Jay-Z Announces Magna Carta Holy Grail
June 16, 2013 @ 9:35 PM EDT

How’s this for Independence? Jay-Z is set to release his 12th solo album, Magna Carta Holy Grail on July 4th exclusively through Samsung.
The album will be available for the first million users on Samsung Galaxy III, Galaxy S 4, and Galaxy Note II devices. The download app for the project will be ready on June 24th via magnacartaholygrail.
game over
who cares? People always over hyping Hov
How much does Rick Rubin get paid to take naps on the couches of famous musicians?
[…] Video of the Jay-Z ‘Magna Carta Holy Grail’ album commercial with Samsung rr […]
first kanye drops out of nowhere, now jay-z…great!!
i like that fuck waiting
“I wil not lose”
What the fuck is an Adilk? Hov is a living legend…. Keep burning this bitch down…..
a room full of living legends. wow..
Kanye did his thing with the whole renegade marketing strategy but Jay took it to another level with this one.
July 4th?……. *Checks calender*
Yeah right no way. . . . . . I know its Jay but, the 4th? That early? Hmmm…
Maybe Em might jump on the new “Quick release” Band wagon. Announce the album in August and drop in September 11
“Who cares?!?” Dude. You LITERALLY got on here IMMEDIATELY just so you could throw salt?!?
It’s like you’re tryna set a new world record in the how fast can a nigga hate olympics?
You care.
Sk8board P, Timbo, Swizzy & Rick Rubin?
Hov Bless America. 7/4/13
Just had to double the calendar again.
2 weeks? Shit. The promo Machine then has to be on non-stop mode. Justin Timberlake in 2013 type Train. The single would have to drop at least this week
Fuck a single. Jay can do it. Em and now Kanye are the only ones at this point that can pull some shit off like this
only jus blaze missin
wtf….thats like in 3 weeks lol. Hov is crazy
LETS GO!!!!!!
jay z fell off after the black album so who gives a shit plus when the fuck did hip hop become this corporate bull shit this nigga is the house monkey america uses to get u to buy shit and build arenas fuck jay z and fuck every other sell out coon smfh not even going to listen that garbage
If Samsung are giving away 1million free copies of the album, does that mean they have already pre-paid for 1m and Hov is goin platinum first week?
Dame Dash crying somewhere. Alone . HaHa
This is much better than having to wait a year or two for an album to come out when they announce it
Aint even listening to this album unless theres a Wayne feature
CO-SIGN Bumpy Johnson! WTF is JUST BLAZE and The Blazettes?!? Lemme guess, “Want my old shit, buy my old albums’?OAN, Freddie Gibbs ESGN…
That production in the commercials sounds dope. The flow he is working on too. Whew
Whoever the fuck is saying Hov fell off is dumb as fuck. That means you still want him to sound like he did in his early days? That means he can’t progress in his music? Hahaha you can’t be serious
Highly impressed highly hopefull for the direction music is going https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpEppcrmGBA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
im praying he don’t release some edm influenced doody…
Man .. this is one summer to damn well remember. Cole, kanye , wale , now hov. Even though I’m not that big a fan of wale.. yeezus was weak to be hpnest, its in the same lane as heartbreaks except he’s rapping over daft punk production..
Now all we need is 50 to come with that street king immortal and a confirmed eminem date.
Halftime of Game 5? #EpicMoment
Hov apparent sold his album for 5 bucks a POP for a million copies…. I dont even think. this is a “official” album to be honest.. I think its kinda the same thing busta rhymes did with Google play music and just gave them some music to push their product.. I aint complaining tho .. new hov music? I’m in
Wow Jay stay sucking the corporate dick
@Izzy_Ballin: Wow Jay stay sucking the corporate dick
You must be retarded
Ok then how the fuck will people that don’t have Samsung get it? Will it be on iTunes?
i bet he raps over at least 2 “trap” type beats.
Jay did this before with Nokia…..
