Kanye West vs. Paparazzi At LAX
July 19, 2013 @ 8:01 PM EDT

“I’m ’bout to wild the fuck out/ I’m going Bobby Boucher”
Here we go again. Kanye went off on a TMZ photographer today at LAX airport. After the camera man complimented his work, West went on a tirade. Talk to the hand.
“Don’t talk … don’t talk to me … I don’t want to hear paparazzi talk to me or anybody I know … and tell everybody never talk to anyone that anyone knows … don’t talk to themselves .. DON’T TALK EVER AGAIN.”
After the pap asked about Watch The Throne 2, Kanye then charged the photog. Watch the tantrum. Back in 2008, Ye was arrested for a similar incident and charged for destruction of property.
UPDATE: Same song. New attack.
Jay gotta talk 2 this nigga some more….
But I laughed @ how the camera man still talks after Ye gave the whole speech 2 him….
That’s all I have 2 say
lmao this shit is funny. I want to be disguised as a paparazzi so he can touch me like that. ONE HIT WILL PUT AN END TO HIS RANTS.
Crazy nigga be fronting let him go a day thru LA without noone noticing and hell amp up his next performance art rage rants.
Somebody need to beat this sensitive nigga the fuck up.
He called his album “Yeezus”, fuckin “yeezus”….. but dont want and cant handle the attention?
All that tough talk gonna get that dude hurt, he aint have Beans around no more to take care of his ass.
Fuck Outta Here Bitch Nigga.
Pussy Nigga…Fuck tmz
what about the throne 2? people are pumped!
lmao hahaha.
Hey Kanye ! Here’s an idea why dont you “ignore” them. Kanye is slowly turning into DMX smh.
Go Kanye!!
Clown he remind me of a lil Kid for real. but i know its all for show fake.
man.. kind of feel bad for the dude.. I would hate to have the paparazzi in my face everytime!
one of these days kanye gonna attack the wrong paparazzi and hes gonna get knocked the fuck out ………… but entertaining non the less ………….
Kanye isnt smart enough to know that these rants of his are only feeding the paps.
He should just ignore them and walk away.
Stupid ass man,he get what he deserves.
If Kanye doesnt calm down soon,i can see him go on a wild shooting spree after completely losing his mind or drop dead by a heart attack before he turns 50
ask luda to use his jet homie,just pay for the gas,lol
why you still flying the public airlines Ye?
hahahahah get’em Yeezus!!!
iono why people (other than paps) get mad at kanye. i love it.
it’s disheartening, though, at the same time, cuz i hate that they get to him the way they do.
told that nigga to tell all his pap homies to never talk again. he must’ve been testing his yeezus powers out.
what’s really, really crazy though…
is the fact that this nigga was waiting for him AT the airport. before he arrived. like… he even knew what vehicle he was coming in.
THAT shit is scary as fuck, when you think about it. they otta call the paps the eric snowdens.
Is Kanye trolling the paparazzi?
There’s no way this bothers him that much you been in game 10+ years fam you should be used to it
People wake up! This shit right here is a publicity stunt. J cole topping this week is putting homie under pressure. Also the holy grail buzz is outta this world. Which means much future sales aint looking so good. he can fool yall all he want, with the idgaf about sales bit. But he does.Read between the lines!!!
….What about the throne 2? People are pumped !!!!!!!
LMFAO DKM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was the greatest video of all time, thanks for the skit mr. West… #WWYD
Kanye , really? stop being a bitch. You signed up for this shit when you became famous you diva.
I got no sympathy for either side but I fucks with Kanye’s music and I don’t fucks with TMZ so I guess I’m on Ye’s side in this one. Also, nothing in this video has anything to do with J.Cole.
aaaahahaha man. Morris Day laugh!!!! BWAHAAAH!
