Gucci Mane Announces Mr. Guwop Album
May 31, 2013 @ 1:02 PM EDT

Gucci falls. With his digital LP Trap House III released just last week, LaFlare revealed earlier that he’s already on to the next one. Gucci has also told Fader that he’s recording with Marilyn Manson.
lmfao wtf marilyn manson gucci a sick bastard…
lol wtf
best album cover of the year..
recording with Marilyn Manson?
this might be the case where insanity incites commerce. After all these years, even tho I cant understand this man at all, he might finally have my attention.
Did I just say that? Cuz I hate his music…
TH3 was hard and everything he put out so far, I wanna hear this album I know it’s gonna be hard. In terms of creativity, beats and GuWops’ overall style.
Gucci definitely is a creative madman. No one can deny this brotha’s work ethic and if youactually listen to his songs he has quite the flow. I wonder how effective his campaign would’ve been before you could give away all this material for free cuz alot of the stuff is more miss than hit.
I don’t fuck with his music but…..
That cover tho….
LMAO. Can’t lie, shit is dope
hahaha@”No one can deny this brotha’s work ethic”
Despite all the bullshit this nigga been doing. He is by far the most hardworking rapper in the game
I would be covering my nose too his 90 percent of his music stinks at least the joints he was doing 4-5 years ago were kinda hard….the beats he uses now are garbage, the only song I keep in my ipod of Gucci is who R U that shit is hard.
gucci maine ft marlyin manson? smh no comment
Haha, Gucci Mane looking like Long Cat and shit :
J Cole 2
Kanye 0
Gucci Mane -100,000,000
why are y’all being so judgemental about him working with marylin manson? Em did. I’m jus sayin.
I didn’t see that Marilyn Manson shit coming!
Gucci lost the long way
Jeezy richer denabitch
damn coochie that coulda been you if you wasnt retarded
that cover tho………. epic.
still not listening to this shit by the way
gucci dont get gassed (in my funkflex voice)
[…] Gucci Mane Announces Mr. Guwop Album […]
How duu fade into a waterfall like that ?
dude im so fucking drunk
gucci working but needs to change his content. he’s a very productive artist but his content stagnates him. if he really wants to become exalted, he’ll need to stop that toxic rap. BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
DMX worked with Marilyn Manson too…… Song was HARD. Whats the problem, tho?
i love you fools that say this nigga spit that dope shit.
shows how uneducated and fucking retarded you niggas are.
Aint saying nothing about the music right now….but that artwork is dope!!
What is this fakerry ?
I Love Gooch and Ill always Buy His Albums, Trap House 3 Is Gold, and Its still getting spins , Shawty Los Verse On “Tell Em dat” Is The Reason Cocaine Prices Are Skyrocketing , Cant Wait For Guwop, Hopefully The CDQ Of “I Wonder” And “Choosin” Would Make The Cut
Never bought anything from Gucci before, but I might buy this solely due to the cover.
Any site promoting this trash should be shut down.
Point in my showed incredible growth for wop
Point in my life
Gotta girl from an island & she love her boo gotta notha girl love to sell my dope