50 Cent Confronts Steve Stoute
March 1, 2014 @ 4:59 PM EST

Aggressive Content.
Although 50 Cent has made peace with Fat Joe and The Lox, he’s isn’t extending an olive branch to everyone. During half time at yesterday’s Knicks game, Fif confronted former business partner, Steve Stoute. Earlier this week, Stoute assailed Fif during his interviews with Angie Martinez and The Breakfast Club. Better watch what you say.
haha my nigga Fif
Real Nigga shit. Gotta love 50 in a world where anybody else wouldn’t have done shit
No, you can’t be mad at Stoute for speaking the truth. Everything he said was 100% truth.
Not about it being the truth or not, it is about why he chose to bring 50’s name up in 3 diff interviews without being asked about him. As much as he shit talks 50 you would think that he was the one who bitch smacked him with a champagne bottle
Actually Angie Martinez brought up his name. And he was asked the same question on different stations ON THE SAME DAY (media run) as far as influential artists and so naturally since he talked about it on Hot 97, he just brought that convo over to the other stations.
NOPE. If you watch it, he clearly first asks angie “what about your man 50 cent”
Why are yall bitching about 50’s cat fights? 50 needs to make music that New York and the rest of the world cares about again. He can pick fights all he wants, its not gonna work because he played that card already.
Why didn’t he say the same thing for Diddy and Dr. Dre who haven’t had hits since 2010 if he was telling the truth? Can we say he might be mad himself 50 built an empire without his help?
DId you just compare 50’s legacy to Dre’s and Diddys.. You’re joking right?
Diddy has No legacy..He was biggies back up dancer.He’s got a mind for business but not for Hiphop.
Choke yourself. He is hip hop you idiot. Hip hop is not only rapping.
It should be. Because of fans like you who like lack luster artists who put out shit work(tyga and anyne ymcmb)
You wre prolly a fan of Yung Joc and Dem Franchise boys back in the day..
what is it with people on this website hating rap music and liking pop so much??
it has ruined rap
Dre and Diddy didn’t leave their legacy with just their music you have to account for every artist every group every plaque they got. Whether or not you believe Diddy has a legacy is meaningless when has pushed 30 plus platinum records through bad boy through a dozen artists.
Thats the point then why is he talking about 50 in the first place.. probably because 50 did some of the same things diddy and dre did in more than half the time (years)
Haha word. You know your hiphop history well my friend.
Diddys legacy is Biggie.
Diddy has no legacy on his own. stfu.
Really you respect diddy? You really do?
wow you must hate rap music.
Dre n Diddys legacy is takin credit for others work and knowledge. Puff could never make or mix a beat on his own and Dre cant do nuthin besides samplin old ass records and having an army of producers n engineers around remakin em. Neither one has EVER made a beat on their own without help
You know Quincy Jones is a respected producer and he produced the best selling album of all time and he doesnt play instruments just an added note. Dre can play instruments he just choses not to anymore
Google Dr. Dre. Brush up on some shit. Get back to me
Because Diddy made 50 million last year and Dre has made almost 200 mill the last two years — that’s compared to 50 Cent’s 7 million last year. He’s not playing in the same league as them, they never were dependent on solo music career like 50. Come on, be real now.
Unless 50’s music becomes hot again, or he scores a business venture like Ciroc and Beats by Dre, he’s really not important in the game. That’s just the truth.
But he was talking about 50 music not money last train to paris haha come on nigga were’s dres hits at people just love to keep 50 name in there mouth but most of the time saying he fell off but yet they talking about him..
No, he wasn’t solely talking about music when he listed the most influential people in hip-hop. Ciroc is a big brand in hip-hop, a lot of people/businesses depend on money from that company which makes Diddy influential. Beats by Dre speaks for itself.
Ciroc is a brand but guess what?Puffy don’t fully own it.Rocafella is a brand but guess what? JayZ don’t own it.Beats By See is a brand but just like the others See don’t own it.Interscope and Jimmy Iovine own it.All these niggas are nothing but Buck dancing Mascots for the Elite Corporations.Print That.
Dre Typo.
Uhh Puffy owns basically ZERO of Ciroc, they were already around, he was brought to popularize it, which he did…but ppl Jay Z did own RocaFella go watcha documentary or 2… The roc was independent. They called their own shots, def jam just distributed and cut checks.
Diddy takes home 50% of the profits because he struck his deal with Diageo when Ciroc was absolutely nothing. You can’t have a better deal than him. Take home 50% without investing your own money in a now hundred million dollar company? That’s unheard of, fucking impressive. Let’s not forget that he’s entitled to money if they ever sell the company too. Instant billionaire.
That’s the truth. Diddy has 50% of profits and Dr.Dre has 37% of Beats by Dre, Jimmy 37% and HTC 25%.
50 Cent is not in the same league with that Dre, Diddy and Jay.
lol how you going to say that when 50 cent been balling with these guys for only 8 years!!!! WAIT TILL HE GETS ANOTHER 10+ YEARS LIKE THEM.. THATS THE SCARY PART THOSE OTHER GUYS ARE 20+YEARS STRONG…
Yes but they are still making more $$$ than 50 Since 2008. Anyway they are all rich, I want them all to be billionaire one day.
You’re dumb as fuck. Diddy struck his deal with Diageo when Ciroc was nothing and takes home 50% of the profits; if the company ever sold Ciroc, he’d be entitled to a share of the proceeds too. That’s a good ass deal.
No, Dre has a substantial amount of shares in Beats Electronics. Yes, Jimmy co-owns the brand too. So is HTC with 25%. No one fully owns a billion dollar company, you need funding and to get that you have to give up shares, without funding your company won’t prosper and you won’t make money. Mark Zuckerberg owns around 20% of Facebook for example.
you’re an idiot. you know sms by 50 ? do you know how fast it’s growing ? fifty went from nothing to sponsoring athletes and nascar teams. Partnership with Lucas films to release star wars themed headsets. FIf’s audio line is not as big as Dre’s. But fifty is successfully growing his company. and how is 50 dependent on solo music career you dumbass ? and fuck Dre. all Dre has is beats audio line and even that is not his, it’s just the name . the last hit he had was only because Eminem was on it.