Yo everybody is going to fuck with you now. Respect commands respect. Your art does not command authority it commands basic level movement. As far as Kanyes know that nigga is the Kanye of Paparazzi…lmao. As I type from the comfort of lavishness I would like to say…Kanye…no clown music plays when u touch the paparazzi cameras…focus less on the circus ring and more at the task at hand young potential warrior….hey..or not. Time for my massage.
i thought kanye didn’t have a phone? i wonder if pusha t knows the number. cyhi DEFINITELY doesn’t!
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Ughh… Glad I didn’t buy his album, a simple fan can’t even congratulate the mans work without him flipping out on somebody. Sorry Yeezy, but you have nice tunes and all but I can’t support a man that’s not humble about himself, you gets the torrent download.
this shit is scripted , how the dude knew Kanye was coming out that car? yall niggas are retarted
then he asked him about watch the throne 2 , this is promotional
Lls kanye mean as shit how you goin be like that to somone who likes your work?
Supe Dupe | World In My Hands | (Official Sneak Peek Video) http://t.co/Ss84rSxIK0 #DMV #GoodMusic #DOPE
If dude doesn’t enjoy the fame , then why make music and alla that BS ?
This is all expected and hes giving black people a bad name to those who’s only peep into the Hip-Hop world is Via TMZ
LMAO this nigga is an attention whore. he knows exactly what hes doing.
@bskillz lol, but thats the truth though!
who cares?
kanyes ots
I love my nigga but damn Ye be trippin’ LOL. Yeezus!
[…] Kanye vs. Paparazzi At LAX […]
This nigga is bugging out.
what the hell is wrong with him
Black people always pretend like they talking on the phone, just saying.
*get a bodyguard* this nigga don’t want attention but fuck wit Kim kardashian. Bro u a clown now that shit was funny at first, because u had good music!! Get advice from your big bro.
lol,,,, he said “don’t talk to themselves”
wow kanye is actin extra stupid. dude is telling people not to talk. what world does this guy think he lives in where he can tell other people what to do?
the funny thing is, if kanye was just silent the whole time, this wouldn’t be a story. but because he decided to act stupid, now it is making TMZ money which means more paps will keep following and talking to kanye.
for such a “genius” dude is real dumb sometimes
he almost started laughing with talk themselves part, this shit was scripted a promo for watch the thrones
shhit is scripted like a skit from his albums, yall niggas are fucking dumb bow down to the television and screens niggas really are lost in 2013
This nigga need a hug
hope this bitch nigga gets dropped by Def Jam…..
This bitch should take a cue from Eminem. Em is the biggest rap star of all time and the paparazzi cant even follow him. No one knows what Em is up to. But Kanye…he walks into this shit on purpose. Its all for show. If I was a camera man and he did this to me, he’d be in the hospital.
@Easton West u are a dumbass, why would u want to be a paparazzi anyway, and why would Kanye want complete strangers talking to him while stalking and taking pics, he dont know if they are pedophiles or not or crazy people, he asked the guy not to talk to him and then the guy proceeded to follow and talk which was straight disrespect. And stop that stupid talk about hes asking for it, bunch grown men camping out peoples house where they kids stay and yall dumb asses condoning it just because hes a celebrity. Eminem is white they would have left him alone stop fronting.
if someone follows me after I told them dont talk to me theres gonna be a problem as well, how many photos do they actually need anyway or are they actually are some stalker fans who just wanna be near celebritys?
What tantrum lol this why im starting not to fuck with rap radar
Oh and they hella selective with shit they post……… i forgot its”RAP” radar not hiphop lol
kanye need to chill out man
dude said he was a fan, loved him lol,
and kanye still was a dick
Y’all know damn well that man wasn’t a fan lol. Also, why’d y’all find a need to post this?
And still fuckin’ with TMZ I see lol.
@Mugen u right ll that mess they wer talking about TMZ blacking them out and everything and now they are on their knees putting one of the best rappers down for entertainment.
HYPOCRITES Yall claim to be HipHop but looks to me yall are no better than TMZ when it comes to HipHop. The same way yall made fun of MJ now he dead and every year u be putting out tributes. Yall are sick. Elliot aint real he selling to the highest bidder or should I say the most page views. HipHop cant stand together thats why when it gets attacked u dont know how to defend it or make it better.
