aint nobody killed this lil faggot yet?
HORRIBLE i cogsign ALL the comments against this shit.
As stated Pac is the KING actor turned rapper he just KNEW how to be ultra conscious and thugged out like no one up towards him had been BUT this shit sucks.
wtf is this? was that tyga in pac’s verse? n im prety sure that verse was from “thugs get lonely too”
this mad disrespectful.
For real Tyga! This is terrible! Soooo disrespectful! WTF was the purpose 4 this?!?!? 4 some attention! I hate when niccas do female ish!
this can’t be real ha
epic fail
Tyga doesn’t deserve to be on the same record with Kiss or Tupac. Those are 2 real ass artists on a facades record. I guess everything has its price tho.
feels so …awkward adding pac voice on there, kinda shamefully especially going with tyga, no offense to tyga but dont ever try to go verse to verse with pac, thats…a little bit too much
@Devante i think u got the whole thug life concept wrong let me educate your ignorant ass.
1)THUG LIFE is an acronym that means :The hate u gave little infants f everybody
2).A thug is someone who came from a difficult background yet he was able to make it in life not someone that will rob or kill anyone(the usual meaning of the word).
Therefore Tupac was not a fake thug as you are trying to insinuate he did come up from a rough background and he was able to suceed in life.
Think before you post remmember:
Proverbs 17:28 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.