New Music: Young Thug “Geek’d Up”
February 20, 2014 @ 3:02 PM EST

With rumors of a Cash Money Records deal on the table, everyone’s favorite rapper of the moment plants a new recording onto the world wide web. Try not to blow your high.
That shit looks like a dress
It is playa…
The establishment is in full swing to promote the feminization off the black male. This is just the beginning. This shit is so sad. The youth are easily influenced. Soon they will be saying your the one thats crazy for not likeing this shit. Or ur a “hater”. Sickening.
FACTS FACTS FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rap is a joke right now. I’m in my late 20’s. I’m blessed that I got a chance to experience rap when it was real. This is soo sad right now.
who’s better 50 cent or UGK?
UGK all day everyday
i have a conspiracy theory thinkin’ that most of you out here on the blogs who talk about UGK and PIMP C are only aware of the International Players Anthem and nothing else… but that’s also just my opinion you know
GTFOH troll ass cunt
Old man syndrome. There’s so much music available out there Young Thug and the like doesn’t cover what “rap is”. The past and present are great, there’s just more options these days so you get to see all this weirdo stuff that wasn’t profitable in the days past.
Firstly…I’m in my 20’s. However, I just don’t think like i’m 20. Secondly the greater majority of todays rappers consist of 90% outrageous outfits, jewelry, and Twitter beef, and only 10% actually musical talent and ability. You as a consumer are an idiot if you allow your self to be shorted %90 of what you pay for as a consumer, in trade for perceived, artificial, over-saturated “Swag”.
Would you buy a gold plated iPhone with no apps of space? Or a Lambo with a Camry engine? No…I have nothing against this dudes personal preference of dress or his sexuality. I have a problem with them insulting US the consumers by parading around in skirts with out at least giving us mediocre music. At least with Kanye I can say this dude look retarded but he can spit. So GTFOH with that “Young Thug doesn’t rep current rap” crap. HE DOES…Don’t settle for less brother. BTW: Look up black face one day. Was also a respected, popular form of “entertainment”…until people stopped accepting the bull.
Ha yeah thanks man I had no idea what black face was until you suggested I look it up. You’re truly a fountain of knowledge to my dry intellectual wasteland.
Those percentages are contrived. If you don’t like it go listen to what you do like. Luckily labels can’t force feed the public anymore so enjoy it and let your bitching ride out.
The fustration dealing wit these Hypnotized fall for anything dudes these days. Thank’s for dropping the knowledge. Coulden’t of said it better myself. This turns my stomach seeing this because i know why this is being put out there. It will be pushed on the public until it’s accepted as the norm. The worst part is the consumer is so easily mislead. It’s suddle. It’s a shirt that looks like a dress. Eventually he will lose the pants when the time is right. Then the rap community is turned out and brain washed. Just like they turned bling, materialism, Ho’s, and pimps into the criteria of being a good rapper. How dumb is that sh-t. They actually made having talent and lyrics corney. What kind of brain dead individual can even stomach a 2 chains or a Tinadad James. Come on man, the dudes name is Young thug but he has a dress on. They already tried this sh-t wit lil B. They will keep trying until U dummys fall in line. The bar is set so low in rap that when someone is half way decent people think he’s the second coming. I quote. “Hip Hop is Dead cause the best shit is undrerground”. Im out.
This the type of niggas y’all jammin? Oh ok cool… *turns & walks away*
This is the GAY RAPPER yall been waiting for SMH. this the same nigga who posted a picture of him and birdman on ig with the caption “#KissinEachOtherLove !” LOLLLLLL smh
hahaha this is what rap has come to smh this dude is wearing a dress. Yup he is signed to Young Money dressing like that he is.
The fact you guys promote this sht instead of straight ripping on it as garbage just shows how little this site actually cares about good music
first gay AND retarded rapper?
Yes on the gay part but I think biz Marie was the 1st short bus emcee
Fag, lool
This is straight phaggotry! Any mindless numbskull who wants to go at folks and call them ‘old’ just because they aren’t down with this idiotic trash is brainless. You and your ‘turn up’ generation are a lost cause and WILL take blacks 10 steps back. These knuckle-draggin’ coon tunes are the worst and would have been comedic parodies 15-20 years ago.
People need to loosen up. “Real” rap is still alive and well. YT is just a young nigga makin the music he wants to make and it’s connecting with people. Chill out. It’s a party
save that crap,
dude looks like a fruit cake,you think i would press play on his music?
i dont care if he was the 2nd coming of Nas. as styles p said KILL THAT FAGGOT!
I don’t mind a gay rapper, ur preference is it’s. But at least be dope. Frank Ocean made art at least. Hiphop should welcome a gay rapper but a ducking good one
EJ Johnson ass nigga
Rap Game Dennis Rodman
white supremacy wins again , fucking smh
Ok its not me. I though I was hallucinating seeing this niqqa in a dress. WTF
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO @ this still B. Nigga look like a damn transexual deadass. Didn’t even listen to this shit just went straight to comment. Cant listen to transexual rap, I’m good. LOL
lol this ruined his career before it started RR used this photo intentionally y’all hilarious for this
bitch made…
This is the highest quality of trash, I mean, this has already ruined my weekend, this motherfucking AUDIO tampon must be dumb early April Fool’s Joke. How dare you motherfuckers insult our ears with this bullshit. The crazy shit is that someone actually took the time to write code, link, and post this nonsense….and actually put an up arrow as if that was an option. When CSI comes to investigate the death of Hip Hop, this song will wind up in the evidence locker in a bag labeled “FuckShit”.
I’m embarrassed that I came to this site.
LOL Here’s the future of rap! Yall can have this weak ass clown, wayne,drake,rich homie,chief keef,french montana,asap mob,future…and the rest of these fruits thats out here. Imma stay with Mobb Deep, Juicy n mafia,Scarface,BunB,Ice cube, Dogg pound,Master P,WC, yknow, REAL shit that aint suspect.
This nigga is a certefied homo.
Hes rockin a blouse. Lmfao Wooooow
Anyone who does not understand this as ART is retarded.