@DJ Semtex’s Prothsetic obviously you because , you took 10 mins out of your life to write that comment .
I get it that kanye doesn’t like paparazzi hell I wouldn’t either if every where I went somebody was following me but he needs to understand that it is part of the business. Do what rick ross did and just promote his album or anybody else that he supports…
Kanye they want you to get annoyed just chill.
that may be the greatest quote I ever seen
Yeezy sounds like a Whore Kardashian now and he walks like he got a Frank Ocean hotdog up his ass!
yeezus christ dude needs to calm the fuck down. meanwhile jay’s chillin with his fuckin basquiats
Funny how RAP RADAR hates on TMZ all the time, but they’re all for using TMZ’s footage for this sorry ass website. smh. Fucken losers.
nigga needs to smoke some good weed and just have some headphones on. be walkin round smilin instead
Zimmerman For President On you bitch as Niggers
I Wish Kanye would get ZIMMERMANED!! POW
funny the camera man covers his face and dont wanna be filmed after the attack smh the irony
Vince McMahon needs to cash in on this Kanye vs Paparazzi at the AIRPORT steel cage match or sumthin.
I would love to GTS Kanye asap! Knees to faces!
Say what you say about that guy (and the clear fact that he’s faking his injuries) he’s now a millionaire and he’ll never have to get beat up by kanye again.
They just doing it on purpose now. How the FUCk you gonna tell me this nigga needed an ambulance after Kanye failed to “wrastle” the camera away. That shit had me frozen stupid. Like they hugged for 12 seconds, Kanye said fuck it and then the paramedics are tending to his ghost wounds.
Only damage MIGHT be camera damage. If he sues for a bloody lip or something, its a lie.
That nigga deserves an Oscar for that, acting like Kanye bodyslammed him or something but I ain’t mad at him, hope he gets some paper actually. Hopefully then, Kanye will realize ain’t nobody ask his ass to become a celebrity if he couldn’t handle it….
Kanye is not the clown…..ALL OF YOU JOKERS SUPPORTING THE WHITE STALKERAZZI MEDIA HOUNDS are the REAL clowns. If he wants to make music but not talk to the Pap, then THAT is his right. Silly idiots. If a white person ran up on you with that crap, you would whip….no wait….you would WHOOOP HIS ASS. Keep it real and don’t encourage these jerks.
What LA don’t have a Clearport Ye?
I hate this paparazzi shit. This guy barely got touched and he’s that hurt? And it’s ironic how he’s covering his face after he becomes the focus of attention. Ye crossed the line, but I cannot condone professional stalking.
Flashing…lights lights
LMAO now this is funny. Easy bait
lol @ kanye.. smh. did y’all see his rant that leaked from 2009? eminem made him re-write his verse bahahaha! makes me wonder now, eminem was most likely talking about kanye on the song “no love”
by the way y’all, check out the homie killin’ this contest. would be dope if y’all share it!
what a fuckin diva Kanye has become, you can’t handle the paparazzi then QUIT already. you don’t see any other celebs acting like this pussy.
LMAO @ the paparazzi dude running from the cameras after it happened
One more lawsuit for this queer ass nigga!
This is all a lie. How is it that Kanye West hates the paps yet continues to take a public entrance from flights where EVERYONE knows the paps are waiting? How is it that they know every time he lands from a flight? This is a hoax set up by Kanye himself…or maybe it could be the fact that Kanye sold his soul the day he got in that car crash and he has the fame now but its weighing on him now.
Or maybe I’m just TOO high right now.
@jamesrowdy29 that is some racist comment. oh Eminem is white they would have left him alone. Did u see a recent video released by tmz on eminem coming out of a restaurant in LA, they kept trying to talk to him, dude did not even look at tmz. That’s how u do it. u dont even have to respond. Em just walked into his car and left. he did as if they were not even there. That dude wants money from kanye. Kanye is my nigga but he is not handling this well. Why dont u see jay been in this? he does not even look at them.