Nigga, Beats by Dre is a billion dollar company. SMS Audio’s market share is almost non-existent compared to theirs. It’s a fact that he only made 7 million last year. He’s not as good of a businessman as you may think, he’s lucky that he had good people around him to blow up his brand while he made hot music — he’s basically living off that now.
You do it then….. if its easy to get were 50 at ! you throwing around advice like you know how to do it trying to downplay a nigga that did more in life than probably your whole family put together.. steve stoute saying it is one thing but you saying it sounds fucking foolish when have you made your last 7 million homie what type of business man are you !!!!!!!
I never said it was easy, I’m just saying that he’s not on the same level as Diddy, Dre and Jay. Far from their level.
Yea and your not on the same level as 50.. at least he closer to them than you are to 50.. so instead of worrying about what he’s not doing maybe thats why your so far behind not worrying about what your doing or not doing and trying to downplay another niggas
Accomplishments you only give a negative side of an opinion that’s called hating son…
You can’t win an argument with facts so you resort to personal attacks on someone’s money? You’re an idiot. Most people who are commenting aren’t millionaires, but that doesn’t invalidate what homie is saying. Dumbass.
Not a personal attack at all .. if that’s the case that nigga bringing up 50 money being less than what diddy and dre made can be seen as a personal attack to when that shit wasn’t even no where in this article.. I brought up the fact that he made out of nowhere talking about money.. and you just made my point for me nobody on here are millionaires so don’t you think it’s dumb as fuck internet bloggers with probably 4 hundred dollars in there bank account if they even have that. talking like there giving advice on 50 business moves no personal attack I actually think its funny as fuck…when people comment on millionaires losing shit when they sit on a computer blogging and aint got shit themselves..
JayZ stole Rocafella from Dame/Biggs to get to where he’s at.Puffy STOLE from all of his artist to get on top.50’s rise was Fair and Square and didn’t have to rob his artist or steal from no one to get where he’s at.Also,all of GUnit rappers made money. How many Rocafella artist are Rich now today? All of them biggest are broke and the same for BadBoy artist.
Only cause that jew iovine put money into it n set up the deal
show me where Dre made 200 mill and diddy made 50.. the forbes has neither of them close to that. your a 50 hater talking out your ass with fake numbers. hate this website.
the only one you didnt lie about was 50 and 7 mil is respectable you clown. laughing at someone making 7 million dollars. are your under 20 years old or something? Any year you make more than 6 digits in the music game your doing good.
Are you kidding me? Your link clearly says that Diddy made 50 mill, and I said that Dre made almost 200 mill the last two years–not last year. He made 110 mill in 2012 and 40 mill in 2013, also confirmed by your link. Well played, son.
Seriously you really schooling Es dumb ass niggas!!! They have no argument what so ever against the facts you dropping hahahaha
YOU DO KNOW 50 CENT MADE 300 OR 400 MILLION FROM VITAMIN WATER RIGHT?? …50 cent had 10% interest in that venture coca cola bought it for 4.1 billion. … you do the math homie after taxes etc….
50 doing what they did in half the time… so he clearly is important… you cant hate on his buisness moves….even the wealthy whites show respect to 50 and the deals he did…. until i see diddy pull a vitamin water move he aint on 50’s mindset… that deal instantly put him with jayz 400 million… forbes saying he has 260 is wrong… he signed non disclosure with vitamin so he cant say.. but he had 10% in the company when coca cocla bought them for 4.1 billion!!!!!!!
They bought Glaceau the maker of vitamin water for 4.2 billion. not vitamin water itself.
Curtis Jackson – 38 years old
Sean Combs & Sean Carter – 44 years old
Andre Young – 49 years old
SHUT UP IDIOT…and the ones who liked your comment. they have both been involved with HITS
Baby by Me (feat. Neyo) #12 (2009 -2010) 90 Weeks Top 100
Buzzin Remix with Mann #15 (2011)
Down on Me with Jeremih #4 (2010 – 2011) 135 Weeks Top 100
My Life (feat. Eminem Adam Levine) #2 (2012 – 2013) 69 Weeks Top 100
Right There (feat. Nicole Scherzinger) #3 (2011) 109 Weeks Top 100
Up with LoveRance #32 (2012) 37 Weeks Top 100
GTFOH. You just proved Stoutes point. Those were hits before him. Where are his original songs. Jay said it best ” came thru like hurricanes do”. He’s done. And now he’s independent . The chickens have come home to roost!
Sorry if 50 dont try to make radio friendly shit like H to the homo has for 20 years. Its easy to be big if ALL you make is pop radio hits
These are irrelevant..He meant SOLO hit Lol
Baby By Me and My Life are solo hits. Those are HIS records. So what if it has features on there. Every artist nowadays have featured artists on their tracks to get a hit. 50’s proved he can make solo hits. He’s done it thousands of times.
True indeed, but it wasn’t his place to mention it.
Not really.. because if it was truth people would talk about the bigger picture and how many other big name rappers in the game arent what they used to be.. what is Relevance? are the lox relevant is fabulous Relevant Busta or are they as big as they used to be ? they all don’t make as good of music as they did 10 years ago.. even people like french meek that are hotter at the moment but yet excuse my french flops is that relevant ? vs is 50 not relevant for some of these same reasons why do the media and steve stoute even still talking about 50 then if what steve says is true why not talk about all the other rappers that were big as hell at one point and that dont put out hits like they used.. he just made a documentry about the tanning of america niggas need to make one about how the record industry has changed in hiphop since it was first started and how fans change the internet coming into play all that AND HOW IT IT AFFECTED THE SALES.. and get off 50 dick hatin on the nigga like he’s the only one going threw a drop off in the game like he the only one….
Steve was saying the truth, but he was definitely saying it in a disrespectful way and literally laughing at dude. Facts are facts but he was inviting that.
Why is he confronting business guys and not the game? We know steve stoute won’t fight. 50 is pussy
stoute needs to be relevant so he goes after one of thebiggest artists of the past ten years (that he knows MIGHT respond to him) to make good music and not just weird metaphor shit that his 12 year old fans eat up(lil wayne)
LOl he dont look pussy in the picture,fuck boy. Stoute looks shook
The Game ‘I Hit It First’ Unreleased Verse http://bit.ly/1eQkWO0
ya’ll love cat fights
Not sure if I wanna find what Steve said on the link…anyone know?