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I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that this is going to be the best album Hov’s released since The Black Album. People are acting like Hov announcing an album and then dropping it in 2 weeks is crazy, but not really. When you get to the level in the game that Jay-Z and Kanye are then you can drop albums without the standard promotion and still do the same numbers you’d normally do, only other raper who could successfully pull this off, would be Eminem I’d say. And hell, he might just do something like that this year too.
lol hov crazy but respect fuck the industry jus put that out if kanye is predicted to push 500k then im sure hov will do well
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we will see whats good when it drops
This is awesome.
SN: That Kanye CD is not that good. Honestly, I think it is possible to try too hard to be unique? This seems like an attempt of that.
LMFAO @ Rick Rubin’s lazy ass just lounging around making millions of black folk.
Who tha fuck drops an album in 18 days with no single or promotion? Excited about the new Hov music but this seems odd. Are they expecting him to sale based on his name alone with no music from the album. They probably dont care about the sales but the Samsung product their pushing. At this rate he has to put out a single in the next week to get people to even remember he has album coming out.
^^^ yeah right like jay would put up with anyone on his payroll not pulling his weight. we know jay don’t let anyone be lazy except memphis
anyway, this album is gonna be hot, can’t wait
^ you wanna go cunt?!? imma fuck your mutha
Can’t wait. We need something ride to for the Summer. All we got is J Cole and that is it. That Kanye is for a score on B movie or something not for the vibe to live too. Jay drop that shit!!!
its a good year for hip hop!!!
The only producer missing in that room is JUST BLAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jay only needs to work with just and timbo!!!
5bucks times a million do the math.hard copies on sale july 4th.shit hov dnt need a single nba finals promo reaching millions. Hope its dope album.em droppin n the fall says mr. Porter. Shit looking gd for hiphop. Who wants 2wait months for a release date.fuck dat drop dat shit n a few wks.samsung customers get it a wk early lucky bastards.
“Samsung has purchased 1 million copies of Jay-Z’s coming album, entitled “Magna Carta Holy Grail,” slated for release July 4, and plans to give them to Samsung Galaxy smartphone users for free – 72 hours ahead of the release. The users are to receive the music through an app they’ll receive later this month. (Recipients won’t be able to share it until the official release date.)”
WTF is this corporate bullshit? People with a fucking Samsung phone get to hear it and everyone else has to wait for a leak? Doesn’t he have enough money?
This fruitcup can put out an album with no real lead in like 2 weeks ..but jay electronica been on da roc nation for 17 years without even a single?awesome …
Doesn’t this kinda count as a mixtape?
I hope there’s a jay electronica feature and a Ryan leslie production.
C’mon Jay? Aren’t you bored of fantasising about your endless wealth?
Does the prospect of retelling your rise to riches tale REALLY inspire you?
Of course i’ll give the album a good spin, but jheeeeez! Talk about beating a dead horse.
acting like hov isnt one of the greatest artists in music
Actually, it sounds like that “Picasso” song is about how money is worthless, from the perspective of someone with endless wealth. Catch up, nigga.
Can we get a physical cd this year. King Hov
Kanye first and now Jay? Dropping albums without a real promotion. Hopefully Eminem is just waiting for jay to drop his album and then will announce his is coming in few weeks.
Lol Samsung.
Nice Samsung commercial
People are so focused on the negative their missing a big part of the creativity that made Hip Hop and why the resurgence of that is more important and positve. Hip Hop in the early days was creative and dictated it’s OWN rules. That includes topics, ways of displaying music to the public, fashion, and borderline enlightment. HipHop was a Renaissance of sorts in Black American culture. We’ve had previous to that “The Harlem Renaissance.” But Corporate America began to dictate what hip hop was. Thanks to the internet and people finally waking up to the harsh realities of Corporate America, the power is actually back into our hands. Jay Z and Kanye are obvioulsy not perfect but well aware of the realities of life in America. The true culture of hip hop is limitless and groundbreaking. It’s returning to its essence. Just enjoy the culture if you’re a fan.
