New Music: Lauryn Hill “Consumerism”

Freedom is just over the Hill.
Tomorrow morning, Lauryn Hill will have completed her 3 month bid on tax evasion charges. To celebrate her release, here’s her latest recording. Read her message below.
Consumerism is a track coming out on the eve of Ms. Hill’s release. She wanted to get this music out while she was incarcerated, as it is a product of the space she was in while she was going through some of the challenges she has been faced with recently.
“Consumerism is part of some material I was trying to finish before I had to come in. We did our best to eek out a mix via verbal and emailed direction, thanks to the crew of surrogate ears on the other side. Letters From Exile is material written from a certain space, in a certain place. I felt the need to discuss the underlying socio-political, cultural paradigm as I saw it. I haven’t been able to watch the news too much recently, so I’m not hip on everything going on. But inspiration of this sort is a kind of news in and of itself, and often times contains an urgency that precedes what happens. I couldn’t imagine it not being relevant. Messages like these I imagine find their audience, or their audience finds them, like water seeking it’s level.”
Need diff beat in my opinion but definitely message felt. One time for the queen L Boogie
Need diff beat in my opinion but definitely message felt. One time for the queen L Boogie
Stop, Stop, Stop, just stop I’m sure there’s a message in there amongst the gibberish. But spilling a bunch of philosophical isms on a strange beat doesn’t make a song good. Listen to the Miseducation over again and try again.
Stop, Stop, Stop, just stop I’m sure there’s a message in there amongst the gibberish. But spilling a bunch of philosophical isms on a strange beat doesn’t make a song good. Listen to the Miseducation over again and try again.
u sleep
Dont give this trash a pass just because its Lauryn. This is straight garbage. She’s totally lost it.
Dont give this trash a pass just because its Lauryn. This is straight garbage. She’s totally lost it.
u lost it
he lost it along time ago.
Ok she’s venting? Shout out Lauryn thp
Ok she’s venting? Shout out Lauryn thp
Nicki Minaj is the best female rapper/singer, she is much more talented then Lauryn Hill…. (younger, more album sales, better look/voice/skills)
Look at the awards and sales for The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill before you make such a stupid comment again. Nicki Minaj will never be on Lauryn Hill’s level in any way, shape or form.
Nigga ended his argument with “Swag” his life is irrelevant
Nigga ended his argument with “Swag” his life is irrelevant
Look at the awards and sales for The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill before you make such a stupid comment again. Nicki Minaj will never be on Lauryn Hill’s level in any way, shape or form.
Nicki Minaj is the best female rapper/singer, she is much more talented then Lauryn Hill…. (younger, more album sales, better look/voice/skills)
It just seems like she’s talking really fast over a beat… Not feeling it, it kinda saddens me to see how greats have fallen compared to their past. Even my favorite rappers Eminem and Jay-Z aren’t $#!+ what they used to be, but I still support them cause they still make great music… It just isn’t what it used to be that’s all.
It just seems like she’s talking really fast over a beat… Not feeling it, it kinda saddens me to see how greats have fallen compared to their past. Even my favorite rappers Eminem and Jay-Z aren’t $#!+ what they used to be, but I still support them cause they still make great music… It just isn’t what it used to be that’s all.
There are a few “listen once and post” commenters on here. How could you possibly digest this offering in one listen? And are you even qualified to interpret the intent of the song? You know what’s becoming obvious? Some of y’all like hip hop music, but you ain’t Hip Hop….BTW, them brainwashes got some of y’all sounding very squeaky clean right now…
It’s still ass.. how can you digest something when the beat it’s distracting. music is music regardless of what anyone is saying. If the presentation is shit, the music shit no matter how philosophical or lyrical it is.