Yeah…The Nigga Fifty Catching Feelings…That’s some Pussy Nigga Shit…Keep it 100 if U a fan of Hip Hop, Go watch Tanning of America…See the History We Young Niggas Creating…Lets look at the bigger Picture we Black folks, We got 2 keep it as 1 GANG…1 NATION…Steve Stoute the Commissioner…50 cent the GENERAL…
50 pussy
wtf ? racist much ? why should Macklemore get checked ? you dumb NIGGAS should just cut the crap without looking at whites as evil people or your problems source. dumbass like you saying “we should keep it as 1 gang” are the biggest idiots who are the issue with the society. it’s 2014 dickhead, start looking at the bigger picture. dumbasses like you are the reason why people are shifting away from hip hop and in general, a different kind of hip hop is running shit now. It’s whites and light skin dudes HH era. your ghetto slump shit has gotten played out.
truth hurts.
Gotta luv 50. In a industry that’s full of frauds once again 50 reminds us his still the realest person in hip hop and still doesn’t give a fuck.
Steve was straight hating saying his last good song was years ago, someone send him the big 10 or complicated or the lost tapes or murder by numbers or major distribution or the funeral.
Would luv to see Elliott Wilson run into 50 and poo his pants.
He said 50’s last big hit was “I get money” which is true. Unless you wanna add “baby by me” but 50 hasn’t had a big hit since then. Even the song with Adam Levine and Eminem fell off the billboard after 3 or 4 days. How the hell u dont stay on billboard with Em and Adam on the same record? You 50 fans gotta keep it real with yourselves sometimes.
who ur favorite rapper and how many he sold again i’ll wait smh
My fav rappers are Ye, Jay, Kendrick and Chyhi the prince
He’s your fav but you can’t spell his name right GTFOH. Stoute went out of his way to talk about 50 in every interview without anyone bringing his name up which is why he is getting sonned in the middle of MSG
Nigga how old are you? Who would lie about liking him of all ppl? What points would I gain by saying his name? I spelled his name wrong so I can’t be a fan huh? Smh lol
Old enough to son you like 50 did Stoute. Didn’t accuse you of lying about liking him, just pointed out how ignorant it is to not be able to spell one of your fav rappers names. Are you a Emandem fan? What is your fav Kayne Wiest album?
Idk who the fuck emandem is and my fav Ye album is MBDTF
Damn son that joke just flew the fuck over your head didn’t it
He’s not running. He has a right to argue with Stoutes but when it’s said and done, 50 is cooked. He is becoming radioactive like Damon Dash.
So you cant spell Cyhis name but hes your faourite rapper?
My god I hate you. You like the worst music. Kendrick is aight but its the same boring as flow everyone thinks is so progressive. Flo from progressive prolly has more name recognition that kdot.
Ok, Your right is not a big hit. I don’t care what the shiet sold that question was rhetorical
Interscope was probably calling radio stations telling them not to play it to sabotage his career
He never stated that he only pointed out 50. He said Dre was influential along with Diddy but either of them have had a hit since 2010 and before that it was years but gave them props on Ciroc and Beats By Dre. He said 50 has to have a hit to be influential in music? lol seems like he was cherry picking like Floyd Mayweather
Dre also has released a studio album since 1999. And when you are a producer, you still get those platinum plaques.
Nigga Dre was putting out hits with Kendrick and everybody else. Diddy was all over the radio and clubs cause he was working with Ross and French Montana. They haven’t had hits, but they have been behind some of the biggest hits that dropped in recent years. What dope hits have 50 dropped or been behind???
My Life (feat. Eminem Adam Levine) #2 (2012 – 2013) 69 Weeks Top 100
3 or 4 days.. You fail
Lies!!!! That shit came out and hit 27 out the gate then dropped drastically
Ummm. Didn’t 50 run from JaRule and Cadillac Tah.
Stoute’s comments were off, so yeah he got checked. Fif did a lot for HipHop and changed a lot of business models
Only thing fif really did was destroy NY hip hop. He went at Ja, Fat Joe, The Lox, Nas, Jay, Shyne, Cam! And I know I’m prob missing at least two or three artist. He made NY look soft and childish. Beefing with niggas cause they getting on songs with niggas you don’t like. How fucking childish is that? Smh
how he destroyed them they was flopping already smh
50 didnt destroy NY Hiphop. If you’re a NY artist and you feel 50 is the blame for you not popping off, then you were doing bad business to begin with. Fif went at Ja because of the very real beef that was going on. He went at Jada and Joe because Ja, his rival, tried to make a NY anthem. At that time, no one was bigger in NY than 50 and Jay, so it was an insult to him. HipHop has always been competitive.
As for Stoute, how are you going to make a Top 5 most influential rap artists list and 2 and a 1/2 of the list don’t even rap? Then you’re going to throw shade at someone who made power moves, on and off the mic. C’mon son!
Do you know how retarded you sound? Who the fuck is 50 to say who can work with who? Smh and it was an anthem and when 50 saw how big it got that’s when he attacked em. 50 is a lame that uses beef to stay relevant in hip hop. If Jay don’t have a problem with niggas making NY anthems then 50 need to sit the fuck down
Yeah you’re baked alright.
You 50 haters can’t stand dude and you girls never listen to logic.
If we sticking with music, dude makes great music that not only vibes sonically (most of the time), but it’s authentic at that. Nearly every post that mentions Fif at all generates discussion.
If we sticking with business (because that always seems to be the topic fuckboys want to start talking about when they want to ignore music), 50 is and has been involved with lucrative deals that artists old and new have been trying to emulate to some degree. Notice how so far we haven’t arrived at beef yet. Plus notice that this “beef” with Ross was something Ross started himself. Get the facts straight.
With the NY stuff, you’re definitely not thinking straight because you used the example of Jay. When I’m From NY came out, Jay (at the time) was on his way out. Why would Jay say something? Doesn’t make any damn sense.
No one is hating on 50! The fact is he’s cold out here on Es streets. What was his last hit? Wasn’t he pose to drop an album 2 years ago? Didn’t he just get dropped from his label? It took almost a year for his album to go gold fam. And as for getting traffic on blogs, nigga Kim k get traffic on blogs!!! Hahaha why the fuck does that even matter? Ain’t nobody checking for 50 when it comes to music and that’s just fact!
