New Video: Lore’l “A Hundred”
September 3, 2013 @ 7:00 PM EDT

Out in Far Rockaway, Lore’l keeps a few bitches, but a whole lot of niggas wit her for Billboard Bytch‘s new video. Download her mixtape here.
SLOW day on RR.
we getting our money up too
nice tits, fat ass…but that about it
Mr Willson must be fucking this chick on the side. I’ve seen way to much of her on this site. She’s super terrible, No type of appeal. Stop it five
Never gonna make it time to pick a new career or lock down a baller lol
^ *dead*
LOL! At the comments, but umm yea she actually started spitting alil harder once the 2nd part dropped but like idk, she seems like someone forced her to rap hard, not just sexy.
She def cute AF, must not have any older brothers.
I would honestly rather see her though in a gangbang pornoo getting gutted out, fuck all that rapping!
she’s ok, need more songs , not trap music either more of that High Level rap NYC type
she got nice pair !! the songs not bad
The chick in the black leggings… @ 1:12
Damn I almost forgot all about her after Love & Hiphop season had ended. I don’t think she’s wack like a lot of the above comments indicates. She has a lot of potential to be just as good or even better than Nicki. I think the difference between her and Nicki is that Nicki knows how to make good songs or Nicki has a team (or at least SB) behind her that helps her make good songs. I remember feeling the same way about Nicki when she was unsigned like I do about Lore’l right now so anything is possible when you have a real team with ears behind you that’s support but at the same time keeps it real when giving their opinions. Its hard for any man in a studio to tell a rapper especially a female rapper that her song that she really work hard on isn’t really that hot.
You n*ggas are frontin. She’s not that bad. She just need better production, some real producers producing her not just handing her some beats/instrumentals to write to.
Song was ok but the video was so cliche that I couldn’t finish watching after the 2nd verse.
I like Lore’l I just wish she would make a couple of club bangers or radio hits. Everything I heard from her so far is so-so or real street.
Where’s the originality? This is the problem with 95% of the hip hop music and videos being released
@Your Life Is A Lie
I agree with you 100%. Lore’l should really challenge herself and try to come with more Originality. I think that what most people like about Nicki. Her whole style/package its just different, a little to the left. We all know Nicki ain’t lyrical at all but she’s entertaining, diverse, “interesting” and at times funny to listen to and watch.
Bottom line I truly believe Lore’l is a star but just need to be more Original. I mean even the video was so cliche and boring. I mean come on Picking up Drug Money from a Bodega???
This was so eh. I wont say wack, just done so many times that even a chick doing it doesn’t make it all refreshing, just even more cliche.
She’s good, it’s just a matter of good production and having a better team. she’s got potential, just needs to be refined. s/n that main chick with those see through leggings looks as if her pussy smells like the NY giants locker room after a wild card game, with them dusty ass Js.
See why K Dot can say that King Of NY line. NY rappers (Men or Women) aint doing enough to stand out anymore. She has so much potential. Damn I bet if this was the 90’s she would put in way more effort. See the bar was much higher back then. Nowadays someone talented as Lorel is probably saying why the hell am I gonna put in 100% when everybody else is only doing 50%.
As a fan of Lore’l. I’m almost embarrassed for her after watching this video. I mean how you go from Love & HipHop mega hit show to a super low budget looking video? I mean you don’t have to spend thousands on a video but you still could of put out something more creative. I mean who the hell put the treatment together. Seriously I want her to win but she needs to leave those type of videos to broke rappers!
I bet she spent more on her Red Bottoms than the whole video!
She needs to leave OTL Entertainment alone. Because they’re truly “Out They League” when he comes to making her hot. There’s no reason why she can’t be on Nicki’s level.
*when it comes
*trying to diss the barbie*