SMH…genius marketing. The apple board members better stop piggybacking off there namen and step there game up.
Most people dont buy music anymore so you have to surprise them and just drop a album and they got to cop it from google play for the first week to be exclusive. Get your money off top. “He got a miliions ways to get”…smh
Damn Jay you couldnt be nice tho? You know Kanye and J Cole(niggas on your team) are about to drop albums…and you got to land on them unexpectedly like bird shit …lmao. Stop shading them, let them rock.
I know this album is going to be amazing sonically. Check out my Doer Society blog for more pictures and video about Jay Z’s new album Magna Carta Holy Grail.
..The Holy Grail
first Kanye West decides to drop an album titled Yeezus (a play on the name “Jesus” as in “Jesus Christ) with a track titled “I Am A God”
J. Cole decides to push his record, Born Sinner (another Religious Reference) up to the same date. Why? it is not because of the title of his record also having a Religious Reference.
are you watching closely?
J. Cole has the same initials as Jesus Christ
Mac Miller decides to push his record, Watching Movies with the Sound off (The album cover also having a Religious Reference, with him portraying Adam, the first man on earth, with the Apple of Knowledge sitting on his kitchen table with an angel over his shoulder telling him not to eat it and the flowers representing the garden of eden), up to the same date. Why? it is not because of the cover of his record having a Religious Reference.
are you watching closely?
Mac Miller has the same initials as Mary Magdalene
J. Cole (Jesus Christ) + Mac Miller (Mary Magdalene) = The Holy Grail
for those not familiar with the legend of the holy grail, it is said that the holy grail was not the cup used by Jesus Christ and his disciples but it was the womb of Mary Magdalene…Jesus Christ’s wife…and Mother of Jesus Christ’s daughter Sarah…the possible proof of an existence a Jesus Christ blood line.
Mac Miller tweet: “@JayElectronica no! we can’t. the holy grail must remain hidden until the right person uncovers it’s whereabouts. only the chosen one.”
whats going to happen when these records are released at the same time and listened to loudly across the world at the same time…
we will see…
are you watching closely?
– Michael Middleton
[…] Jay-Z Announces Magna Carta Holy Grail […]
@ Milli You can’t be serious..
I don’t think HOV fell off but his albums have been overrated kingdom come blue print 3 watch the throne niggas can’t be serious if those been good albums American gangster was pretty good but recently HOV has been better on other people’s shit
Hov Won…
Yeezus Nil.
Right..fuck samsung and fuck jay too
jay cant let nobody on his team shine. sorry kanye and jcole.
Whats going on with all of this religion in HIp-Hop now ?
Yeezus, Magna Carta Holy Grail , Jesus piece , Born sinner etc etc ??
strange …
Kanye West.. Jay-Z.. next is Eminem 🙂 I hope !
damn those instrumentals sound crazyyyy
niggas wanna judge based of nothing…let the music get here then bitch and moan.
Sounds dope. Hopefully it turns out good. It does need some Just Blaze though.
Who’s this Asshole on here talking about Rick Rubin. If it wasn’t for him and Russell Simmons there would be no Def Jam. Plus the numerous records he’s produced in the last 30 years. Go kill yourself.
rick rubin be taking naps on the couch like yeah yeah fuck it put that 1 on the album im gettin paid here nigga
5 legends in the same place working on 1 album
Damn some producers become better with time Pharrell, Rick, Swizz and Timbo along with DRE and Primo are some of them, i think Jay will over rule Yeezus on this one >>Friendly fire…for all the haters up there, here are the facts out favorite rapper has this under his belt >>
Studio albums Reasonable Doubt (1996) In My Lifetime, Vol. 1 (1997) Vol. 2… Hard Knock Life (1998) Vol. 3… Life and Times of S. Carter (1999) The Dynasty: Roc La Familia (2000) The Blueprint (2001) The Blueprint2: The Gift & The Curse (2002) The Black Album (2003) Kingdom Come (2006) American Gangster (2007) The Blueprint 3 (2009) Magna Carta Holy Grail (2013) Collabo albums: Jay-Z: Unplugged (with The Roots) (2001) The Best of Both Worlds (with R. Kelly) (2002) Unfinished Business (with R. Kelly) (2004) Collision Course (with Linkin Park) (2004) Watch the Throne (with Kanye West) (2011)
What does your fav rapper have 1-2 albums and then they are gone !!!!
