MTV Cribs Revisits Redman’s House

Home Makeover.

MTV Cribs kicked off their Retromania week by revisiting Redman’s crib in Staten Island. Oddly enough, not much has changed over last 13 years—especially that shower curtain. Ha!

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  1. MrSkeezyMak says:

    Hah me and my boys still bring up how simple Redmans Crib was on this show when we saw it back in the day.

    1. sadfsd says:

      then you and your boys must be losers

        1. That Square-Head Nigga Batman says:

          ol bitch ass nigga

  2. aintshit says:

    This shit is faker than those rap radar charts ya putting up!

    1. joeycrack says:

      faker than wwe fan voting.

      1. Dan Karlin says:

        Faker than YN’s heterosexuality.

        1. Samsohn says:

          Faker than Andrew Bynum’s career

  3. Dan Karlin says:

    I haven’t watched this yet, but he better still have the Dreamcast hooked up to the 13-inch TV next to the mattress on the floor.

    Best ‘Cribs’ episode, EVER.

    1. Killyoself Asap says:

      Dont bother, the weak ass link aint workin. Shit never works right on this web site. Buncha dead links all the time n shit

  4. brza says:

    lol Redman is too funny

  5. Damian Marshall says:


  6. IamRealTalk-BdotLivesWithDad says:

    Thats the trap crib… this nigga probably got a big boy crib out in the Hamptons n shit

  7. Rufus Buck says:

    I love Redman. I remember back in the day when all these stupid ass rappers were showing their fake record company rented cribs and whips, then Redman came with his CLASSIC episode.
    The best episode of Cribs wasn’t his though, it was The Osborne’s. And I’m positive that’s what spawned the reality show.

    Top 3 Cribs episodes.
    1) The Osbournes
    2) Richard Branson
    3) Redman

    Redman just laughed in the face of the other artists wannabe excess and still does. Meanwhile his estimated net worth is…

    Btw, who had the WORST cribs?
    From what I recall, Ludacris had a disgusting crib. Nigga had a SWAMP CORRIDOR or some shit.

  8. Ski Mizzou says:

    Boy that was the funniest episode when it first premiered back in the day lol damn i was in high school

  9. RealDeal©Hill says:

    Real nigga hahaa.

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