Fugazi “facts” get you nowhere.
-Dude has had recent hits.
-I was just telling cats the other day that if you’re a cash cow on a label and you owe only one album left, trust and believe, the label wont try to let you go for a long time. If Kendrick was to have a two album deal, they wont release the second album for a long time and will try to get as much money as possible.
-Dropped from the label? I didnt know buying out your contract was being dropped. FOH.
-It took almost a year for his album to go gold? The same album that wasn’t pushed right? Yet many cats who got excessive promo only to go triple copper dont get brought up, huh?
-You said it doesnt matter if he gets traffic on blogs, but then followed it up with “nobody checking for him”. Aite kid.
damn son get 50’s dick out your mouth.
God damn. I understand defending your idol but bullet pointing every single flaw and covering it up?
You need to be on his PR team foh
Game is that you?
you’re so original.
Glad to know your mother birthed someone with such extraordinary creativity!
Recent hits? Hahaha nigga what hit did he have on billboard recently? Gtfoh and wow I didn’t know I had to break down everything for you idiots. Yes, no one is checking for 50 musically!!!! He hasn’t had any hits on billboard or anything in a looooong time and when he did, it was only cause the track had em and adam on it and it still only lasted bout 3 days And u know it so stfu with all ur bs dick riding non facts
Pull your skirt down. Now you trying to use Billboard as your measure? NAS isn’ton Billboard right now, so are you going to say no one is checking for Nas too?
50 posts songs online and they get to a milli views mad quick, but yet “no one checking for him” right?
Baked indeed.
Nigga get your stupid ass hood mentality the fuck out of here. 50 ain’t dropping songs with Em and Adam NOT 2 make it 2 billboard.
Bang Em Smurf is that you?
Billboard hoe. Who checks Billboard to see what is hot in Hip Hop? you gotta be kidding me right? No true rap fan should be using fucking Billboard to judge music. This comment section starting to feel like TMZ.
If we are talking Billboard as the measuring stick…you must be a HUGE 2 Chainz fan eh? Boy is all over Billboard.
Who checks billboard? Nigga everybody!! That’s truly the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Oh when 50 was the soundscan killer and reading ppl numbers live on air, all that shit mattered then huh? Now that the nigga ain’t selling numbers don’t matter.
Billboard is not the soul controller but it can used as a reference point.
Lmao his last hit on billboard was my life, and it went platinum, whats ur fav artists last hit?
My Life went platinum?
Serious question.
for the past 2 week 50 has been the most talked about rapper on all the blogs sites with the most comments and views on stories involving his name so him not being relevant is so wrong. Either his collaboration with Schoolboy Q falling through, him leaving Interscope/Aftermath/Shady, His new song The Funeral, and Steve Stoute. Him not having a current hit out at the moment is true yes but no other rapper gets attention like him whether it’s good or bad. That alone eats up a lot of haters lol
People love to witness a train wreck. Ding dong the witch is dead!!!!
Hop hop is not only rapping its a culture you idiot
Jay Z dissed Nas, Jay Z dissed Mobb Depp, DMX dissed Ja Rule, Dipset dissed Nas, Dipset dissed Mase and Nas dissed Mobb Deep all before 50 dropped GRODT. I guess that was all just unity is disguise
Most of those beefs were on some real shit! 50 just started beef just to sell records. That’s fucking laaaaaammmeeee
you mean like Rick Ross did when he dissed 50 out of no where?
Nas/Jay weren’t beefing before 50?
I didn’t know that
50 start the Shan/KRS 1 beef too/
50 , troublemaker
steve stoute got that ” i didnt mean it like that” look goin on in the 2nd pic
Fif one of the few real niggas in the game
50 Cent really is the greatest. None of these so called ‘Gangsta’ rappers would have done this. This is why I’ve been rocking with 50 since I first heard him in 2003. I like AUTHENTICITY when you are rapping or else I don’t fuck with you. Animal Ambition Pre-Order March 18th. Album drops June 3rd. Show the world why 50 is the greatest by buying the album and giving him his top spot back.
Go back over to thisis50.com nigga we kno ur n employee nobody checkin for his wack ass music anymore GTFOH
Steve Stoute is that you?
Nope that’s B Dot hiding behind the computer as always. Defending YN , the guy who made his name off 50’s reign then shits on him today……………..till 50 Checked him on Twittter
LMAOOO why you mad.
Yet the niggas who beat the shit out of him up n stabbed him up in the studio is still walking around free like nothing happened.. Stoute aint a street nigga and hes at n NBA game ofcourse he gonna confront him only u little 18yr old kids on here who lives in the Suburbs would be impressed by this
He did so something about it he made sure that those dudes never made another platinum album or relevant musically ever again #RIP Murder Inc. (1999-2004)
“Yet the niggas who beat the shit out of him up n stabbed him up in the studio is still walking around free like nothing happened”
begging for change on the street no doubt,
Oh word Blackchild is walking around? What did you think of his last album? How about Cadillac Tah? Did you go see his last show?
“Envision a lil’ dog barking at a pack of wolves” @50cent
The actual harsh realities that 50 has had to actually deal with has caused him to actually become such a real nicca.
lawl… that was cold!
The streets have already spoken, 50 used to knock niggas out. That hood
!! (MAN !!) is In his DNA. The nigga has no chill, he’s gonna handle his
biz anywhere. The problem is that we now live in a age where real men
are not respected.
Exactly. Niggas that have no reason to co-sign, like Smurf, have vouched for 50 knocking niggas out since day one in the streets. At no point in time has he been the nigga to play around with like that, so this shouldn’t surprise or upset anybody ESPECIALLY Steve Stoute, he knew he was going to see him sooner or later…
It’s not the streets you idiot. Hip hop is the new WWE!!
Steve had a flashback of champagne bottles! @Mac Diesel called it too that 50 was going to check him!
Knew it was gonna happen sooner or later lol my nigga 50
You better check the message
lol Stoute got checked alright no doubt but are we gonna pretend 50 cent have been musically cold for a while now ?