Numbers dont lie
If you really think “its kinda the same thing busta rhymes did with Google play music and just gave them some music to push their product,” you don’t know Hov. He doesn’t necessarily need the promo and he wouldn’t half ass the product. It may not be his best work (like BP3 and Kingdom Come), but you know he’ll put in the work to put out a quality product. It matters little that he just announced it 2 weeks before release date. For all we know, he’s been working on it over the past year. We’ve seen pics of him in the studio with other rappers and producers. It’s not like he woke up last night and said “eff it, magna carter coming july 4” and started recording last night. It’s honestly a breath of fresh air for these veterans to come out and pick a release date and actually stick to it without any delays. Every time a rapper announces a release date they hardly ever stick to it, mostly because of label politics. The heavyweights don’t need to go through all that.
^^^^^^ Just imaginin if that was really Hov got me dyin @ the jinob lol
Jay Electronica is busy plotting on becoming a Rothschild.
It’s bigger than this rap shhh…
[…] Reports Rap Radar: […]
So if u’re an iPhone user, u can’t get the lp??
I see J is getting his MJ on w/ the exclusive shit, I ain’t mad @ him. I’m not getting a new phone tho to get a lp, just like I’m not standing in line @ 3 am for some J’s.
Oh ok, my bad. U’ll get it 2 weeks earlier w/ a Samsung…
This is going to be great. I’m not buying a Samsung tho I’l just wait till some body leaks it on the internet. agree with above comment where is Just Blaze?????
That Roc-A-Fella Chain Brings Me Back Good Memories Of The Hip Hop Era…
Samsung users get it 72 hours before the rest of the world. It makes it pretty clear in the article and on other articles. 3 days prior to the official release, the 1st 1 million Galaxy S3, S4 , and Note 2 owners can get the album on the 4th, EVERYONE ELSE, gets it on the 7th, likely through the usual venues (iTunes, Best Buy, Target, etc). Not sure where the confusion is coming from.
When this album is released it will already be Platinum since Samsung is paying for the 1st Million downloads in advance. Your Favorite Rapper Will Never Be Hov”s Equal so Stop Hatin For No Reason.
[…] Shout to Rap Radar. […]
Blueprint was written in 2 days…
niggas never get the bigger picture its a shame really
Damn jay a sucka ain’t his pose to be best friend album just drop makes matter worse not even in promo but wack ass Swiss n pharrel
Actually, it sounds like that “Picasso” song is about how money is worthless, from the perspective of someone with endless wealth. Catch up, nigga.
He says the album is about his attempt to navigate his way through success (wealth) & failures.
In other words, the same shit he’s addressed for 11 albums.
Who needs to catch up now turtle?
What could he possibly have to talk about after all these albums?
Hmmmn..same thing I’d guess: money, cars, beyonce, money, latest watch, money, Marcy projects (which is the softest looking hood I’ve ever seen), money, Brooklyn Nets, G4, money, G5….
Or like @the brain trust said-he’s always talked about success and failures.
So I’m guessing it’ll be a.) great production b.) good to great rhymes c.) Good conceptually songs -he makes those well when he wants to. but D.) The SAME SHIT!! People give Wayne a hard time about his subject more (I know I do), but Jay is just as bad. wayne just goes random from line to line, so the song has no meaning. Jay’s joints will have a meaning or theme (think Song Cry)….but really no ones checking for another song by him rapping about “Up in the clouds me and my spouse.
