50 Cent Throws First Pitch At Citi Field
May 27, 2014 @ 8:29 PM EDT

Don’t Quit Your Day Job.
50 was back in Queens this evening to throw out the first pitch at Citi Field. Unfortunately, he completely missed his mark. Let’s hope Animal Ambition doesn’t follow the same trajectory. Album in stores June 3rd.
How does a grown ass man not know how to toss a baseball
omg… i was like “what is this nigga chronic talking about….” then i watched the video…
daaaaaaaaaamn, homie…
Maybe 50 is one of those left handed peolpe who throw, kick, or shoot hoops with the right? I mean, i HOPE
lol, so why would he use his left? This one is hard to defend my friend.
lol. peep http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0bRg4QF4Rk he kina dope but sound like kanye. 50 hard
If we compare the pitch to the numbers his album its gonna do, this was his best accomplishement this week!
I’m sorry, maybe it’s just me….but I could care less how multi-millionaire rappers throw a baseball. Funny, but whatever.
my nigga lucky lefty forgot to kiss the wifey goodnight and cared oh so much to type a comment in 140 characters or less.
You’re reaching. It’s not that real, dude.
lol think to yourselves for a second, if he threw a perfect pitch like ice cube did shit would go unnoticed, this shit is all over the blogs and everything now, these people know what they doing
100% true.
Ok, fair enough. so what you’re saying is that he’s so thirsty for album attention that he is willing to look like a bitch on national television just to sell a record? #WhatWouldRickRossDo
ITS 50
lmfao wtf 50. man my nephews can throw a baseball better than that
You guys are idiots. 50 threw like that on purpose just to keep his name buzzing before his album drops.
No, you’re the idiot if you really believe that shit
tmz has video of him throwing them strikes in the bullpen just before
OK, fake Dwight Stewart, Then 50 is just a thirsty bitch if he’s willing to deliberately embarrass himself to sell a few albums. Times must be harder than we thought for his rap career.
LMAO sorry but this was HILARIOUS
Curtis Wild Thing Jackson
He always does it for the press.
why would anyone pay money for a mediocre album when he already gave away every track for free .. it literally makes no sense .. I been a 50 fan for over 10 years but this was a terrible marketing strategy .. this dude got an album dropping next week and nobody gives a shit cuz they already heard the album weeks ago .. I feel like im missing something but this album hasn’t come out yet and its already old news..
I love waking up to comments like this.!! niggas on blogs giving successful millionaires business advice About marketing But yet never marketed nothing in they dam lives themselves …
well watch fifs album flop then. Even after all advices from marketing experts with diplomas and shit. Guys like you are morons who think just because a person has been successful then he can’t do wrong.
Maybe they studied marketing in school?
Truthfully, 50 has already stated that AA is being put out for him to reposition himself in the current musical climate (which I genuinely find to be true). AA was gonna be a damn glorified mixtape but now he’s using it to get back into the spotlight so that he can finally drop SKI. AA is so that he can do all these concerts now and get back into the spotlight.
“Street King Immortal” will be the album he swings for the fences with later this year. Just hope it works out.
Or maybe no one cares bc his music is trash. His passion is gone and so are his fans
He actually didn’t give out the tracks for free at all. He sold each one on iTunes. He’s already made $3 Million off the album already so how is it a terrible marketing strategy?
Hip hop really changed bro this nigga has an album out next week n nobody gives a flying fuck
it changed, but Fif’s album is AVERAGE. Shit has no longevity and is just average. No one’s buying the album. Interscope was doing Fif a favor buy pushing his average shit back from release.
Word. No one cares for 50 cent anymore. But, he sill got more money than anyone on this site
we’re not talking about how much money he has you money counting bitch
whoa, kinda harsh there, buddy. I was just agreeing with your statement, but also highlighting how he doesn need to make new music bc of his amount of wealth.
actually, you’re wrong. If fifty’s album was a huge success then he could get new amazing partnerships with certain companies, which would bring in new possibilities like back in the day when he was “hot”. he wants to be at the top of the show biz again.
interscope had nothing to do with this material period it was supposed to be a mixtape, clowns kill me actiing like they know what the they talking about foh
bruh, dude practically released the WHOLE album already, what’s there to give a fuck about??
oh… so that’s why he started selling drugs.
50 thought the camera man was the catcher, just a bit outside…. the announcer went Bob Uecker haha.
Darryl Strawberry threw better when he was high on cocaine
I meant Doc Gooden but you get my drift.
Juuust a bit outside!!!!!! lol
Funny… I’m gonna throw his new album the same way!
Well at least he can hoop and play football lol, it was funny he even on instagram going in on himself….
damn that was bad it had to be on purpose lol this story is everywhere even the news in Europe right before his release
Is his new album still coming out?
Funny thing is @50cent throws better than 90% of the @Mets pitching roster!!
46th law of power: “NEVER APPEAR TOO PERFECT”.
In fact, he was doing it right!
Stop it, please stop it.
this shit is getting way more media coverage than it should be…
He did the shit on purpose its to obvious to keep people talking bout him……. and what are people doing TALKING BOUT HIM. 50 be on his business shit 24/7
why hasn’t rr updated this with 50’s response and the video from tmz showing him practicing before perfect
dude clearly knew what he was doing
UPDATE http://www.tmz.com/2014/05/28/50-cent-opening-pitch-strikes-video/
TMZ has a video of this man throwing strikes just before he walked out to pitch hmmm? Album out next week, gained a bunch of publicity……. he threw those other pitches perfectly
desperate times call for desperate measures i guess.
don’t hate on Fif just yet ha ha ha ha, he knows what he is doing ha
if he has to do this to get publicity then we should be a little concerned. Not even Ross went this far.
Ross would never get asked to do anything remotely athletic…
Free Promo, Now his name is buzzing.
this publicity stunt won’t make people buy his album so it was pointless
The things niggas do for attention. Is this the same guy who got shot 9 times? It kinda makes sense now.
What makes sense? You think he took 9 slugs for attention? Fucking moron he capitalized on his amazing life story.
50 got invited to throw a first pitch, you’re living at your mom’s house finishing up a bag of flaming hot Cheetos, I’m not sure ya’ll have a right to talk shit about this man or his pitch.
you probably was doing that exact same thing thats why you said it you here in RR comments just like us shut your faggot ass up
you mean 50 PAID to throw out the first pitch! When you SEE 50 on TV and on the RADIO he PAID to be there! Ain’t nobody CALLING 50 for shit! He SPENDING BIG BUCKS! That’s why he can’t AFFORD to BABY SIT Yayo and Banks no more. lol 50 don’t get BOOKED for SHOWS in the U.S! He PAYING to be on Summer Jam! It comes out of his MARKETING BUDGET! Since he INDIE now and SPENDING HIS OWN MONEY that mean his BUDGET whatever he want to spend! You think they just put up that BIG ASS BILLBOARD in TIME SQUARE just because he 50 CENT? FUCK NO! 50 SPENT MILLIONS on that shit!
you are retarded! He’s headlining summer jam, Met Life concert, Good Morning America concert series.. but no one books him?
Of course he paid for that big ass billboard in times square… just like Jay-Z did for Roc Sports. they don’t give out billboard space for free. As for the tv and radio he doesn’t have to pay them i never heard of anyone buying themselves a first pitch.
This will make him sell more copies of Animal Ambition. I’m predicting somewhere between 300-450 k the first week. Before the end of the year AA will be platinum.
I see about 60K copies the first week with 50 buying about 30K copies his self.
you guys don’t know but , celebrities are suppose to miss that through , it is good publicity. it make people talk .
good thing he’s not a pitcher.