You probably said the same thing about a song u heard a while back on the radio…until the 100th listen; then that “shit” started sounding kinda fly, right?…especially after the video and the co-sign of one of your idols…conditioning is a helluva drug…
and pretending to be deep must be addictive. Thinking that you have been enlightened and having a self-righteous attitude just cos u listen to Lauryn Hill on a regular basis… False enlightenment is conditioning aswell
What are talking about, Selorm? I think I am enlightened with a self righteous attitude? Let’s say I did…what’s wrong with that? For the record, sometimes I’m in it for the beats and flows, and sometimes I just respect the art…Judging is a choice, but trust, the message was well received by millions globally
Judging my opinion on a crap Lauryn Hill tune based on radio songs is a lil bit self righteous, Lauryn Hill has made better songs than this. There are commercial songs which are musically better than this. Just cos it is meant to be about commercialism doesn’t make it a good song and you sometimes in it for the beat and flow. then you would know that the beat wasn’t right for it. But instead u took me for a “brainwashed mainstream guy”. As least an “enlightened person would look at the big picture rather than base his opinion on who Lauryn Hill is.
I didn’t take “you” for that…Don’t take it personal, playa…I do respect you for defending your position, but you assuming too much…My opinion is not just based on the fact that its Ms. Hill, although I respect her contributions to the culture. This song is more like graffiti: It’s purpose is not always to soothe the eye….sometimes the message supersedes the style points…
direct yourself to a 2chainz page or sumthn
cos a 2chainz joke makes you soo hiphop lol
It’s still ass.. how can you digest something when the beat it’s distracting. music is music regardless of what anyone is saying. If the presentation is shit, the music shit no matter how philosophical or lyrical it is.
There are a few “listen once and post” commenters on here. How could you possibly digest this offering in one listen? And are you even qualified to interpret the intent of the song? You know what’s becoming obvious? Some of y’all like hip hop music, but you ain’t Hip Hop….BTW, them brainwashes got some of y’all sounding very squeaky clean right now…
…….. What the Fuck!? 1 ya self Ms. Hill
…….. What the Fuck!? 1 ya self Ms. Hill
This is Not a Song to Dance to ,,Im Sure Its Some Jewels in this Joint …We Never Heard A Song Like This B4 ..Lets Give it a chance b4 we diss it ..She Wouldve Dope on Yeezus
This is Not a Song to Dance to ,,Im Sure Its Some Jewels in this Joint …We Never Heard A Song Like This B4 ..Lets Give it a chance b4 we diss it ..She Wouldve Dope on Yeezus
Damn, she’s too far gone. Sad. It really has to be something mental because she is a totally different person now.
LOL, this is why you niggers will never ‘move forward’. Ye’ tried to help y’all. That new Danny Brown record trying to further y’all. SMH. Opinions don’t matter here. Please open your minds. This beat is THE MOST REFRESHING sound in hip-hop right now. LOL, stay behind on your 4/4 beats. SMH. Seriously SMH on you niggers.
I get that theres a message in the song and I listened intently to get it, but if u are trying to get people to listen its best not to make your message hard to hear, so yeah this is a terrible song, good beat though.
Whoever says Lauryn Hill lost it…She’s talking to you…Trying to reach your garbage fed ass, the fact that you call this garbage shows what she’s talking about is too much for your polluted brain to diggest…..AND dont compare that plastic artist to Ms Hill….she’ll never reach HIP HOP position that Ms Hill will forever be….I wish people would remember what HipHop is really about and stop talking shit….I dont know about our community…So sad!!!
she made this for yyou idiots who cant listen to anything with substance have fun playing a puppet in babylon you fear the real
shes saying a bunch of words with “ism” at the end rapping off beat with a shit beat.
Who the fuck CAN listen to this nonsense?
Just like Lupe. Lupe raps so fucking complex nowadays not even his fans can understand him, he cant make a decent song either
i just need her to slow it down a bit so i can understand what she’s saying
Love it.A true artist.
damn. Lauryn… no. No. NO!
To be totally honest, this is not the Lauren I once loved… Why does she not sing anymore? She has turned into an abstract rapper with no substance. Using big words does not make you good and the beat is total garbage. Good luck to her.
I almost thought this was trash.. this is magnificent… for a comeback this is genius..her wordplay is ahead of our time thats why you might not get it at first.. it almost went over my head… much respect Ms Hill.
I used to listen to Lauryn Hill and tap my feet, then the bitch put out a cd that didn’t have no beats