Signed Jay-Z fan (1994-2003)
damn, looks like timbo got that heat again
can someone tell me a full joke that Jay Z just told “cuz i always wanna to be a verb!?!?”
Fin to b wack… Dudes works w inSync
Why are some of you men making yourself upset about JAY subject matter?
He has basically touched every subject there is to touch in his own way. He’s not Tupac, he’s not Nas or Dead Prez, but he has touch same subjects as them.
Would Dead Prez stop their revolutionary rhymes?
Let Jay do what he knows. He wouldn’t be this successful if he didn’t.
Plus we haven’t heard beats like the ones on this clip in years. Everybody got Mike Will beats. Everybody Damn near rhyming the same. Those same sounding fools wouldn’t know what to do on beats like we just heard.
From REASONABLE DOUBT to WATCH THE THRONE, there has been different subject matter. Research all his work and prove me wrong?
[…] rr (15) […]
…let me talk slow for you. Yes, not every bar is about the same thing.
But any Jay fan knows the majority of his work is: I’m better than you, you suck because you dont have my money, I’m the best, I came from nothing, the industry denied me, I made it, I’m hated on you, etc. That’s pretty much the breadth of what you get.
Yes you get an occasional minority report, or soon you’ll understand or Hollywood..but even Murder to Excellence is about his cologne, sheepskin coats, boutiques in Paris.
No one expects him to recreate the wheel…they’re are only so many subject matters, What I think people want is for him to challenge himself and us (artisitically). Thats why people loved Nas Distant Relatives..because it was so Nas yet so different. Thats what made Reaosnable Doubt dope..the insight. There been countless drug dealer albums…but he went behind the veil and talked about the hustler’s feelings and fears, etc. It was new and fresh. At this point, I just dont see ( I could be wrong) him being new and fresh when talking about his money. I loved him on Clique. But it was basically Money aint a thang with an updated flow and updated production.
And finally…Nickey Black..you mother sucks a kindergarden (Garden not Garten idiot) dick.
Young out!
this will definitely be better than Kanyes album thats for sure. cant wait
Jay can do whatever he wants to. http://www.youtube.com/user/KINGSEANFAME CHECK OUT THE HI-DEF *OFFICIAL* VIDEO SEAN FAME – “FORGED IN THE FIRE”
Thanks for correcting my spelling.Samsung auto spelling….anyways
didn’t realize I hurt ya feelings.
all that gay talk is unnecessary
@nippy black…check ya spelling braveheart
musical antithesis of Yeezus
It is really a nice and helpful piece of info. I’m glad that you shared this useful information with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.
Mike Will should’ve been there as well
Ahhh ha I can’t wait Hov bout to drop that shit
Well, it looks like Hova has done it again. Jay-Z’s new album comes out July 4 and Samsung already bought 1 million copies of the album before it is even released which makes it already platinum. He made $5 million off the deal. That dude is the ultimate businessman.
@ the brain trust
You consider “success” and “wealth” to be synonymous? The irony…
The funny thing is, the Picasso theme that I referred to in my previous comment is pretty much the EXACT antithesis of that idea… and it’s coming from the artist that you’re criticizing, off of the album that you’re judging. Damn, kid, you really are too slow for this shit.
Jay has gotta be the greatest rapper of all time now. This guy gets the best deals and he’s also nice with the words. #PraiseJay-Z
only the God Mc can do a thing like this and ppl talk about lack of promotion…well he announced the album @ halftime of the finals which btw was 1 of the most watched game 5’s in NBA finals history…so im sure between twitter word of mouth and the re run of that commercial the album will do well.
I have this feeling he gonna sell many albums off this project. I have a feeling. This is the first time I didn’t buy Kanye and I’m pretty “artsy” so I have a feeling it will be HOV, Wale, and Drake that will have some summer bangers.
All you bitches talkin bout these producers…where the hell is dj premier???? I could do without swizz shit beats and pharrell…
Neat little trick, good luck
Someone else heard that beat from 1:31 – 1:44 before??? I can’t remember where… It drives me nuts.