He hasn’t been cold musically. Check the numbers around the world, people tend to forget you can BUY America with marketing dollars to make it SEEM like you’re hot when in reality you’re not. There isn’t enough marketing dollars to go around the world so if you’re hot around the world you’re hot PERIOD. Check the views every 50 video that drops gets a million views or more easily and these are just FREE tracks. 50 just hasn’t had a mainstream hit in America since 2009 that’s all and 50 can make one easily now that he’s out of Interscope and can drop his music whenever he wants he’ll make it hot again watch.
but 50 has made hits and they haven’t lasted that long, remember “my life ?” with Eminem and that Maroon5 guy, didn’t it come and go regardless of how many views it had ?, matter of fact when have you heard people say oh that 50 cent track was for a large amount of time. And I can say this because I am from abroad, the only people you hear say 50cent are his die-hard fans
Yes please stay living abroad
Let me ask you this:
50 is not heavily featured on the radio, yet has crafted great music, even as recent as this year, yet he’s regarded as musically cold.
Kendrick Lamar who is getting everybody on his sac ever since the Interscope deal, put up significant numbers before his deal. Pre-Interscope, would you say Kendrick was “musically cold”?
Yet those great music he has made hasn’t even been great enough for us to say oh shit that last 50 track was the one! and Kendrick ain’t cold because its been over a year since his debut came out and we are still talking about Kendrick, truth be told comparing Kendrick and 50 is way off because how many projects has 50 had compared to Kendrick and how many years has 50 cent been cold compared to Kendrick, the margin is way big!
I bring up 50 and Kendrick because they were pushed by the same Machine. 50 dropped projects, sure, but Kendrick has been doing constant features as well. Kendrick didnt take like a year off completely and have people still talk about him, so that’s not the case as you mentioned. There has been more than a few tracks that 50 had that were hits. The way you’re measuring “hit” must be faulty as it doesnt have the same definition as it used to.
but how many people has sung it’s praises for a long period of time at the very least around 6 months ? when I say musically cold, I don’t mean he hasn’t put out any tracks, it means he hasn’t put out anything that a large amount of people has said oh shit that was the one for a long period time which hasn’t been the case for 50 cent for a while now.
Then I would have to disagree, as there has been tons of people who have loved 50’s recent work. Even this post that isnt even about music has surpassed every post in the Top 5 as of this writing. Go on other 50 music posts and you’ll see the same thing. You have to be more unbiased.
A 50 cent post won’t even be that reliable because if a 50 cent track was hot it would transcend beyond the post. If we are talking posts on a website if a 50 cent track was soo good and so hot people would go out of their way to say it on any post on any music blog, a 50 cent comment nowadays are more likely to go 2 places a 50 cent post or a Rick Ross post. Even outside the internet, you are hardly gonna hear someone praise a 50 cent track for a long period of time except your average die-hard 50 cent fan. This is no bias, this is actual fact.
Ive seen plenty of people bump 50 tracks recently, so I guess we’re in different circles
Ross has a new video on this site right now and has yet in 2 days to get 70 comments for a new song. 50 dropped a new song last Friday and double Ross in comments after 2 days
Diddy and Dr. Dre hasn’t had hits in 4 years but make his top 5 but 50 needs a hit to make it? Sounds like he was cherry picking to me
you butt hurt cuz no one is checking for 50? tell him put some hot shit out in 2014 and shut everyone else up
What is your scale for this? This is why I brought up Kendrick. Kendrick was putting up great numbers but wasnt in a lot of discussions until after the label deal, yet we didnt say he was musically cold. Selorm is just looking for some massive smash hit, which doesnt need to be pursued to assert relevance.
man at the point in kendricks life you’re speaking of, he was still a nobody in the grand scheme of things. even 50s unsigned days, he was more relevant than kendrick was in his so what are you really trying to compare here? what do you consider “great numbers”? kendricks never done what 50 has in regards to numbers, lets be real here
Diddy is hot right now? What about Dr. Dre? Who both by the way haven’t had shits since 2010 but they are both on the list
no one is expecting diddy to thrive as a solo artist. no one really expects or at least believes detox is going to drop. 50 although a decent businessman, will never be the aforementioned, so all we align him with is music. which has been subpar as of lately.
We are gonna pretend that Diddy hasn’t had a hit in four years neither has Dre but he put them in his top 5
*Raises Hand* since when did we consider Diddy an actual rapper or even Dre for that matter, didn’t they have ghost-writers on deck ?
Faggoty dudes like stoute and peti puffy always shade talk shit like bitchs do nothing stoute said about 50 was true or made any sense anybody with a brain know whats up all those many men formed a kill 50 group and still couldn’t kill 50 now he’s free and about to drop they cant take it
black people lost
how black people lost nigga? you just can’t say anything about someone and float around expecting no one to say a thing to you in regards to what was said. thats that white mans mentality
rap game WWE… both got projects out … fuck outta here
Whatever your opinion is…. pro or anti 50…… u gotta see that @ least he’s consitent! gotta love this guy! Isnt affraid to talk his mind and go against the grain… not many people will or do
The world knows 50 hasn’t had a hit since I get money. Its a fact. It happens. 50 hasn’t been relevant as an artist in 7 years. He has sold a lot of records before that but no numbers since 2007. Stoute was right. We all know 50 kept doing reincarnations of candy shop. Stans and planted employees get over it. Facts r facts.
Diddy hasn’t sold albums since 2006 and hasn’t had a hit since 2010. Dr. Dre hasn’t had a hit since 2010 and hasn’t dropped an album since 1999 but they are influential to him and if I am not mistaken 50 had a song that charted in 2012 correct?
Baby by Me (feat. Neyo) #12 (2009 -2010) 90 Weeks Top 100
Buzzin Remix with Mann #15 (2011)
Down on Me with Jeremih #4 (2010 – 2011) 135 Weeks Top 100
My Life (feat. Eminem Adam Levine) #2 (2012 – 2013) 69 Weeks Top 100
Right There (feat. Nicole Scherzinger) #3 (2011) 109 Weeks Top 100
Up with LoveRance #32 (2012) 37 Weeks Top 100
Problem 50 fell of a little cuz of Curtis but he always came back hard and the lost tapes was good, but 50 cent could not see niggas like rick ross becoming that head nigga in charge and a lot of people 50 cent went at fuck with rick ross so they run together also bandwagon niggas is now fucking with south music or hipster and 50 is not in that lane.50 is his own nigga and he can’t adjust to being co-signed by a lot of niggas he don’t respect so he fell out of existence.which is his fault because he chased the money trying to do b-rated movies and headphones rather than be the dude that hustled music and grinding in it.50 not a nas or jay-z where u go away and comeback
U cant back up wath u say the dont say it
Them Dudes got History.. Stoute was the one who dropped 50 from Columbia, so I can see why there is a little hate
lol watch out steve
I have to give NYC 1000,000 W’s for this!!!!
