Iggy Azalea Covers Complex

Alongside Chance The Rapper, Iggy blossoms into a naked Aussie for the October/November second cover of Complex. Below is a portion of her Q&A.
You’ve been fortunate to be around veterans like T.I. at Grand Hustle Records and Nas, who you toured with. What are the greatest lessons they’ve taught you?
Nas encourages me to take risks. He’s made me be less afraid and even more unapologetic. Even with “Bounce,” I was like, “It’s a pop record. I don’t know.” He was like, “Just fucking do it. It’s something different. It’s one song, what’s the big deal?” I couldn’t believe Nas was telling me to do a hip-pop record. The thing that I learned from both of them is to be unaffected by everything. There were a lot of sad days in that studio, and T.I. would be like, “Look, shawty…” and give me a spiel about how he went to prison and if something’s not going to send you to prison or kill you, you shouldn’t worry about it. Career-wise, I used to compete with certain other people I had issues with. He sat me down and said, “You run your own race, like you’re a horse and you have blinders on. Don’t look at who’s on either side of you or who’s coming up.” That’s helped me a lot because even last year a lot of people would have chalked me up and said I was a wrap. I sometimes feel like I’m the turtle and other people are the hare. They win their race and finish or burn out and I just slowly run my own race. It works out in the end.
This bitch can get this Dick!!!
nas hitting that
Someone tell Taylor swift to get off this cover
this bitch got ran thru by these guys, i’d hit it too
ok nas either tryna to hit that or his bi polar the dude said he wasnt feelin work out but give the thumbs up to that whack ass bouce…yep he def tryna get him some white pussy
When she gonna put out an album tho….
That’s all I got 2 say
Iggy dope to me sHe need to work with http://soundcloud.com/Love_At_First_Sound/recklessyouth ASAP. He’s making the type of music KANYE should be making
@THE MAJESTIC NIGLET you think J. Cole & Izzy are the same style & caliber of artist?? Why wouldn’t his advice be different to her?? o_O
Iggy is probably a great, great person. But lets be real. She has zero talent in ANYTHING – unless – you find her booty shakes worth your cash per album. As Ice-T once said about Britney Spears.. “She ain’t got nothing to say”.