Eminem, Dr. Dre, & Jimmy Iovine Cover ‘XXL’
February 18, 2014 @ 3:13 PM EST

Three Headed Monster.
Three of the game’s most powerful players stand alongside each other for the cover of XXL‘s April/May 2014 issue. Inside, the collective discuss Beats Music, MMLP2, and the ever changing music business. Magazine hits stands March 11th.
grey heads
Detox on the way soon…. Lol
Wow…the last time XXL had the three-headed monsters on the cover, it was Dre, Em and 50. It was Artist – Artist – Artist. Now it’s Executive – Executive – Artist/Executive
Man that shit felt like it was yesterday. Fif need to get his shit together and get that release date, it’s been 4-5 years.
I think he’s putting out 2 projects this year so we’ll see.
Versace skin…niggas looking leather in the face
its become such a disappointing reality that Detox will never be released .. for years we all had that hope that eventually it will come when the time is right, but he never even talks about it anymore or anything, I think its safe to say that ship has sailed, unfortunately..
Trust me im sure it bothers dre more then anybody know that detox hasnt been released..im not gonna wait on a release date but it been said an know multiple times that dre has had alot of stress with people sayin the record will never come..with all the times dre 50 an em has mentioned it im sure he wont go on a broken promise..lets jus say thats really the only thing left im sure he knows he owes the game..once thats out nobodys can say a thing about him ..he would fufill everything he set out to do in the rap game
With all that Headphone money, im sure he can give a mothafuk about what he owes the game or what anybody has to say about him
Juggernauts of this rap shit. Like it or not. #TIMELESS
Jimmy Iovine looks like a fuckin’ white collar serpent…… Archetype personified……. This cover is slightly unnerving and I think it’s due to the 60 year old guy in the blue leather jacket……
i almost don’t fuck with jimmy. dropping a wale and signing a cheif keef gets you no respect in my book, but the cole dreamville deal slightly gets me over that. Dre isn’t super prevalent in the culture as say 15 ago but at least he isn’t out here signing slaw rappers and sticks with kendrick and here and theres, im just curious to all the sounds and styles he’s been holding back so long. And you already know how we love Em.
No love for 50?
Damn Fif!!!!
50 is somewhere feeling reeeeal salty right now
The big Money issue!! Combined I know we looking at a cool billion! Salute to these guys! And yes Kanye, They do know the answers not Sway!
Damn how things have changed in a decade!!!! 50 used to be the man homie….WTF happened to you!!!! This is Karma in some ways because look how he did Buck & tried to play Game!!!! He kept taken shots at Interscope & little digs at DRE & now can’t even get a release date at all!!!!! I’ll buy the cd whenever it drops & his mixtapes but his career is on life support right now!!!!
they replaced 50 with jimmy iovine thats cold LOL
Where 50 at ? Lol
Yeah amazing legend cover,god of the rap Eminem,Happy Birthday Dr Dre Forever Shady/Aftermath !
oy vey, layers of makeup upon makeup…cot damn, its like i dnno if its more photoshop or more makeup…they try so hard to make these dudes look young send em to biogenesis clinics or someshit
everyone talks bout kendrick getting snubbed at the grammys, but nobody notices that em wasn’t even nominated (yet he still covers xxl… smh
His Shit didn’t meet the deadline…he will be next year..most award shows are fiscal years…not January to december
oh k thx man
desperate times for XXL, their biggest selling issues was the em 50 dre cover, so this cover is saying something about the state of their business and finances…no shots. but they got wack and inconsistent reviews like XXL for chief keef and L for something dope- they aren’t irrelevant today and not in touch with whats going on besides the tiny little sections of rap they report on,
Anyone else notice the occult/illuminati symbol hanging around Eminem neck? Wake up people, these individuals are not only telling you there true agenda, there throwing it in our faces because the “slave minded” will never understand truth & reality vs deception & control.
It’s the symbol for being over his addiction or some shit like that. Nothing to do with the grand wizards who hide behind the curtains and control everything around you just because you’re so special.
The blind leading the blind… Do the research & then you will not make unfounded statement s.
Sure.. I know I sleep good at night and enjoy the show without being paranoid every moment about something nonexistant that only serves as a good promotion too for artist to get people like you talking.
I guess you stans will believe what ever he says it means.. far from paranoid, just closer to the truth than you are.
I’m not talking just about him but all those triangles and eyes everywhere used by artists from all genres to make it seem they are ”in”. Anyway, I’m done here, got some mysterious things to do.
Interscope’s wax museum