With both ‘The Funeral’ AND THIS Fifty Cent has put NYC W count back in the black!!!!!!!!
Boi Fif don’t miss nuttin yo. That ni99a sleep like Major Payne
This is a set up. Just to get 50 back in the media and start another beef. Watch how 50 turn the shit into promo
Ross said this dude was a monkey. 50 is a sensitive thug. He needs a hug.
I guess Ross confronted Kreyshawn (A White girl) at the VMA’s was not sensitive
Ross dissed Trick Daddy for speaking the truth about his past! LOL
tell this dude 50 to get his head out his ass and release some fucking music for a change. you are solely responsible for destroying NY hip hop you fucking clown.
Jay Z dissed Nas, Jay Z dissed Mobb Depp, DMX dissed Ja Rule, Dipset dissed Nas, Dipset dissed Mase and Nas dissed Mobb Deep all before 50 dropped GRODT. I guess that was all just unity is disguise
50 dissed, Ja Rule, Jadakiss, Styles P, Sheek Louch, Ft Joe, Nas, Mobb Deep, Jay-Z, AZ, Camron, Mase & Dipset so whats your point? matter of fact, both are corporate sellouts that are all about money.
50 IMO fell off after he lost the sales battle with Kanye.. too cocky and the product wasn’t there to back it up. I lost respect for 50 cent when he took shots at beyonce.. you gotta problem with jay be a real man n talk that talk about jay
I seen his interviews now he seems a bit more grown. Then again he is blacklisted??… 50 cent prospered because of beefs and being shot 9 times #FACT but GRODT was a phenomenal album but that “gangsta” hype behind him helped him out so much. I’m glad the new school of hit rappers don’t do that gangsta and overly materialistic stuff and mostly they don’t demean real women.. our kids looking up to them have better role models so thanks to Kanye Drake Kendrick J.Cole Wale
Yes Drake is a good role model even though he raps about how many bitches he fucked, how many bottles of champagne he drinks and how many cars he’s owned. Kanye West is a good role model as well even though he is a man wearing skirts, dating a attention whore and going on random vents about how white corporations won’t let him eat at their table you know typical coon shit. Such role models they are
Lol you lost all credibility when you said this generation dont do materialistic rap. CLEARLY THIS GENERATION GETTING WORSE WITH MEEK MILL, RICK ROSS. 50 CENT IS INSPIRATION TO KIDS YOU CAN BE NOTHING INTO SOMETHING. 1 CENT TO 400 MILLION! Through hard work.
FIF getting at dudes. YN would’ve fainted like some justin bieber female fan if FIF confronted him.
Sure, 50 has been cold for a minute. But everything this nigga do is news.
50 in the studio
50 on a plane with Ja
50 Squashes beefs
50 Counts his money
50 taking a shit
where’s the MUSIC?
new video for The Funeral posted on this site a week or so ago. Shit was hot son.
Maybe I’m lost but whats so gangsta about stepping to an exec who you know isn’t going to do anything? Plus they were in front of 20,000 ppl. Straight propaganda from 50…..
I’d like to 50 try that on The Game. It’s not like Steve Stoute didn’t tell the truth. Dude hasn’t made a hit a almost a decade now.
*see. *in
If you or anybody else ever met Steve Stoute you will know why he needed to be Checked, nut Fifty Cent isn’t stupid enough to Assault Stevie “Lawsuit” Stoute because he like SUING Folks! Ask Puffy “Champagne Bottle” Combs! (inside joke)
i love this staged ass shit where they both just happen to attend the same knick game, especially considering how shitty they are doing this season…lmfao yall gotta try harder
You’re one of those guys huh?
50 is the most hated rapper ever. I hate how niggas say he destroyed NY hip hop, like shit was hella peaceful amongst the Golden Era rap crews. Stoute and Jimmy Henchmen both mad that 50 didn’t get $ with them, the only difference is Jimmy was a street nigga and things got real. Stoute is from Queens and dropped 50 from Columbia after he got hit…he’s a fuckin bozo. Shitted on Nas to work with Jigga and prob had parts in Jigga and Dame splittin. The underlying theme of all the 50 hate is that he took his spot, Preme tried to kill em and Jigga/Pun tried to make sure he never made a resurgence as an artist. Fif made the whole game lay down from dominance, not beef…NYC DJs embraced G-Unit NOT their rap peers…they were afraid and did side w/ Ja off the strength of Irv & Supreme…that was real beef.
Stoute had Diddy as a current hit maker when he hasn’t had a hit since Bush Jr knocked down the towers.
Stoute is an ass-kissing clown who drained as much money as he can off the “Hip hop” name including that shit-fest “Tanning of America”.
Rich guys talking about the money they made off Hip Hop , ok.
50 stepped to Stoute and he brought that on himself. He opened his mouth and got played in person
LMFAO QUEEN$. Too much talk will get you confronted. Simple. #TanningofAmerica is dope as FUCK though. LOL
I ain’t mad at either one of them. Stoute wasn’t saying anything wrong, 50’s last big single WAS I get money. But, you could also tell he was trying to throw shade too, he wasn’t just talking for no reason, he was throwing jabs in there too.
So I can’t front like 50 ain’t have no motive to step to this nigga. I was joking to myself when I saw Stoute’s interview that he must want some more champagne cracked over his shit, and it looks like it almost happened lol…
I thought “My Life” in 2012 charted…NO?
Yup sold out real fast on iTunes. Easy cashh
50 don’t play that shit lol. Ey y’all follow me on twitter @LAThaGawd
Listen to my mixtape too gees. http://www.datpiff.com/LA-Tha-Gawd-Astonishing-mixtape.550689.html
Dumbass takes two pictures of an argument when the button right next to it says ‘record’.
Take that L.
Photography and videography work much differently than you think. Sometimes you only have the option of doing one and the other doesnt necessarily work in certain environments
One word: iPhone.
lol but in an arena filled with screaming patrons? You’re not picking up any audio with that
Two words: ‘Body language’.
