New Music: Trina “Money Aint A Problem”/ “You”

Flawed Diamond.

Trina kills two birds with one mic with her latest releases. After listening to these, its safe to say, the Diamond Princess needs to abdicate the throne.

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  1. Cartune says:

    Ehh… Although these songs aren’t exactly terrible (well, the first one at least…), it’s just not touching or reminiscent of that Diamond Princess era. Hate to say it but It seems like Nicki Minaj is the only female MC that knows how to do this rap $#!+ right and stay relevant. shame

  2. #TeamTrina says:

    Trina is the only consistant female rapper who has been making music for 15 years. This is way better than Nicki’s new shit. I think Nicki is slippin and its showing. Its Team Trina bitches. Her time to shine. #Rockstarrs

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