He wouldn’t have done that shit if a nigga was flicking them pics. I wish Kanye would run up on me I’ll two piece that nigga right there in front of his bitch. He need to chill the fuck out let them flick out and enjoy them millions.
wow thats some pussy ass shit. call cops and firefighter for a bullshit for a non injury, when they could be out doing something important. that nigga just tryna get a check.
everyone has the right to privacy, infringe on somebody’s privacy and you deserve to get your ass beat
This guy is NUTS!
KANYE WEST felony SUSPECT for attempted robbery…Congrats YE you made it.
seriously, i normally feel bad for people who have to deal with paps, but i don’t feel bad for kanye. dude behaves like a spoiled child. sorry kanye, you are wrong and you need to grow the fuck up.
Can he please acting like a young kid and just be focus on his music ish…?
lol this shit is pure entertainment anyone who thinks this shit is diff. than the wwe still think aftermath is on top..
C’mon man. Kanye should of ignored them no doubt about that but….
That cameraman deserves a Emmy, Oscar, Book deal, and (Ah fuck it I want a Billion) give that son of a bitch a Movie deal. Throw a sequel in there.
THE AUDACITY of him not wanting his picture taken Afterwards. Really? Shit isn’t all fun an games now huh?
I hear what y’all are saying and all that, but realistically I don’t think I could take folks constantly in my face like that. I don’t like people in my business now and I’m nowhere near famous. Maybe it’s just me…
this man needs some psych help. like ASAP!!!
Stupid Kanye.
Time to grow up
smh at all these losers commenting on “kanye should have done this, or should have done that”, or kanye is to emotional, he’s a cornball.. LOSERS PLEASE SLAP YOURSELF.. He doesn’t like the papz, he repeatedly ask them to not talk to him. if u even got a little respect you respect the artists wish and take the pics and keep it moving. but Nah these vultures keep instigating, keep harassing so they can push him into a reaction they can later report as an assault charge.. paparazzi = lowest form of humanity
Is there any reason Kanye does not have a professional entourage like Jay-Z that would keep everyone at bay in a professional manner. If you notice when Jay Z was in the subway these professionals were silently keeping people and papps away from him without any issues. I am convinced that Kanye loves that kind of attention. He has enough money to have an handler for each paps.
Kanye wouldnt have a job if it wasnt for the paparazzi
And i love how all the black people just think you can just be up a white person cause he is white ill knock your lil punk ass out bwaa
WTH , if someone is constantly following you and in your face you will get sick of it. He loves making music not trynna hide his face where ever the fuck he go.
seriously? that paparazzi is OBVIOUSLY faking. unnecessary medical attention dude. lol trying to get some $$$$$$ cant be mad at him though
@king are you dumb or are you just FUCKING DUMB?!? Picture Def Jam dropping Ye. Them doing so is as likely as anyone else other than YOU calling YOURSELF KING! Highly unFUCKING likely
niggas keep calling him this, and that the man doesnt want any fucking press etc. we all have choices requests etc. honor the mans by keeping the cameras out of his gottdamn face!! what viewers of tmz and so on want to just see him walking in the airport anyways? im a ye fan and could give two fucks about watching him board a flight. leave the nigga alone as he asks
Ha that lil bitch doesn’t like the cameras in his face
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Who the fuck he think he is?
Starting to expect these monthly at these point lol. The dramatics of that whole kerfuffle smh. I think Ye is slowly improving with the way he’s handling them though…….SLOWLY lol
Zimmerman For President! Kanye Get Zimmermaned Pow POw niiiiiiiiga!
Congrats Kanye, you have him exactly what he wanted…A LAWSUIT
Kane is a kick and a snare short of a drum loop.
Sound like a white hipster when he talks. Where his hood accent go lol?! Weak ass nigga
Them Kardashian bitches gotta be setting the shit up. Kanye getting E Chanel money.
hahaha oh man i dont even know what to say
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One day someone is gonna dress up like paparazzi and fire his ass up smh. Can’t be walking up on nobody these days #nevaknow