We would ALL rather watch footage than see a photo any day. How can you debate this point?
I feel you on all that. We should at least be grateful for the photos , especially since they’re so clear.
This is why he will always be radioactive. Beefing with a business man in a suit @ MSG. When keeping it real goes wrong! Ladies & gentleman …. the new and improved Damon Dash 2014!!!! The media only sees one n@gga in the pic,
Dam dash would be kanye. 50 too smart with money dummy.
50 the only dude in the game that gets hated on if a nigga talk shit and he step to him he’s the pussy !! FUNNY>> even though you heard a lot of shit about him even people that fell out with him you never hear anybody call him soft or a pussy even the game said 50 aint a bitch.. but yet he a bitch for saying something to a dude that had his name in his mouth… But if steve checked 50 in the pic the same dudes would say see I always knew 50 was a fraud and a pussy ..
Funny thing is why didn’t Steve just bring up when is the last time any rapper from NY had a hit (besides Jay)???? Why target just 50?
because he made 50 80million dollars with Reebok but 50 took all the credits. YALL “THINK” 50 SMART but Steve and Chris Lightly was BEHIND “EVERY” BIG DEAL 50 EVER HAD. Now Chris DEAD and Steve aint fucking with 50.
plus he got 50 his FIRST RECORD DEAL. This all just didn’t start. I think its a BAD LOOK for NEW YORK! ain’t no more RAPPERS to BEEF with before his ALBUM FLOP I mean Drop. So he gotta pick on somebody. I guess.
Beefing with a record exec will get you to sell albums? You seem mad 50 will sell without Eminem and Dre…NO?
When did 50 ever need Stoute for anything? He has more money so why would he care if Stoute ain’t fucking with him no more?
This is why 50 doesn’t have any friends…. Dude throws your name out unprovoked he’s trying to make you hot… dummy. Just release good music, rather than pointing fingers because you damn sure aren’t throwing a punch. FOH.
exactly he like floyd mayweather they are friends for a reason.. they dont like no one else.. and yes the made up and are friends still 😛
The actual upcoming release of Rick Ross’ Mastermind is actually driving 50 crazy. Curtis, don’t be so sensitive. You haven’t made an actual good record in a really long time. That’s just the actual truth.
Besides, this the very competitive nature of Hip-Hop. Instead of being mad, go to the lab and start working on that actual aggressive content of yours.
#Mastermind, March 4. Ricky Rozay, MMG!
Funny thing is none of those Ross songs are charting so I am quite sure 50 won’t mind
thats the harsh reality
how can a LEAK chart? I bet you if you go to a ross show you HEAR the CROWD SINGING that shit bar for bar like its charted number 1. The LABEL get PAID when the song CHART not the ARTIST! The artist get PAID at SHOWS! And who YOU KNOW doing MORE shows than Ross and MMG?…..I’m waiting…….
his last tour had 8 dates… the one before that got cancelled due to poor ticket sales and gang threats
5o is garbage and he can’t handle the truth… Nobody’s fucking with him! His music is Garbage and if he never had the vitamin water deal he would be irrelevant!
Vitamin Water was in 2007…NO?
If 50 is irrelevant, why does this post get over 150 comments, when other artists new music gets nothing practically? Just an interesting phenomenon.
50 cent being irrelevant is naive and ill-informed but he has been musically cold for a good period of time now and bare in mind his peers has done more compared to him in the last 5 years. He just need a certified platinum undeniable hit album and he’s good
Listen to the precedents you’re setting though:
“A certified platinum undeniable hit album” ? More than 75% of the game right now don’t even have that now, yet they’re considered relevant. Cant have it both ways. There is nothing wrong with just saying you dont like 50 Cent.
But is 50 cent part of that 75% of those rappers that can’t get a platinum album ? cos I swear half of the comment section here would love to disagree and they are 50 fans. The whole reason we are even having this convo is because 50 used to be that guy and he can still be that guy if he brings a certified platinum album . Even if he went Gold, that wouldn’t be good enough cos guest what, he would be doing Ross numbers and it goes to prove what we have all been saying and do you really think 50 would be happy doing Gold numbers honestly ?
Thats where you’re going wrong. No one is thinking 50 is going to be “super platinum” in a hurry or at all. Those days are over for nearly everyone in the industry, period. This whole rebuttal to you has been about the “musically cold” comment. Its either we talk content or we talk sales. If we’re talking content, he has great content that a lot of people are still checking for. If we’re talking sales, we have to see what happens when he drops his album.
When people complain about 50, they’re comparing him to himself and his past successes. Same thing happened with Jay. We can’t do that. Times have changed and so have the measure of success.
To answer your last question, Gold for Ross is different than Gold for 50 because Fif sees a lot more of it than Ross would, due to contract style. Ross’ money has so many hands in the pot before his, whereas Fif has only a few if any at all. There’s a difference.
you a POCKET WATCHER, huh? Who do the MOST SHOW? and don’t talk that OVERSEAS BULLSHIT! 50 still doing IN THE CLUB and CANDY SHOP at his shows LOL if you sing ANY of his MIXTAPES SONGS that YALL CLAIM so HOT the CROWD wouldn’t KNOW 1 WORD!
Its funny how fif got ripped for never working with other artists for most of his career. The man got signed by em and dre and took off!!! I mean, in a climate of music presented in the last 5 yrs since drake been hot and similar music, know ones looking for aggressive type music outside of jeezy and Ross(mainstream that is). Stoute won’t give him credit for his longevity and influencing the game. He jumped on hits and is now coloborating with artist and they hate on him for doing what all other rappers do outside of him”
Niggas really be suckin these niggas… how much ya’ll make last year?? oh… right…
Nobody but weak ass radio rappers n listeners give a fuck about a current radio hit. I’d rather have some real shit to bump then some shit designed and marketed for a nation of retards. 50 BEEN droppin hit shit on those mixtapes. I like his underground shit better than his album shit. None of you faggots know nuthin bout that though cause you too busy bumpin Drake and the rest of those clowns
50 cent should have just done more talking to Stout’s position by making a hit album…confronting a man on his opinion is just straight up ignorance.
194 Comments… Not In Top 5 #RapRadarHatesOn50
Rap radar hate 50
I fucks with 50 when he didn’t say nothing on Fb or twitter i knew something was going to be face 2 face.
