New Mixtape: Lil Reese Supa Savage
September 2, 2013 @ 9:10 PM EDT

Lil Reese is back with his new collection of music, Supa Savage. Hosted by DJ Scream, features include Chief Keef, Lil Durk, Waka Flocka, Wale and more. Titles and download after the jump.
couldn’t give one hot dog smellin fuck…yellow nigga shame on you.
Wack juice in the making
c’mon big homie…you should know better than post this
We need that (reese voice)
Just can’t wait until this blows over.
Why do all these kids sound like they are out of breath when they rap?
I’m just sayin’…..
I died for this?
Follow me now
this post is the example of why RR is the “leader” in “posts” but in no way shape or form is this site “leading” anyone. They hide their responsibility as adults and OGs behind “documenting” the culture. There are 70,000 hip hop blogs posting the same shit and documenting plenty. we need leaders!!!!!!
YN and Bdot are fame whores with no actual interest in being leaders. they just want those site clicks.
Yeah I come here, give them a few clicks a week….but that’s because I know what im dissing. im not taking shots in the dark. I respect everything YN ever did up until this site. And I had mad respect for Bdot till he straight up lied and exposed his true colors.
but shit music like this from “gang members” who beat up females for fun just shows that blogger payola is real. how can you say George Zimmerman belongs in hell but post music from someone caught on tape “beating up” a female? where does anyone on this site STAND UP for the culture or STAND UP for anything? RR has shown that they “go along to get along”. the only shots this site takes is at 90s -00s artists who don’t have what they used to have and the occasional “Zimmerman” diss.
the critical cowards behind this site are scared to criticize anyone kicking up that payola. im shocked they all don’t have MMG chains.
@ross radar
Fuck you and your self rightious bull shit agenda. If you dont like what rap radar does than go build your own hip hop website. Its just that easy nerd. You can post all the (socalled) real hip hop music and smart alec articles you want. But trust me no body will come to your shitty website because of your bias thoughts on the culture.
smh. these purists in music. a kid grows up on hip hop and lives to make his version of hip hop. don’t shun it because its not what you like. music is mad diverse. labeling whats hip hop only destroys its organic growth. just move over it if u dont like it.