New Music: Childish Gambino “Telegraph Ave”
November 27, 2013 @ 7:07 PM EST

Pull Over.
Chidish Gambino spends his lonely nights by putting the pedal to the medal on his new track. Off his forthcoming because the internet on December 10.
is that you drake cool song do
Drake much? Cool Tough. Childish Gambino has the sickest beats
incredible song
This cats on Drake’s nuts biting his shit and aint even from The Bay. Fuck outta here lol. Beat’s tight tho
This wasn’t even just a bite, he mimed drakes whole shit
why does gambino insist on biting every mainstream artist. kanye, wayne, big sean, now drake. I wonder if this is some type of statement or nah???
yall are high, drake can’t spit like bino just did
The album is going to be amazing, but his live performance is going to be crazy!!
those who find this to be him biting Drake apparently think this guy is new. This has been his style from day one
This is cool. Because The Internet is shaping up to be better than Camp.
Difference between bino and drake is bino is more talented. Plain and simple