Meek Mill “Hip-Hop Nation” Freestyle
September 10, 2013 @ 7:11 PM EDT

DJ Scream and Boss Lady hosted a Self Made 3 album release party over at Hip-Hop Nation. During the festivities, Milly cracked the mic for a two part freestyle session. Self Made 3 drops September 17.
Part 1:
Download: meek-mill-freestyle-pt1.mp3//
Part 2:
Download: meek-mill-freestyle-pt2.mp3//
NY rap!!! like the legit ny rap!
y’all Ny niggas so thirst. That’s why K.Dot came in and hurt yall feelings
This tape is restoring that feeling… A new golden era is upon us.. Rejoice & enjoy this moment…
Real hip hop! Is this artist signed? He is dope!
im loving this! more more moooooooore noise! yessssss!
im lost… ohhh now i see whats going on here
This mixtape is amazing production is dope and the bars are sick,make sure you keep a watch out for this guy coz I think he will be next up!!!!! #onrepeat #24/7
This is hot i cannot front
Support that brother Shake… If you listen close you will see how much of a beast he really is!!! Download that new tape like now!!!
This is awesome! I don’t usually listen to this kinda stuff but when my girl is right, she’s right! Might play it the rest of the day…
We’re witnessing a verbal assassin with a vintage flow on classic beats… Back 2 The Future of The Golden Era! #INVINCIBLEDREAM
milly got bars for dayzz
MMG…AD niggaz PHILLY finest # Young Niggaz In Charge…
woooooooooooooooo damnn wooooooooo…..smh
after every single line tho? c’mon…who was that? Dj Scream? I guess its a fitting name but he should probably change it to DJ Easily Impressed….Woooooo
Meek went in. He spazzed on that first part. I’m bout to check this second one now.
Meekmill whack. Choking ang shit. Rick Ross got him makin noises for nothing #writtenbars
He had a little fun on the second run. Little pop shot at Kendrick…..Lol
Wont dont people understand freestyles can be written? freestyle = free of style, meaning you’re not talking about anything in particular, you’re just flowing. Majority of freestyles are written with little improvisation. And that def was officer Ross with saying woooo after every line.
RaTheGod. WRONG. Stop trying to teach something you dont know. Yall got the game messed up. The true definition of freestyle is a rhyme off the top of the dome. NO WRITTENS. The rappers of today just arent talented enough to do it. They make excuses for their lack of skill. So damn lazy.
Damm meek choking up on written freestyles…it’s sad.. Cass was right..this nigga recycling bars and it’s a wrap…Quilly Millz got next in Philly..
@ MMG fell off, im giving you the definition i got from one of the most hip hop mofos of all times, KRS1. I bet you think battle rappers actually go off the “top of the head”, it’s damn near impossible to come up with fresh material on the spot that rhymes & makes sense. NOBODY goes off the top of the head unless it’s some 1,2,3/a,b,c shit.