King Los “The Backroom” Freestyle
June 4, 2014 @ 10:03 PM EDT

B-More Civil.
A jammed middle finger isn’t going to keep King Los on the DL. Earlier on 106, Los hit the booth and did what he does best, as part of this week’s Backroom freestyle.
son got off. real talk.
he killed it till the beat went off then just got a lil corny.
he dope but his freestyle is too long and he ain’t saying nothing..
Remember that week when he was killin every freestyle (on Sway and shit), but this one….nah. Got too many corny lines. He killed the acapella tho
this dude is unreal, his freestyles compete with Eminem’s westwood freestyle.. and yeah maybe he isn’t saying anything, but regardless it is still 100% off the top of the dome and I’ll take that any day over some stupid and fake ass “prewritten freestyles” gtfo here with that shit
Well fucking shit.. He went in.
baltimore shit.
well shit. dude went in
Fuck it! Los should battle somebody*