Exactly @RealNiggaShit I thought the same thang and when I watched Steve Stoute interview w/ Angie Martinez I thought FIF go get at that boy and he did.
Meanwhile the Knicks lost by 20
Microphonixxx – The Imaginary Ladder
Out Now!!!
Grow up 50 your ghetto behaviors is for losers.
Stoute is a smart guy, but it sounds like he is bitter at 50. I mean 50 isnt as out there as he once was, but Dre hasnt been out there in a long while and diddy is just flamboyant as hell and has a need to be seen without him actually being needed. Dre is just basically the name pushing beats, dont be fooled thinking he and jimmy are actually helping behind the scenes with the technology. Diddy racks up a paychecks just using his face. 50 actually owns all his business ventures and that should matter in hip hop but ppl would rather follow the hustlers who are being used by corporations. Ciroc isnt even better than Grey Goose but niggas buy it for whatever reason, and Beats are priced ridicously to high but niggas buy em, ive had headphones that sound as equally as great as beats for 35 bucks. There are plenty of rappers/ceo niggas who havent had major hits in a while and dre and diddy are among them, Stoute just doesnt like 50, diddy is just a feature and adlibing anoyance and dre just has an ear for good music and adds his touch to things before its released. Try again stoute
Dre been in the MUSIC BUSINESS since the 80s what the fuck are YOU talking about? What other PRODUCER do YOU know that got the WORLD waiting on a ALBUM like he’s a RAPPER? lol RAP is 50 ONLY INCOME homie. EVERYTHING ELSE he LOSING MONEY because he OWN 100% of the COMPANIES! I “NEVER” see a person WEARING SMS HEADPHONES! but let 50 TELL IT they doing good OVERSEAS LOL! Beats got OVERSEAS on lock too! 50 LOSING BIG MONEY with that BOXING and HEADPHONES. he SPEND OVER 3 MILLION signing fighters when mayweather was LOCK’D UP. that’s why they feel out and money may went on to sign the BIGGEST DEAL in SPORTS HISTORY for 6 fights when 50s fighters fighting in Queens NY with $10 tickets LOL
1 i know how long dre been in the business i grew up listening to him, and what does all of that have to do with 50 being influential? Thats what this is about. Even tho Dre & Diddy are “influential” they havent had hit records in years just like 50. And if you think Selling a $10 ticket to see a fight in Barclays Center is going down you are crazy. You really dont know anything if you think 50 is promoting gym fights. Do you know how much income comes with sponsoring Nascar as 50 does, running a popular website as 50 does, Running a movie company as 50 does, not to mention a stake in siriusxm, a tv show he created on starz, and countless other shit u may never know, but because his music and videos arent everywhere or his face and name isnt constantly shown that he doesnt make money? To say those guys are influential and neglect the hit records part is not even fair because anybody can be influential without hit records. 50 doesnt need a hit record, dre & diddy damn sure dnt need them as in they are connected to ppl that are hot right now ie kendrick lamar & rick ross
the industry is built off networking if we have to go by who relevant we can also say French Montana, meek mills, future even migos are relevant. we can also say macklmore relevant. Music is based on networking and niggas flooding the game with trash and no quality with the same niggas on everybody mixtape. 50 cent last mixtape “lost tape” was vintage 50 and had bangers but now is more a stipper music/hipster era people like 50 does not fit in that.if 50 cent was a rick ross kind of guy who can have most of the industry fuck with him on features then he would comeback but most his mixtape are new unknown artist he trying to put on.50 cent did song with fat joe who I feel drop 3 solid albums with the darkside and he did a song with the lox I think he should say fuck the numbers do songs with nyc rappers and give nyc a album with features like cam’ron,nas,raekwon and let the new generation listen to lame niggas like future and young thug
50 son’d em like he was Marquis [50 Cent son].Steve Stoute look shook.That boy prolly was shaking like a stripper.50 end up clownin him some more on his IG,him and Puff was looking reeeeeal suspect in that pic 50 posted.Puffy and Steve Stoute was looking like they was on some ILLUMINATI SECRET SOCIETY SHIT NO HOMO PAUSE,I had to use both.Anyway 50 known for checking niggaz.
50 business ventures dont mean shit to me unless he got some dope music backing it up. There is a difference between deals that shake the culture and deals that are just deals for making a deals just so you can talkabout your “new venture”., Im sorry but im not impressed by fuckin Nascar. GIVE ME GOOD MUSIC. .
50 cent said in straight to the bank. When i made 50 mill em got paid. When i made 60 mill dre got paid. When i made 80 mill jimmy got paid. Plus he had 10% interest in vitamin water coca cola bought them for 4.2 billion do the math homie. Forbes dont know the exact amount in 50 bank. 50 too smart.
I thought this was about 50 and Steve. I been reading comments and I see more comments about Ross! 50 the new Ja Rule. When you think about Ja Rule you think about 50 Cent. Now when you think about 50 Cent you think about Ross lol
50 cent said in straight to the bank. When i made 50 mill em got paid. When i made 60 mill dre got paid. When i made 80 mill jimmy got paid. Plus he had 10% interest in vitamin water coca cola bought them for 4.2 billion do the math homie. Forbes dont know the exact amount in 50 bank. 50 too smart. .
@Mylo yeah that’s real shit becuz I just started viewing this site about 2 weeks ago.I don’t know how I didn’t go to this site but I do now and 50’s post on RAP RADAR have gotten the most views and comments since I started viewing this site.
But if you read half the comments they about ROSS not 50 LOL and ross aint got shit to do with this BEEF LOL so WHO WINNING?
@Mylo that shit crazy becuz for 50 to not be generating a big buzz like Drake,K.Dot,Ross and Jay Z ppl who love/hate FIF alwayz seems to be drawn over by his post on RAP RADAR.Rather the comments our positive or just ppl hating.Ross don’t get that and his album out.LOL
Yall both talked about ROSS on a 50 topic lol If you add up all the comments on this topic about and add that to the 44 who got the most? because HALF THESE COMMENTS about ROSS! LOL Yall CANT talk about 50 WITHOUT bringing up ROSS!
50 ran up on Carl Winslow….
“50 cent, im on fire cuz shady said so…”- 50 cent